
Pourquoi Big Ten a suspendu Jim Harbaugh du Michigan et quelle est la prochaine étape

Mark Schlabach et Adam Rittenberg10 novembre 2023, 19h00 HELecture de 9 minutes

Le Big Ten a suspendu Jim Harbaugh du Michigan de ses fonctions d’entraîneur lors des trois derniers matchs de saison régulière de son équipe de football, à commencer par la confrontation de samedi au numéro 10 de Penn State.

L’annonce de vendredi du commissaire du Big Ten, Tony Pettiti, est intervenue 23 jours après que la NCAA ait notifié pour la première fois la conférence et les responsables du Michigan qu’elle avait reçu des informations crédibles selon lesquelles les Wolverines n°3 avaient été impliqués dans un stratagème de vol de pancartes, dans lequel l’analyste Connor Stalions et d’autres ont repéré. futurs adversaires hors campus, ce qui est interdit par les règles de la NCAA depuis 1994.

La décision de Pettiti a été à la fois étonnante et rapide. Est-ce que ça tiendra le coup ? Le président du Michigan, Santa Ono, a déclaré vendredi dans un communiqué que l’université cherchait à obtenir une ordonnance du tribunal pour annuler la suspension de Harbaugh.

Voici ce que nous savons jusqu’à présent sur l’enquête du Michigan.

Comment le Big Ten est-il arrivé à sa décision ?

Dans une lettre de 13 pages envoyée vendredi au directeur des sports du Michigan, Warde Manuel, Petitti a écrit que les Big Ten pensaient que le Michigan « avait violé la politique d’esprit sportif parce qu’un membre du personnel de football de l’université s’était engagé dans un dépistage préalable en personne organisé et approfondi pendant des années. projet qui était inadmissible. »

« Le but de ce stratagème était d’obtenir un avantage injuste en volant les pancartes des équipes que l’équipe de football de l’université devait jouer plus tard dans la saison », a déclaré Petitti. « Une telle conduite compromet intrinsèquement l’intégrité de la concurrence. »

Petitti a écrit que même si la ligue a informé les autres programmes du Big Ten des allégations, « l’effet sur les adversaires de l’équipe de football de l’université reste persistant ».

« L’intégrité de la compétition est l’épine dorsale de toute conférence ou ligue sportive », a déclaré Petitti. « Cela est particulièrement vrai pour les compétitions sportives entre étudiants-athlètes. Les athlètes s’affrontent pour gagner. Une compétition qui ne vise qu’à gagner au mépris des règles du fair-play nous diminue tous, y compris nos institutions. L’intégrité de la compétition doit être prééminente. Son La valeur est fondamentale et dépasse de loin la valeur du gain ; en fait, elle est la source même de toute valeur dans le gain. »

Parce que le Big Ten estime que le Michigan a commis des violations cette saison, Petitti a écrit qu’il était approprié d’imposer une sanction maintenant.

« Appliquer la politique d’esprit sportif avec une discipline appropriée cette saison, à la lumière des violations établies par l’Université cette saison, est donc de la plus haute importance pour protéger la réputation de la Conférence et de ses institutions membres et pour garantir que nos compétitions sur le terrain sont honorables et équitables.  » Petitti a écrit.

Que savait Harbaugh du stratagème ?

Depuis le début, Harbaugh a nié avoir eu connaissance du stratagème de vol de pancartes et a déclaré qu’il n’avait jamais demandé aux membres du personnel d’enfreindre les règles de la NCAA. Petitti a affirmé à Manuel que la ligue n’avait encore reçu aucune preuve indiquant que Harbaugh était au courant du stratagème.

« Ce n’est pas une sanction de l’entraîneur Harbaugh », a écrit Petitti. « Il s’agit d’une sanction contre l’Université qui, dans les circonstances extraordinaires présentées par cette conduite offensive, correspond le mieux à la violation car : (1) elle préserve la capacité des étudiants-athlètes de football de l’Université à continuer de concourir ; et (2) elle reconnaît que l’entraîneur-chef incarne l’Université aux fins de son programme de football.

Dans une déclaration suite à la démission des Stalions le 3 novembre, son avocat, Brad Beckworth, a déclaré : « Connor souhaite également préciser qu’à sa connaissance, ni l’entraîneur Harbaugh, ni aucun autre entraîneur ou membre du personnel, n’a dit à quiconque de rompre tout contrat. règles ou étaient au courant d’une conduite inappropriée concernant les récentes allégations de reconnaissance avancée.

De quelles preuves le Big Ten disposait-il pour parvenir à cette décision ?

Selon la lettre de Petitti, la NCAA a fourni au Big Ten une « feuille de calcul principale » contenant de nombreux détails sur le fonctionnement du projet des Stalions. Il comprenait :

  • Un tableau vaste et détaillé qui comprenait les noms de diverses personnes chargées d’assister aux matchs de football passés et futurs impliquant les adversaires du Michigan.

  • Missions pour les individus d’assister à des matchs passés et futurs impliquant des programmes de football de haut niveau et non Big Ten.

  • Notes indiquant si la participation serait nécessaire aux matchs en fonction de divers scénarios de victoire/perte.

  • Les calendriers 2023 des adversaires de football du Michigan.

  • Codage couleur pour refléter les jeux passés auxquels ont participé des individus et les jeux futurs dans lesquels un dépistage serait nécessaire.

  • Les noms de personnes affectées à des villes et à certaines régions du pays.

  • Coûts monétaires pour le dépistage de certains jeux.

De plus, Pettiti a déclaré qu’il y avait une feuille de travail distincte dans la feuille de calcul principale qui montrait « des traductions narratives de signes et de signaux correspondant à des formations et des jeux d’équipe spécifiques ».

Entre le 20 octobre et le 4 novembre, selon Petitti, la conférence a reçu des documents supplémentaires d’autres membres du Big Ten montrant des Stalions achetant des billets pour des matchs impliquant les adversaires du Michigan. Selon la ligue, il existe des preuves selon lesquelles il a acheté des billets pour au moins quatre matchs en 2021, 13 en 2022 et cinq au cours des sept premières semaines de cette saison. « Les billets étaient stratégiquement situés près du milieu de terrain, face aux lignes de touche des futurs adversaires », indique la lettre.

Le commissaire de la SEC, Greg Sankey, a informé le Big Ten que les Stalions avaient acheté des billets pour le match de championnat de la SEC à Atlanta.

Le Big Ten a également examiné des photos et des vidéos qui, selon lui, montrent le membre du personnel debout sur la touche, à côté d’autres entraîneurs du Michigan.

Le 2 octobre 2021, lors d’un match contre le Wisconsin, les Stalions étaient « aux côtés du coordinateur défensif de l’Université de l’époque ». Lors d’un match à Ohio State le 26 novembre 2022, les Stalions ont regardé la ligne de touche adverse, puis ont fait signe à la défense du Michigan « en réaction aux signaux fournis à l’offensive adverse ». Lors d’une demi-finale du CFP au VRBO Fiesta Bowl la saison dernière (au cours de laquelle les Wolverines ont perdu contre TCU, 51-45), les Stalions se tenaient à côté du coordinateur défensif du Michigan et « lui parlaient tout en observant attentivement ce qui se passait sur le terrain et/ou la ligne de touche du TCU. Parmi les preuves recueillies par le Big Ten auprès de la NCAA figuraient d’autres documents corroborants, des photos, des vidéos et des « enregistrements d’entretiens importants », qui, selon le Big Ten, « confirment l’existence du projet inadmissible ».

L’action du Big Ten est-elle sans précédent ?

Le Big Ten a imposé de la discipline dans le cadre de sa politique d’esprit sportif, notamment des suspensions pour les entraîneurs et les joueurs.

En février 2022, le Big Ten a suspendu l’entraîneur de basket-ball masculin du Michigan, Juwan Howard, pour cinq matchs – le reste de la saison régulière de son équipe – et lui a infligé une amende de 40 000 $ pour avoir frappé l’assistant du Wisconsin, Joe Krabbenhoft, au visage lors d’une bagarre lors d’un match. La ligue a également infligé une amende de 10 000 $ à l’entraîneur des Badgers, Greg Gard. Les deux sanctions relevaient de la politique d’esprit sportif du Big Ten.

Ce qui distingue la discipline de vendredi, c’est que le Big Ten a choisi d’agir au milieu d’une enquête en cours de la NCAA pour des violations potentielles de la NCAA. La déclaration du Big Ten du 19 octobre a suggéré qu’elle laisserait se dérouler le long processus de la NCAA, affirmant que la ligue « continuera à surveiller l’enquête ». Ce n’est qu’après la publication d’informations supplémentaires, comme indiqué dans la lettre du Big Ten à Manuel vendredi, que la ligue s’est véritablement engagée dans la possibilité de discipliner le Michigan dans le cadre de sa politique d’esprit sportif.

Que fait le Michigan maintenant ?

Dans un communiqué, Ono a déclaré que l’école chercherait à obtenir une ordonnance du tribunal pour bloquer la suspension de Harbaugh pour trois matchs par le Big Ten. Ono a écrit que l’université avait droit à un « processus juste, délibéré et réfléchi » pour déterminer les faits avant qu’un jugement ne soit rendu.

« L’action d’aujourd’hui du commissaire Tony Petitti ne tient pas compte du propre manuel de la Conférence, viole les principes fondamentaux d’une procédure régulière et crée un précédent intenable consistant à évaluer des sanctions avant qu’une enquête ne soit terminée », a écrit Ono. « Nous sommes consternés par la précipitation du commissaire à porter un jugement alors qu’une enquête de la NCAA est en cours – une enquête à laquelle nous coopérons pleinement. »

Ono a également contesté la décision de Petitti d’imposer de la discipline lors de la Journée des anciens combattants, lorsque les tribunaux étatiques et fédéraux sont fermés en l’honneur de la fête nationale. Ono a accusé le Big Ten d’avoir tenté « d’empêcher l’Université de demander une réparation judiciaire immédiate » et a déclaré que ce n’était « pas un profil d’impartialité ».

« L’action précipitée du commissaire Petitti aujourd’hui suggère qu’il s’agit davantage d’une réaction aux pressions des autres membres de la Conférence que d’un désir d’appliquer les règles de manière juste et impartiale », a écrit Ono. « En prenant cette mesure à cette heure, le commissaire se met personnellement sur la touche et modifie les règles du jeu équitables qu’il prétend préserver. »

La plupart des tribunaux ont des juges de garde pendant les vacances et le week-end pour les affaires urgentes. Des experts juridiques ont déclaré à ESPN cette semaine que les responsables du Michigan demanderaient probablement une décision ex parte sur une ordonnance d’interdiction temporaire, ce qui signifie que le juge pourrait rendre une décision après avoir entendu l’argument de Harbaugh sans réfutation du Big Ten.

Des sources ont déclaré à ESPN que le Michigan chercherait probablement à se présenter devant un juge d’un tribunal d’État, plutôt que devant un tribunal fédéral de Détroit.

Un avocat impliqué dans des affaires liées à des infractions à la NCAA depuis des décennies a déclaré à ESPN qu’il serait surpris si le Michigan trouvait un juge prêt à intervenir dans cette affaire.

« La plupart des juges seront réticents à se lancer dans les affaires d’une association bénévole, à moins que le plaignant ne puisse démontrer que l’association ne respecte clairement pas ses propres règles ou agit de manière arbitraire ou capricieuse », a déclaré l’avocat.

Quelles sont les dernières nouvelles de l’enquête de la NCAA ?

La NCAA n’a pas encore envoyé d’avis d’allégations au Michigan, mais la lettre de Petitti montre que la NCAA fait des progrès. Petitti a noté comment le président de la NCAA, Charlie Baker, a été directement impliqué dans la communication d’informations sur l’enquête, à partir du 18 octobre, lorsqu’il a organisé un appel avec Petitti et les membres du personnel de Big Ten et du Michigan. Baker a clairement compris l’urgence des violations présumées.

Lors d’un appel le 2 novembre avec le Big Ten et le Michigan, Baker et le personnel de la NCAA ont déclaré qu’ils « savaient et pouvaient prouver » la vaste opération de vol de signaux menée par les Stalions.

« Il est rare et en dehors des protocoles typiques de la NCAA que la NCAA divulgue des informations sur une enquête active à des institutions autres que l’institution faisant l’objet de l’enquête », a écrit Petitti. « Cependant, la NCAA a déclaré et estimé que la divulgation était nécessaire en raison de la portée sans précédent du projet alors allégué, et en raison de l’impact significatif que ce projet interdit pourrait avoir sur la compétition au cours de la saison de football en cours. Il était également extraordinaire que le Le président de la NCAA a organisé et participé à l’appel, soulignant non seulement la gravité des allégations mais aussi les impacts immédiats. »

Petitti a ajouté que même si l’enquête de la NCAA est en cours pour déterminer qui d’autre était au courant ou était impliqué dans l’opération de vol de signaux, l’association avait la conviction « incontestée » que le stratagème avait eu lieu. Néanmoins, le processus de la NCAA pour mener à bien son enquête et faire respecter les infractions se poursuivra probablement jusqu’en 2024, voire au-delà.

« La NCAA prend l’intégrité des compétitions au sérieux et lorsque l’Association a des raisons de soulever des questions urgentes auprès des écoles et des ligues concernant l’intégrité des compétitions, elle l’a fait et continuera de le faire », a déclaré la NCAA dans un communiqué. « La NCAA a reçu le consentement de l’école avant de partager les informations référencées dans le document. Les processus d’enquête et d’infraction de la NCAA se poursuivront dans cette affaire. »

Une suspension d’une saison s’appliquerait-elle au CFP ou uniquement aux matchs du Big Ten ?

Le Big Ten a précisé que la suspension de Harbaugh ne s’appliquerait qu’à la saison régulière. Si le Michigan se qualifie pour le match de championnat Big Ten, il serait autorisé à entraîner à Indianapolis. Harbaugh serait également éligible pour entraîner le Michigan lors des matchs éliminatoires du football universitaire ou d’autres matchs de bowling.

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Pebble beaches, lakes, rivers, water park… our ten swimming spots in Haute-Garonne

the essential

Between two swims, spread out your towel on the sand, lie down and think of nothing, that’s what vacation is all about! Here are some corners where you can recharge your batteries by the water, in Haute-Garonne.

1/ In the shade of the pines of Lake Saint-Ferréol

Head to Saint-Ferréol lake, near Revel, for a well-deserved break in an exceptional natural setting where you can picnic, walk in the shade of the pine forest (around the lake is 4.5 km, count one hour) and of course take a bath. So many assets that make this very beautiful 67-hectare lake designed by Pierre-Paul Riquet, a very popular place for joggers, cyclists and families, particularly because of its accessibility. Swimming is authorized and supervised in summer in a delimited area. During this period, qualified lifeguards watch, from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. At the brand new Sport & Nature area, it is possible to rent paddle boats and pedal boats to navigate along the water.

2/ Farniente on the fine sand of La Ramée

With its fine sand beach and its lake, La Ramée offers an unexpected swimming area, in Tournefeuille, to Toulouse residents in search of sun and escape. But also all lovers of idleness.
This year, the supervised swimming area is delimited by a green floating dike, equipped with a skirt going to the bottom of the lake. It must make it possible to limit as much as possible the formation and proliferation of cyanobacteria, which appear at high temperatures. Last summer, these algae ruined the season. This summer, all measures have been taken to guarantee risk-free swimming until August 27, every day from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and until 8 p.m. in the event of a heat wave. Thirteen lifeguards take turns on the site, including 7-8 permanently, knowing that the Ramée bathing site can accommodate up to 400 bathers simultaneously.

3/ In Caraman, on the edge of White Orme Lake

Here, in Caraman, in the Lauragais on the edge of the white elm lake, summer is in full swing. With its tree-lined banks that offer beautiful walks over 1.5 km and its wooden picnic tables, this 5-hectare lake is one of the favorite places to relax for families. Its Beach corner has been open since June, swimming is supervised there every day from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. until September 1st. Access to this 80-metre space is free for residents of Caraman, campsite users and children under 3 years old, others will have to pay €2.50. Right next door, the Aquapark and its many water games promise great sensations (also paying). So that the happiness of summer visitors is complete, it is also possible to rent paddles, enjoy an ice cream at the small restaurant, or indulge in the pleasures of fishing. This is authorized on the lake where the fishing environment is particularly rich and varied (information at the Fishing Club). What else…

4/ At Lake Thésauque, it’s time to jump into the water

Between Nailloux and Montgeard, the lake of Thésauque, with its 33 hectares, assures you of beautiful walks on its banks and some beautiful dives. Swimming is free and authorized every day, with an equipped beach (which has grown this year), as well as the establishment of a paddling pool for the little ones. The space is supervised in July and August from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. The leisure center managed by the Aquaparc Lauragais offers several aquatic activities: pedal boat, paddle and kayak rental. There is also the Aquaparc, an inflatable water play area for children who can swim, and this year’s great novelty, the Water Jump with water slides.

5/ The Aouach, on the banks of the Garonne, attracts in spite of itself

In summer, and more particularly on weekends, the place called Aouach, in Fauga located 10 kilometers south of Muret, is invaded by a flood of holidaymakers. It must be said that the place lends itself to relaxation. Located on the banks of the Garonne, it benefits from pebble beaches and generous shade. Many city dwellers therefore come to spend a few hours of relaxation and swimming there, even if it is not authorized.

6/ In Muret, Lac des Bonnets is still a hit

Without competing with the Aqualudia aquatic complex, the Bonnets beach, in Muret, is about to confirm its success for the 5th year. Open every day from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. (3 to 4.5 €), it unfurls its canvases of white sand and its games. For those who want to prolong the evening at the water’s edge, a break at the La Java guinguette is a must.

7/ In Montréjeau, dive facing the Pyrenees

Thanks to its Blue Flag label and its idyllic setting at the foot of the Pyrenees, Lake Montréjeau attracts an ever-increasing public, including many families. And for good reason, with completely free entry and parking, the site hosts a wide variety of sporting and leisure activities and events. In addition, in the summer season, swimming is authorized, free and supervised in the demarcated area, every day from 12 p.m. to 7 p.m., until September 3. Children under 6 years old can enjoy a paddling pool. The beach also has a lifeguard station, toilets, shower and changing room.

8/ In Villemur, in the river

A free natural swimming area is available in the waters of the Tarn, near Villemur, north of Toulouse. Located on the left bank of the river, this confidential bathing place is supervised by a lifeguard. It also offers many water activities.

9/ In Carbonne, everyone has a blast!

At a place called “Baudean”, in Carbonne, in a former quarry, La Source Wake Park is a place of relaxation for the whole family. There is a water park, stand-up paddle and playgrounds. Since this summer, there is even a panoramic restaurant overlooking the swimming pool, shaded terraces and a laser tag.

10/ Otherwise in Toulouse, there are always swimming pools

In Toulouse, during the summer, the Minville, Jany, Nakache Summer, Bellevue, Castex, Chapou, Papus and Toulouse Lautrec swimming pools welcome you from Monday to Sunday with adapted opening hours. Thus, the Alfred Nakache swimming pool (3, allée Gabriel Biénès) is open from 12 p.m. to 7 p.m. on weekdays, and from 9:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. on weekends. The 25-meter swimming pool of Chapou (1, rue Saunière) welcomes you from Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., Saturday and Sunday, from 9:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. The Papus swimming pool (64, allée de Guyenne) awaits you offers all the daily from noon to 7 p.m. Alex Jany (chemin du Verdon) is open Monday to Sunday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. The Toulouse-Lautrec basin (26, impasse Barthe) is open from noon to 7 p.m. Alban Minville (1, place Martin Luther King) is accessible from Monday to Sunday, from 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. The Castex Olympic basin is open Monday to Sunday, from 9:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Finally, the Bellevue Nordic basin (69 ter, Narbonne route) is open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.


I’ve played the Pacific Drive demo for almost ten hours: this gem is the perfect definition of crazy love for a car

Surely most of you have at some point felt the so-called bus or cafeteria loves, those fleeting infatuations with people whom we will probably never see again. That’s exactly what I felt when I saw Pacific Drive for the first time during the Future Games Show in 2023. After rewatching the presentation, I gobbled up all the trailers, gameplays, and images I could find.

I’ve had almost three weeks to try out the Pacific Drive demo on Steam (PC). This is the early stages of the game and lasts 1-2 hours for anyone who gets straight to the point. There are a total of three locations dedicated to history and as many dedicated to exploration. They are small-medium sized open areas separated by fast travel.

In short, I have dedicated almost ten hours to the demo. Five or six of them playing as such and the rest trying things like disassembling all the parts of the car, falling off all the possible ravines, throwing the car down hills without a handbrake and more crazy things to test the limits of the game.

Pacific Drive: Exploration, Farming and Driving

Bluntly: I’m in love with Pacific Drive to the hilt and I can’t wait to have it in full on my PS5 to tell you all the details of this adventure. For the moment, it is enough to say that we are a young woman lost in a radioactive exclusion zone (Olympic Peninsula, USA) (STALKER or Metro) and our most powerful tool is a Buick Electra Estate Wagon (40s-60s).

It is difficult to pigeonhole Pacific Drive. Although it recalls Firewatch both in the prominence of the story and in the artistic section, it has a couple of equally important pillars: survival and simulation. I will explain as briefly as possible because the presentations do not do them justice.

  • Survival: exploration, mining and resource management, crafting all kinds of tools, parts, gadgets and consumables, skill development, upgrades… You must collect materials, upgrade the car and add upgrades to face all the problems and survive the journey through the exclusion zone.
  • Simulation: Its driving is halfway between arcade and realistic. It has very sophisticated physics and you can screw up any part of the car by being silly, from the engine itself to any of the parts of the sheet metal. Not to mention that the car has a battery (electricity) meter and that you can even suffer punctures, being able to repair the wheels with patches.

The part of the headline that says “it’s the perfect definition of crazy car love” is not an exaggeration. You can’t choose another car and the closest thing to having something unique is customizing it. Pacific Drive It puts you in the following situation: all you have is a beat-up Buick Electra Estate Wagon and you are forced to work with what you find along the way.

This means that you will spend dozens of hours restoring, improving, maintaining and driving the same car, sometimes even adapting it to different locations. After doing some research into the upgrade menus, I have come to the conclusion that the amount of parts for the car is overwhelming. We talked about how there are different tires, protections, roof racks and even specialized insulators for electricity and radiation, among others.

The message I want to convey to you is that Pacific Drive It is not a video game to consume quickly and move on to the next. Already from the demo it cries out for dedication and patience, souls capable of enjoying both the mechanical moments and driving during exploration. You don’t need to have knowledge of engines, but you must be willing to spend hours in the workshop.

It is impossible for me to tell you everything I want about the game without leaving a mile-long article. I have filled out a sheet of my notebook (two sides) with just notes, but I think what is shown is a fairly accurate summary. My goal was to make it clear that the adventure of Ironwood Studios It is deeper than it appears. I hope that the 25 minutes of gameplay will help in this task.

Now that I have clarified what I consider most important, I want to do a quick review of several relevant aspects, both positive and negative. The last few have not been very numerous, but they have been annoying.

  • The graphics and performance section They have performed perfectly at all times. It looks nice, the framerate is stable and I haven’t had any crashes.
  • I suffered a couple of bugs with the missions: They were not completed correctly or did not indicate the objective well. Some indications can be confusing. For example: the trunk door is considered a normal door. In fact, you have to make a normal door and it converts when you place it.
  • The protagonist urgently needs a flashlight, even if it has to be manufactured and powered with batteries. I have not found plans or options to turn it on in the controls. There are flares, but I don’t think they’re enough. Searching for resources indoors and at night is torture. You literally can’t see anything.
  • The subtitles couldn’t be worse placed. They are located in the upper area and are very difficult to read when you are driving. Taking into account that an accident is very expensive, they should be down by default.
  • The sound is great, it has music (radio) and the artistic section is for asking whoever designed it to marry you. The HUD and menus have a very cool retro-futuristic vibe similar to Pip-Boy from Fallout.

In conclusion: although the aspects to improve have been annoying (subtitles and flashlight especially), my first impressions on a general level are very good. I am very happy with Pacific Drive. I’m looking forward to analyzing it in its entirety and continuing to play at my own pace after its release on February 22, 2024 for PC and PS5. I recommend not losing track of it!


An interaction that has been around for more than ten years in League of Legends will be more important than ever in Season 14. Riot will give more weight to “nemesis missions”

One of the great objectives of the League of Legends development team for the coming years is enhance the ‘lore’. This is a logical move, since the video game universe has extraordinary potential, but to date it is largely untapped. It is true that it has given rise to the Arcane series and the launch of quite interesting ‘singleplayer’ titles. However, one could play Riot Games’ MOBA for hundreds of hours without knowing absolutely anything about its story. It is something that will be corrected little by little and the company’s first step is one of the most interesting. In the same patch in which Season 14 begins, they will be added to the title multitude of interactions between champions which will have a very interesting impact on the gameplay.

Riot Games always had the answer before their eyes

The big news from Riot Games is a mechanic that has been in the game for more than ten years. We refer to the “nemesis missions”. They are events that arise when certain champions coincide in a game as rivals and certain circumstances occur. The easiest way to explain it is with an example. When Kha’Zix (must be level 16) and Rengar (must have charged his passive) face each other in a game, a secondary mission can be activated and the first one who is able to kill his enemy “wins”. This is because, according to the game’s canon, Rengar has been trying to hunt down the void monster for a long time.

  • If Rengar kills Kha’Zix: Celebrate having finished off the monster. He gains an additional stack of his passive, which goes from offering 25% additional damage to 36%.
  • If Kha’Zix kills Rengar: Celebrates that he has been able to adapt since his enemy set his sights on him. He is able to evolve the fourth ability from him.

Rengar is the protagonist in one of the few “nemesis missions” that already exist in League of Legends.

Currently the game has a similar mission involving Senna, Lucian and Thresh. It works with a similar dynamic: it only activates in the late game and offers stat buffs to the player who completes it. In this sense, Riot Games’ goal is greatly increase the number of “nemesis missions” that will be available in the game. Looking ahead to the start of Season 14, with Patch 14.1 arriving on January 10, 2023, at least three new similar interactions have been announced.

  • Renekton and Nasus: The ultimate ability of the champion who wins the duel will cause him to increase in size even more and will have a longer duration.
  • Zed and Shen: If you gain Shen, your passive shield will be 30% stronger. If Zed wins, his passive will deal 2% of the enemy’s maximum health as additional damage.
  • Jax and Bel’Veth: The first to kill Baron Nashor wins. If Jax prevails, his attack speed increases by the equivalent of five stacks of Bel’Veth’s passive. If Bel’Veth is victorious, she will be able to activate her ultimate form every time she takes down Jax.
  • Jhin and Hwei (Now available): Activates when both champions are alive and at least level 12. The first to kill the other with their ultimate ability wins. If Hwei succeeds, he gains 3.33% magic penetration. If Jhin does this, he gains 4,444 lethality.

Hwei came to League of Legends with his own ‘quest’.

Riot Games had not dared to delve into this idea until now. League of Legends is a very competitive game that does not lend itself to this type of interactions, as they can offer unfair advantages to certain players. Despite this, the developer has decided to test how the game feels and wait for the community’s reactions. It should be noted that the nemesis missions will be available in both ranked and competitive missions. The logic behind this, while not publicly communicated, seems simple. On the one hand, there are a lot of users who only play ranked games. On the other hand, the developer’s policy is that there should be no differences between the “classes” and the professional game.

The truth is It’s an interesting change to better leverage the history of League of Legends and convey it appropriately to the community. Clearly it might not work by disrupting competitive integrity. However, if this is the case, there is always the possibility that Riot Games will eliminate them. In fact, it doesn’t seem like a coincidence that Riot Games starts by only introducing four interactions when the ‘lore’ gives rise to more than two dozen missions as you are.


The ten rarest skins for wards

We currently have 81 ward skins available in the game. Before Hextech Crafting was released, few people had skins for them. The situation changed after the release of the said system. However, some skins are still seen less often than others. And today we will deal with just them.

League of Legends is – as is commonly known – a free-to-play game. However, everyone has to earn money – especially if the community in the game is more numerous than the population of most countries of the world. That is why there are micropayments in the game that do not give you any advantage. With Riot Points that we buy for real money, we can not only buy characters or cosmetic changes to them. There are also skins for wards. Rito earns millions of dollars on all this. However, we are not talking about money here, but about skins for wards …

Some skins were only available for a certain period of time – during an event or as a reward for the season. So you can say that they are exclusive. So much that only a small percentage of players have them. Here are these “rarest” ward skins:

10. Nightbringer Ward

Skin available only during the VS event period. Additionally, the only option to get it was to purchase the Chaos Pass. This is the reason why quite few people have it. Most often seen in Yasuo Maines.

9. Gingerbread Ward

In theory, I could put any skin from the Snowdown series here due to the fact that they are only available for a limited time – only during the Snowdown event, of course. I chose Ward’s Gingerbread because it’s probably the sweetest of all.

8. All-Star 2015 Team Ice Ward

During All-Star 2015 we could choose one side – fire or ice. Each team featured the best players from around the world, but Team Fire was more to the liking of the fans. That’s why a relatively small proportion of people bought an Ice Team totem to support their favorite players.

7. Ward of the 2014 World Cup

Riot loves putting esports ward skins out there. And it was no different during the 2014 World Cup, when the aforementioned ward was released. However, few people decided to pay 640 RP to get – let’s be honest – a very medium skin for the ward.

6. Tomb Angel Ward

As with Snowdown, Horrowing has received several themed ward skins. We have a tree, a sprite and a spider on a stick. However, according to many players, Tomb Angel looks the poorest of all Horrowing skins, so few people decided to buy it.

5. Ward of the 2013 World Cup

Here, the same situation as in the case of the ward dedicated to the 2014 Season Championship, only for the 2013 season. The short period in which we could buy this ward, combined with a generally low interest in this event, meant that only a handful of people decided to buy this skin .

4. Winning Ward 2015

Ward, which we could receive for winning the so-called “Teamówki”, or ranking games with a previously formed team. In itself, it was a rarely received award, because team teams were not very popular, and in addition, to receive this totem, it was necessary to win a certain number of games.

3. Winning Ward 2014

Here, the same situation as in the case of the above-mentioned skin. But for the 2014 season. Here, an additional feature that made few people decide to play team teams, was the poor appearance of the ward.

2. Hextech Ward

Ward, which we can only get from Hextech Crafting – most often by creating it from five Gem Stones. Few people choose to sacrifice their long-collected Gems to make a skin for a totem, when they can collect a double amount and create an ultra-rare skin, such as Vayne.

1. Riot Ward

A real Pax Twisted Fate among ward skins. And that’s literally PAX. It was available only during the PAX 2014 event and only there we could receive the code to activate this skin.

Do you have any rare ward skins on this list? Unfortunately, I do not have any, but I do not attach much importance to it – after all, who looks at what the ward looks like? He only has to stand and give the vision, not look. Let me know in the comment which totem skins you have!