
Sekiro five-color rice: what is it?

What exactly is the five-colored rice in Sekiro? What can you do with the colored rice and what do you need it for? Anyone who visits the Shugendo estate manager at the Sempo Temple in Mount Congo will probably ask themselves, what is the five-colored rice all about? Is this the rice needed for the mysterious rice woman?

Five-colored rice in Sekiro Shadows Die Twice

With the five-color rice You can place several markings on the floor. The markings help you orientate yourself and remain intact even when you rest on one of the sculptor’s figures. The colored rice costs you Estate administrator in Shugendo a mere 1,600 sen (which isn’t exactly cheap) and after using it five times you can recharge it at any time with one of the sculptor’s figures.

Apart from the feature with the marking, we have not yet found any real use for the item for the five-colored rice. According to our current knowledge, you don’t need the item for a quest or other tasks (or do you? If so, please leave us a note in the comments).

By the way, you shouldn’t confuse the five-colored rice with the “normal rice” in the game. The description of the colored rice states, among other things, that it is not suitable for consumption. As mentioned above, the normal rice is needed for the mysterious old woman, who, after handing over rice, gives you various tips for puzzles in the game. If you give the old rice woman at the Senpo Temple a portion of rice, she will tell you about the puppet master Ninjutsu and that you should use it to turn the rat into a puppet to fly the kite. You can then pull yourself across the gorge on the dragon using the grappling hook. You can get the edible rice from the divine child.