
How to know if you have been blocked in Threema?

How to know if you have been blocked in Threema? Threema is a really safe and reliable application. We may send and receive messages in a confidential manner. In addition, it provides us with certain characteristics that make our communication more fluid. Therefore, we can count on Threema as a good alternative when sending messages.

As we know, the degree of privacy is enormous compared to other applications that are at the forefront of the messaging apps.

We can choose to add contacts in different ways. Either by synchronizing the contacts of our mobile or simply by scanning the QR code of the other person, directly from our mobile device.

On the other hand, we can also block users to not receive messages from this contact. likewise, they can also block us. To know if this is the case, we must take into account the following:

My contact does not receive my messages: clear sign of blocking in Threema

If it turns out that your contact has blocked youyou will see that they will not receive your messages, even if you know that this person is still active within the application.

The fact that I did not receive your messages, it is a clear indication that you have been blocked. We can see that, when the message is sent, only the confirmation that the message has been sent, but not delivered, appears.

We can always rule out the option that we have been blocked by mistake. Therefore, we can ask by another means if our suspicions are true. Now, what can make someone block us? In this regard, we should consider whether our contact does not want to receive our messages.

Your information may no longer appear

If we have been blocked on Threema, it is likely that the information of that contact who has blocked us will no longer appear. We may no longer see your profile photo, although this will depend on your settings. Your App ID may also not appear. Therefore, we can see certain indications that determine that we have been blocked.

How to unblock a contact in Threema?

If it turns out that we have blocked a contact, and we want to undo it, what we will do is the following:

  • Enter your Threema application.
  • Go to the contacts menu, find the contact that has been blocked.
  • Touch and hold the contact to see other options.
  • Select the configuration option.
  • After this, press where it says “unblock contact”.
  • Done, with this the contact will have been unlocked.

For block a contact, we can do the same procedure. In this way it is extremely simple to block and unblock a user in Threema.

Security check at Threema

It is likely that, with the degree of confidentiality that Threema provides us, sometimes there are users who really seek more privacy. That is why it is common for users to block certain contacts

sometime too we have blocked people from receiving messagesthe reasons are varied, but all this implies that we need to do without seeing messages from a specific contact.

By Owen Cox

Meet Owen Cox, a passionate gamer with a rich history in the world of gaming. From owning nearly every console since the Atari 2600 to indulging in gaming for over two decades, Owen's love for gaming knows no bounds. With experience in gaming retail, he has had the opportunity to immerse himself in the vibrant gaming community and share his expertise with fellow enthusiasts. Additionally, Owen has worked at Deloitte USI, honing his professional skills in a dynamic environment. Currently, as an Inventory Specialist at Best Buy, he continues to contribute to the ever-evolving landscape of technology and gaming.