
The Chinese giant Chery wants to manufacture in Barcelona. The reason is simple: Spain buys many cheap cars

Chery’s plans to produce in Barcelona continue and, according to , are very close to completion. The Chinese giant intends to produce vehicles in the plant that Nissan had in Barcelona and seems to be very close to reaching a final agreement.

Information from the economic media assures that the automobile group has sent two emissaries to Barcelona to meet with the D-Hub consortium, which has managed the Nissan facilities since the Japanese firm abandoned its soil and, ultimately, a large part of their expectations in the European market.

Since then, who and why kept the Nissan facilities in the Barcelona Free Trade Zone has been a mass of rumors. Along the way there was talk that the Chinese Great Wall Motors could take over the facilities but, finally, everything ended with a refusal. The one who put the most effort was the D-Hubwho stayed with it and which is now key.

Some fringes to close

The D-Hub is a project led by QEV Technologies and B-Tech with Goodman as partners. After months of tensions over the financial responsibilities of each of them in the reindustrialization of the facilities, last March the Barcelona city council handed over the keys to the plant.

The approval allows QEV and B-Tech the operation of the facilities for 50 years and comes after different projects related to electric mobility have been confirmed. For example, QEV has already agreed to produce 1,500 electric vans for Bimbo to make its deliveries in Mexico.

The creation of the Zeroid brand of commercial vehicles has also been announced and the intention is to reborn Ebro as a brand of completely electric pick-ups. There is also talk of producing Silence electric mopeds. And, now, it is Chery that seems to give a definitive boost to the reindustrialization process.

The Chinese automobile giant has confirmed that it is looking for facilities in Spain (and, more specifically, in Barcelona) to produce its new vehicles in our country, coinciding with the trip of the emissaries which was signed up from.

The manufacturer will enter our country with Omoda, a brand that intends to fight for the lower part of the market with SUVs with combustion engines and, later, electric ones. The example of MG, which has in the MG4 Electric one of the best-selling electric cars in Spain and has positioned the MG ZS as the best-selling last August, shows that there is a niche in our country for low-cost vehicles.

At the moment, according to the economic newspaper, it remains to be decided what the production of the units that Chery will assemble in our country will be like. It remains to be discussed whether all assembly line It will be based on Spanish soil or, on the contrary, the cars will arrive partially assembled and will end up being assembled in Barcelona.

Chery’s intentions seem to be to produce 15,000 units per year, which could be expanded to a total of 30,000 cars each year. They also point out that the Asian giant plans to launch up to five different brands and 15 models of its vehicles in our country, in long-term plans that have the combustion, hybrid and low-priced vehicle as their main attraction.


The word “serrano” is prohibited in Riot Games and you can be punished for using it, but there is a reason for it

One of Riot Games’ eternal struggles is against toxicity in their games. He bad player behavior It has affected the company’s image on multiple occasions and they have made efforts for years to avoid a situation that has been shown to cause many users to avoid their video games. One of the last attempts at improvement was the introduction of a real-time intervention and text analysis system that has been introduced in Valorant in its most recent update. This tool can punish users who use the game chat to insult their teammates during games and it is quite useful. However, its implementation has led to a surreal moment that almost no one in the community has understood Spanish of the video game.

A new Valorant feature is to blame

If you type the word “serrano” in the Valorant chat, you will receive a punishment. This is not a joke. Just sending this text in a message triggers an automatic chat hang. The punishment is much more severe than it seems, since it blocks communications and prevents players from searching ranked matches or use the recently released Premier Mode. It didn’t take long for jokes about the ham to arrive. The situation has given rise to numerous jokes, but, above all, to great confusion in the community. The bulk of users simply did not understand what the problem was. It is normal because, in reality, this is a chain of problems.

The truth is that “serrano” if it is an insult. In Peru it is a derogatory way of referring to people with Andean features. A word that mixes the usual stereotypes against townspeople with racism due to the physical characteristics or cultural customs of the people who are defined by this term. No one in Spain or in most of Latin America uses it with this meaning, being much more common to use it to talk about ham or someone related to the mountains. However, the automated system does not take into account the cultural context or that of the conversation itself. Simply detects that it is an offensive word and applies punishments to the players.

STOP ME, I PUT SERRANO HAM, I’M CRAZY@RiotSupportES look at this and go…

— RBLS DANIKONGI ®️? (@DaniKongi) August 2, 2023

The rest of the problem has been created by both Riot Games and the community. The developers have sinned from a lack of foresight or knowledge. Although there may be a technical challenge that we’re not considering, avoiding the problem seems as easy as create exceptions per server and make “serrano” not a reason for punishment if you are connected in Europe. The spread of the news through social networks has not helped. There aren’t many reasons to type the word in video game chat, and most users have done so after being trolled by your teammates or enemies.

The only positive part of the situation is that players have the possibility to Submit a report to Riot Games Player Support if they have been punished for using the word disrespectfully to other team members or enemies. At the moment and in the absence of a definitive solution, yes, it is better to keep the serrano as a taboo subject in the tactical shooter.