
Disappearance of Lina, 15 years old: new research carried out in Alsace – Éditions local Ouest-France

  1. Disappearance of Lina, 15 years old: a new search carried out in AlsaceLocal editions West-France
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How to find Warlord and Strauss research in MW3 Zombies?

Both The Warlord and Strauss’s Researches are part of the Tier 3 Mission Storm the castle in the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Zombies campaign. Before going to the warlord, you must first find the destination on the map, complete the mercenary camp, and then clear the mercenary fortress.

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Where is the research of the warlord and Strauss?

You can find Warlord during the Storm the castle mission after completing the first two chapters. he is inside a heavily guarded fortress, and he is armed and very dangerous. After killing Warlord, there is a chance that he will drop his weapon and, more importantly, Strauss’s research article.

Mercenary Camp

To access the final part of the Storm the Castle mission, you must first complete the Merc Camp and clear the Merc Fortress. The first part of this mission is heading towards the Mercenary Camp in the northeastern part of the map. To clear the first check, you must fragment each mercenary.

After clearing the Merc Camp, you will get the access card to the Merc Stronghold. You can also buy the key card for 2,000 points, but in this case you will get it as a reward for completing the first part of the mission.

The Merc Fortress

The Merc Stronghold is a little harder to clean. It’s bigger and there are stronger enemies, including the Riot Shielders. Make sure you have enough utilities to handle everything inside. Somewhere inside a fortress you will find a safe and you should start drilling into it. Be aware that breaking into the safe will attract reinforcements, so you’ll need to take care of that as well. Once you finish breaking the safe, you will find the fortress key card. This article, called Legacy Key Cardis needed for the next part, so make sure to bring it with you.

The fortress

To find the Warlord, you must access the fortress located at northwest side of the map (or top left if that’s easier). There are several ways to enter the fortress, but before that you need to take care of the attack helicopter. Once you destroy the helicopter, you need to make your way inside.

This fortress is strongly defended; it has numerous sentry turrets as well as elite armored enemies. Additionally, there are backup helicopters that will constantly drop melee mercenaries. After clearing the camp, you follow the icon and use the Legacy keycard on the gate.

Coming in, there would be two riot shield guys. You should bring them out into the open and take care of them. After that, you will be able to make your way inside the main building. Be careful; There is Bouncing Bettys on the ground and various spring traps, so watch your step. There are also inflatable decoys that will trigger a flash-bang once you shoot them, so avoid that.

The Warlord

The warlord is on the top floor of the building in the middle of the Fortress. After leaving the building, you will see a door. Behind this door is the warlord. Warlord is the toughest opponent in the mission, and he is more than equipped to take you on quickly. His main weapon is the shotgun, and he can rip you to shreds with it. The Riot Shield guys also protect it, and I recommend eliminating them first.

Be very careful when approaching the Warlord as his equipment is very destructive. After having succeeded in kill the warlordhe’s going to let it go Strauss’s research element so you can check two elements at once. Sometimes Warlord doesn’t give up on the search for Strauss after the first playthrough, so you may have to start the mission again. You will also collect Warlord’s shotgun, the Fire Haymaker.