
How to configure NFS shares in OpenMediaVault

On Linux, the best way to reliably share files from one computer to another is with NFS. Hosting an NFS server on Linux is not impossible, but it is difficult for beginners. If you’re wanting to get a couple of NFS shares up and running, your best bet is to use OpenMediaVault. It is a robust and easy-to-use NAS solution for beginners with a web-based GUI tool that simplifies the configuration of NFS shares.

To follow this guide, you will need to have OpenMediaVault installed on your Linux server, as well as adequate hard drive space to store all the data for NFS. Follow our tutorial and learn how to install OpenMediaVault, then come back to this article and follow this guide to configure NFS shares.

Configure the file system

Setting up an NFS share in OpenMediaVault first requires a usable file system. Unfortunately, OMV does not allow the user to create a share from the web UI on the operating system’s hard drive. This is why we recommend using a dedicated hard drive for data. If you can’t afford to use multiple hard drives, consider reinstalling OpenMediaVault and following a custom partition setup instead of the automatic one in setup. Another option would be to virtualize OpenMediaVault. Using the operating system as a virtual machine allows users to create custom virtual hard drives.

Once you have connected the second hard drive, open the OMV web UI (https: //ip.address.of.omv.server), find in the sidebar “Storage” and click on the option “Disks ». . Look under the drives and make sure the second hard drive is properly listed there. Click “clean” to delete everything.

When the hard drive is blank, go back to “Storage” and click on “File systems”. You’ll notice that only /dev/sda1 (the main OS drive) appears in this menu. The reason the second drive isn’t listed is that it doesn’t have a file system. To create a new one, click the “+ Create” button and select “/dev/sdb” from the “Device” menu in the pop-up window.

Note: always use Ext4 as the file system, if you are not sure.

Now that the new /dev/sdb filesystem is up and running, you will see it on /dev/sda1. To make use of this hard drive, select /dev/sdb1 from the menu, then click “Mount”.

Create shared folders

The use of NFS in OpenMediaVault requires a shared folder. To create one, look at the sidebar under “Services” for “NFS” and click on it. Click on “Share”. and then select “+ Add” to create a new folder. It is important not to use an existing shared folder that is being used by another service in OMV.

In the “Add Share” menu, there are many options. The first of which is a menu that allows the user to select an existing share. In this menu, click the + sign. Clicking + brings up a submenu. In this submenu, you will need to fill in the information for the new shared folder.

The first thing you will need to fill in is “Name”. Enter a name and then continue with “Device”. Under device, click the dropdown menu and look for “/dev/sdb1” as this is the hard drive we configured earlier.

After completing the “Device” section, all that remains is “Path”, “Permissions” and “Comment”. Skip the “Path” section, as OpenMediaVault will do it for you, and go to “Permissions”.

Look in the Permissions area and find the correct setting for your use case. When you’re done, fill in a comment about the share and click “Save.”

Clicking the Save button will exit the submenu and return to the original menu that opens when “+ Add” is clicked. In this menu, do the following:

Under “Client”, enter

After the “Client” option, go to “Privilege” and select Read/Write.

Add the share to the system by clicking “Save”.

Enable NFS in OpenMediaVault

Now that we have a shared folder for NFS to use, click on the “Settings” tab in the NFS area. Enable NFS on your OpenMediaVault NAS by clicking the slider next to “Enable”, then select the “Save” button. Be sure to also click “Apply” on the popup that says “Settings have been changed. You must apply the changes for them to take effect.”

Do you need to disable NFS? Click the slider again to turn it off, then select “Save” to save your changes.

Delete NFS shares

To remove an NFS share in OpenMediaVault, select “NFS” under “Services” and then click “Shares”. In the shares menu, highlight the share you want to remove and click “X Remove” to remove it.

Access NFS shares

With the help of OpenMediaVault, setting up something as tedious as NFS becomes much easier. Despite this, accessing shared resources can still be a chore. If you’re not sure how to access and use NFS shares on Linux, do yourself a favor and follow our tutorial. Covers everything there is to know about NFS access on Linux.

By Stephen Gonzales

dynamic individual with a diverse range of talents and passions. With a background in web development, he has honed his skills in creating innovative and user-friendly digital experiences. As the CEO of Hire Quality Software, Stephen leads a team dedicated to delivering top-notch software solutions. With a programming journey that dates back to 1981, he has mastered languages like Fortran, Pascal, C, Python, icon, and ladder logic. Beyond his technical expertise, Stephen embraces life as a creator, gamer, professional food advocate, web evangelist, and travel nerd. Through his diverse interests, he continually seeks to make an impact in various domains and share his love for technology, food, and exploration with the world.