
How to get the NinjaBike Messenger Bag in The Division 2

Backpacks are an important part of The Division 2 game. Division agents carry Go-Bags, which provide them with armored protection. Some backpacks are special and offer a lot more functionality in addition to providing protection. For example, a rare backpack can increase inventory size, give more ammo capacity, provide better fire resistance, and some backpacks can even improve the stability of your aiming weapons.

The NinjaBike Messenger is an exotic backpack with special features. It’s a unique backpack and here’s how you can get it in the game.

How to get the NinjaBike Messenger Bag in The Division 2

There are several ways to get the NinjaBike Messenger Bag in the game. You can get it as loot from named enemies in the dark area. If you don’t know, the Dark Zone is a large area in the middle of Manhattan. He is quarantined from the rest of the borough already quarantined. The place has many dangerous enemies as the agents do not control it.

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You can also get the backpack as a drop from Field Skill Caches And Survival Caches. If you are unlucky, you can also check the Bright area for drops from named enemies.

What does the NinjaBike Messenger Bag do in The Division 2

The NinjaBike Messenger Bag acts as a wildcard for other pieces of gear. It fulfills the bonus conditions of several equipment sets. If you have a piece of gear missing from one of your gear sets, it will complete it. For example, you have three pieces from the Sentry’s Call set and two pieces from the Hunter’s Faith set. You are missing one piece from each set. Now if you equip NinjaBike Messenger Bag it will complete both sets and give the bonuses.

By Fred Richardson

a computer enthusiast with an insatiable appetite for problem-solving. After graduating with a degree in Computer Science in 2010, he embarked on a lifelong journey of exploring the intricacies of technology. For the past 25 years, Fred has dedicated himself to building custom PCs, mastering the art of hardware and software integration. With a deep-rooted belief in the power of coding, he has sought to unravel the complexities of life's challenges through lines of programming. From the early days of DOS 3.3 to the present, Fred has been a steadfast support for users, utilizing his knowledge to assist and guide others in navigating the ever-changing world of technology.