
Delete and reset PS5 trophies?

How do you delete trophies on PlayStation 5? Is there a function on the PS5 that allows you to reset the trophies and if so, where can you find it? The question from one or other player who has bought the new Sony console may look something like this. If you have already started a few games and spent a few minutes in them, then you have usually already unlocked some trophies. You can view the trophies in your profile and even compare them with friends. Even if many players are more interested in getting as many trophies as possible and especially the platinum trophy in a game, the question always arises, how can you delete and reset the PS5 trophies?

Deleting trophies on the PlayStation 5: Is that possible?

The short answer to the question is, even on the PlayStation 5, you cannot currently delete the trophies. Similar to its predecessor in the form of the PlayStation 4, you can neither delete individual trophies nor reset all trophies from a game on the PS5.

The only thing you can currently do is delete the trophy information for a game in which you haven’t collected any trophies yet. The important thing is that you must not have received a trophy in the game, otherwise you cannot delete the entry. To delete the trophy information you must proceed as follows.

  1. Open the profile on the PS5 start screen at the top right and then the trophies above it.
  2. Select the game where you haven’t collected any Trophies yet, then press the Options button.
  3. In the context menu you can then use the “Delete” button to delete the trophy information and the entry will then disappear from the list.

If, contrary to expectations, something changes on the topic and you can reset the trophies on the PS5 sooner or later, then we will of course add the information here.

By Martin Jenkins

dedicated individual with a profound passion for technology and gaming. He pursued his studies in Computer Engineering at Montgomery, honing his technical skills and knowledge. From his early education at Dollard College, where he completed his VMBO, to the present day, Martin has been immersed in the captivating world of gaming since 1992. Embracing his passion, he has embarked on a freelance career as a technology and gaming writer and editor. Through his insightful content, Martin shares his expertise and experiences with others, offering a unique perspective on the ever-evolving landscape of technology. His unwavering dedication fuels his pursuit of staying at the forefront of the digital realm.