
Disney Dreamlight Valley: Ursula Away Bug

The good Ursula from The Little Mermaid is also one of the characters in the new Disney game from Gameloft. You meet Ursula relatively early in the game, including in the quest “The Curse”. After you have freed Ursula from the cave, you can build her house and bring her into Dreamlight Valley as a “permanent villager”. Afterwards you will also receive various quests from her such as “Family Hideout, Happiness Alone”. However, a bug keeps cropping up in connection with Ursula; more precisely, Ursula has disappeared. What to do if you can’t find them?

Ursula gone and gone: how to find?

To find the missing Ursula, there are currently only several “workarounds” and no real solution. When Ursula is away, it sometimes helps to use the “fast travel” function in the game and teleport to an unlocked well. If that doesn’t help and Ursula is still missing, then reloading the save game (go to the title menu via the menu and reload the save game) or restarting the game often helps.

Gameloft developers know according to that linked FAQ article Apparently they are aware of the problem and are working on a solution. After that, Ursula will probably no longer disappear so often on her own in the future and will randomly disappear from the map every now and then.

Bugs in Ursula Quests

In addition to the problem that Ursula has disappeared from time to time, there are also problems with various quests. For example, the problem occasionally occurs during the quest “The Curse” and either Merlin or Ursula does not appear. The problem here is that you can only complete the quest once the quest “Listen to Merlin and Ursula” has been completed. In the linked article we have already summarized a few well-known solutions.

Tip: This is how you can improve the tools in Dreamlight Valley.

By Carlos Hall

expert in Xbox Microsoft gaming. With a deep passion for gaming, I have accumulated over 30 years of experience across a wide range of genres. From first-person shooters to role-playing games, I've immersed myself in the virtual worlds and mastered the art of gaming. Alongside my gaming expertise, I have a strong professional background, having worked as a Googler and previously at OutSystems. I hold an MBA and have authored technology-related content since 2001. My goal is to share my knowledge and insights to help others make the most of their gaming experiences and navigate the ever-evolving world of technology.