
How to Get Elite Gigs as a Model in BitLife

BitLife’s modeling career allows you to become famous by earning money through gigs, which you can access through local and elite options or your character’s booking agent. Here’s how to unlock elite gigs in BitLife.

How to Unlock Elite Gigs as a Model in BitLife

Unlocking elite gigs in BitLife’s modeling career requires being promoted to a Elite Model and by completing at least Five local concerts. The elite model promotion is the fourth rank you will get in the modeling career path, right after the catalog model. However, local gigs are available as soon as you start and can be accessed through the casting calls menu.

Once you’ve completed at least five local gigs and earned multiple promotions to Elite Model, you’ll unlock Elite Gigs, giving you access to high-paying fashion and business gigs.

As with local gigs, you’ll find a list of elite casting calls with desired age, gender and model type, with campaign type and compensation listed at the end. These typically pay more than local gigs, ranging from $20,000 for low-key gigs to over $50,000 for high-profile companies.

How to become an elite model in BitLife

The Elite Model is the fourth position you can get in the Special Model Work Track, after the Catalog Model. Below are the five ranks you can achieve throughout your modeling career:

  • Body Part Model
  • Stock Image Template
  • Catalog template
  • Elite Model
  • Model

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You will start as a body parts model when you begin your modeling career. After a few years of hard work and good performance on gigs, you will get promotions to the Stock Image and Catalog model, with Elite appearing shortly after. Expect this to take around ten years in the game, as you have to pass two more positions before becoming an elite model.

Below are some tips for quickly getting promoted to the Elite Model position:

  1. Complete as many local gigs and opportunities as possible through your booking agent.
  2. Make as many Go-Sees as possible.
  3. Take part in every fashion week opportunity you find.
  4. Update your model photo every few years.
  5. Keep your reputation high by maintaining good relationships with your customers and your booking agent.

Over time, as you maintain your reputation and continue to do gigs, you will get promoted and eventually work your way up to the Elite model and unlock Elite gigs.

Do you want to go further in your modeling career? Find out how to become a famous model in BitLife, or click the tag below to browse our growing list of articles.

By Gerald Russell

a passionate mechanical engineering student at the University of Technology of Compiegne. With a thirst for knowledge and a curious mind, Gerald dives into the depths of programming, immersing himself in the world of code. As a technology enthusiast and self-proclaimed mad engineer, he revels in pushing the boundaries of what's possible. Inspired by his deep fascination with technology, Gerald ventured into the realm of entrepreneurship, founding a tech startup that aims to revolutionize the industry. Driven by his insatiable curiosity and relentless ambition, Gerald continues to shape his path, forever driven by the pursuit of innovation and the desire to make a lasting impact.