
Baldur’s Gate 3 can overwhelm you and the solution if you get stressed is within Baldur’s Gate 3 itself

I don’t know if it’s a matter of having recently reached thirty, but one of the things that relaxes me the most in the world is washing the dishes calmly while listening to a podcast. I think there is nothing strange about it, because there are several sources that talk about how tidying up and cleaning the outside can have a positive effect when we have some internal disorder in our mind.

And if I talk about mess these past few weeks, my characters’ inventory in Baldur’s Gate 3 comes to mind after spending a few hours in a dungeon. The accumulation of silver cutlery, valuable weapons for sale but useless in the hands of my characters, and potions of all kinds, generates a certain apprehension every time I press tab.

In a game so dense in terms of history and narrative, with so many things to do and a huge map, sometimes it is necessary to stop so that our head does not burn out completely and we have to stop playing. It’s always nice to go for a walk, especially after long sessions of Baldur’s Gate 3, but if you feel overwhelmed soon after starting your game, I have the perfect solution.

And I found myself in that situation. I didn’t give much importance to the issue of my characters’ inventory until I filled the duffel bag of one of them and it began to go around the world. That was the moment when he hit the parking brake and seek a solution within Baldur’s Gate 3 itself.

It will give you peace of mind to order your inventory like this

To order is to win.

My main character is a scout whose goal is to become the best archer ever. Therefore, in my inventory there is no lack of arrows of all kinds, or potions, oils and poisons everywhere. This on paper is very useful, but the reality is that inventory is a completely impassable mess.

As the mob does, Baldur’s Gate 3 gives you both the problem and the solution. During your adventures you will find many bags, which may seem to you to lack the meaning they have in other games like World of Warcraft, since storage in BG3 does not have a limit of cells but of total weight. And that is a mistake.

My life in Baldur’s Gate 3 changed when I started using those bags. to store each kind of similar object and keep them sorted. A bag for the arrows, another for the potions and Gale (the magician) keeps another one with all the scrolls that he can learn to have them located. It may seem like a waste of time, but I assure you that in the long run you will save yourself a lot of headache when looking for a certain specific item.

In the same way, I recommend you make use of functions such as “mark as merchandise” to quickly sell all the garbage you find, sorted by type and weight in the upper left when tabulating, and even use the characters themselves like bags: if you don’t have enough, what Karlach whoever carries the gems and ingots, or Astarion the merchandise and thus get more money thanks to his charisma.