
How to use Instagram direct messages to your advantage

How to use Instagram direct messages to your advantage It is important since they are not only intended to send data and information, they are also loaded with content which can be used to generate resources and increase the productivity of an account on that platform.

How to use Instagram direct messages?

DMs or direct messages serve to maintain privacy between two users, through which multiple businesses are established and confidential information can be transmitted.

However, this type of resources is not only used for these purposes. Many company accounts on Instagram are motivating their clients and suppliers to use this medium in order to obtain a certain advantage towards the market and the competition.

It is not an illegal act since only the privacy of the information is sought, which is often violated when the public means of social networks are used. Direct messages can be an important means of discovering information related to a business and creating closer ties with its customers.

The figures offered by the researchers of the Instagram platform have determined that 30% of companies use DM as a marketing strategy, creating a personalization of the campaign. To learn more about this interesting topic, we recommend you continue reading the following lines.

What is done with the DMs?

In order to know how to use Instagram direct messages, it is necessary to know some elements that contain them, in this way to be able to create enough resources and to be able to use them in the optimization of the sales and promotion process.

There are several ways to use it, one of them is to forward the same message to thousands of clients or consumers; which would be one of the most original ways to connect with the audience. Despite being a single message, it is being sent to thousands of users.

But do not think that it is a great advantage to perform this action. Among the obstacles that you may face are, for example, the lack of customer feedback, creating an unrealistic link with these potential customers, as well as eliminating crucial positioning information.

Understand the profile of the followers

It is always good to carry out a study of the people who follow us in the account, for this, analysis and metrics of the situation of each one must be carried out. The idea is to generate a buyer that allows them to be taken to a specific promotion niche.

If you notice that someone is following you privately, you have accomplished something interesting; It will have motivated interest in what you do and we do not assume sentimental situations, but rather that a client has been attracted to our business.

Regardless of who is only interested in looking for information on a single product or has found information on the physical location of the business. Regardless of the reason, you must respond immediately.

Offering all the information that the user requests, offering everything truly possible that that person is looking for. Answer only what they ask in that way to generate contact and the action can move to another level.

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Other contact opportunities

Connections on social networks are made for many companies with an Instagram account almost permanently. Anyone who stays on Instagram platforms for a long time will understand that they are considering increasing engagement on the network.

The best time to establish direct conversations is at a time when you begin to get to know the person, who will become, and depending on the conditions, potential customers. When there is a communication of cars days through the DM, a relationship is established in which a good result can be obtained at any time; In this way, Instagram manages to access people who intend to search for some type of product, service, or brand that they need.

relationship type

Relationships with customers should not be personalized, but they should be long-lasting, for this reason, the more time is dedicated to a customer, the more chances of creating a commercial-type bond where, over time, they will become an advocate of the brand.

It is a business method that few know but it is very effective. In order to execute it, it is important to know how to manage communication with each of these users; There is always someone who stands out in the business account.

That person is the one to strengthen ties with the company, the ideal strategy would be to encourage that client and make them feel special, in this way the link is generated and you can have an ally who helps improve the brand’s publications.

How to efficiently use DMs?

With the recommendations indicated above, actions can be applied to direct messages to promote a brand and achieve a greater presence on the web. There are two ways to put into practice the implementation of effective DMs.

Using mobile devices

In order to appreciate these actions, you only have to be in the feed, (Instagram main screen) from there click on the grandfather icon located in the upper right area, you will see that you will explore all previous interactions.

To start a conversation again you must click on the (+) sign, write the name of the account you want to contact you will immediately appear on the screen. You must then start with the contact and you will see that you will receive an answer as soon as possible.

To send an image to a user, you just have to slide the feed to the right side and that premise will appear immediately, which is an advantage when you have previously selected to send specific information.

Use a single space

The other, less risky but very practical way, consists of cohering all the activities of the account in a single space, in order to monitor them. For this you must use the placement of the accounts on the main screen of the mobile device and from there you can know who is in contact.

To reply to a message, just open the union of the accounts and press the (+) which appears in the upper area of ​​the messages and you will start a new conversation. It is something very bold that is used a lot for other applications.

Also having Instagram web, you can do it on the desktop of the computer; gather all the most relevant users or accounts in a folder and have quick access to respond when necessary.

The efforts you make to enhance communication with your audience will never be wasted time. Soon you will be able to get good news from the most faithful.

With this comment we have concluded this article. Do not forget to comment on this content or share it on other social networks, if you need more information we recommend you read the following article DM on Instagram how to send a DM on Instagram.

By Carlos Hall

expert in Xbox Microsoft gaming. With a deep passion for gaming, I have accumulated over 30 years of experience across a wide range of genres. From first-person shooters to role-playing games, I've immersed myself in the virtual worlds and mastered the art of gaming. Alongside my gaming expertise, I have a strong professional background, having worked as a Googler and previously at OutSystems. I hold an MBA and have authored technology-related content since 2001. My goal is to share my knowledge and insights to help others make the most of their gaming experiences and navigate the ever-evolving world of technology.