
Anno 1800 increase attractiveness

How can I actually do that? attractiveness mine Increase city? What has a positive effect on the attractiveness of cities in Anno 1800? This is probably a question that will sooner or later concern one or two players of the new building strategy game from Blue Byte. In this guide we have summarized a few tips and tricks on how and, above all, with which buildings you can improve the attractiveness of your own city.

City attractiveness in 1800

The attractiveness of the city is especially important when the island is opened to tourists. Tourists naturally want to visit a city that is as attractive as possible and has a lot to offer. The tourists’ visit is particularly worthwhile financially and brings a lot of money into the coffers. So that tourists even visit their own city you have to get one first Build visitor quay. The visitor quay is unlocked with the craftsmen.

How can you increase your attractiveness?

If you want to increase the attractiveness of your city in Anno 1800, you can do so ornaments and decorative elementson the other hand and significantly better with buildings like one zoo and/or one museum. For the zoo do you still need that? Animal itemsto be able to build more enclosures and display animals. In which museum could you with artifacts increase the attractiveness of your city. If you have unlocked the investors later in the game, you can also build a world exhibition, which will also have a positive effect on the city’s attractiveness.

In addition, it also has an effect Nature on the island as well as the satisfaction of residents positive for attractiveness. The more of the island is untouched, the higher it is “Nature” value. The happier the residents are, the higher it is “Solemnity”-Value.

There are also some things that stand out have a negative impact on the attractiveness of cities and that includes the Non-places, environmental pollution and instability.

  • Unplaced: Unsightly buildings in the city. Buildings that cause noise and smell and are built near residential buildings.
  • Pollution: Heavy factories increase pollution. Here’s how you can reduce pollution in Anno 1800.
  • Instability: Strikes and unrest by residents do not go down well with tourists. The same applies to conflicts or even wars with other competitors.

On the next page we will show you how you can get more animals for the zoo in Anno 1800. We also address the frequently asked question of whether there is a money cheat for Anno 1800.

By Carlos Hall

expert in Xbox Microsoft gaming. With a deep passion for gaming, I have accumulated over 30 years of experience across a wide range of genres. From first-person shooters to role-playing games, I've immersed myself in the virtual worlds and mastered the art of gaming. Alongside my gaming expertise, I have a strong professional background, having worked as a Googler and previously at OutSystems. I hold an MBA and have authored technology-related content since 2001. My goal is to share my knowledge and insights to help others make the most of their gaming experiences and navigate the ever-evolving world of technology.