
How to reach the Ink Sea in Blasphemous 2

In Blasphemous 2, you will encounter an area on the map known as the Ink Sea. You’ll find plenty of things to do in this area that will require you to defeat a boss, explore the dark terrain, and encounter treacherous enemies known as Sea Divers.

If you have difficulty accessing the Ink Sea, don’t worry, we will help you. Reaching this part of the map isn’t very difficult and you can find it quite early in the game. Here’s how to reach Sea of ​​Ink in Blasphemous 2.

How to get to Sea of ​​Ink in Blasphemous 2?

To access the Ink Sea, simply defeat a mini-boss known as Green of the Brotherhood of Salt. To find it you will have to go to deep lamentation. You will enter Profundo Lamento from the City of the Blessed Nameand you’ll discover that the Ink Sea is an incredibly small area on the map that only has one main objective: defeat the mini-boss, Odón.

Once you are in the City of the Blessed Name, look for a ladder who will guide you through the sewers to Profundo Lamento. Eventually you will need to go down and navigate to the left until you reach The Sea of ​​Ink. The Ink Sea will have a Forgotten Tribute on the ground next to the bridge if you have never been to this area before.

Related: Blasphemous 2: How to Unlock the Locked Door of Fervent Kiss

How to defeat Odón of the Brotherhood of Salt in Blasphemous 2?

Odón is the reason you are in this place, unless you are here to search for the forgotten tribute. If you’re not here for the Forgotten Tribute and want to fight Odón, make sure to save first. Odón is located in a room and he will have a few attacks that you will need to be wary of.

This mini-boss focuses on melee attacks using nifty jumping moves. Make sure to watch out for his combo attacks and spears. You’ll want to stay away from him when he summons his spears. He will also have the opportunity to jump into the air and hit you. Dodge these attacks and hit him when you can and the battle should end soon.

By Martin Jenkins

dedicated individual with a profound passion for technology and gaming. He pursued his studies in Computer Engineering at Montgomery, honing his technical skills and knowledge. From his early education at Dollard College, where he completed his VMBO, to the present day, Martin has been immersed in the captivating world of gaming since 1992. Embracing his passion, he has embarked on a freelance career as a technology and gaming writer and editor. Through his insightful content, Martin shares his expertise and experiences with others, offering a unique perspective on the ever-evolving landscape of technology. His unwavering dedication fuels his pursuit of staying at the forefront of the digital realm.