
Layers of Fear (2023) – Trial, Adventure

Silent Hill 2 is still a long way off, but developer Bloober Team is also giving its own horror universe, Layers of Fear, another appearance. The psychotic horror adventure in the surreal mansion of a failed painter provided the breakthrough for the Polish studio in 2016. The current new edition is actually a revised collection of games. It summarizes part 1, part 2 and all DLCs, including polished graphics, new sound, a fresh framework story and new mechanics. In the test of the narratively focused tragedy with its wildly changing horror scenes, we check whether the mixture works.

Bloober’s “masterpiece” in the form of a revamped collection

The new framework story as the author begins in an abandoned lighthouse.

2016’s Layers of Fear (check out) by Polish Bloober Team offered a vivid portrayal of what it can mean to drift slowly but surely into insanity. The name of the technically upgraded new edition doesn’t seem particularly logical either. It is also simply called Layers of Fear, although the overall package also includes part 2 (for testing), all DLC episodes, a new framework story and even new mechanics. They have all been linked into one complete work that can be played through seamlessly. If you want, you can also start from the main menu in individual episodes with a separate save (painter, daughter, musician, actor). This allows you to try other decisions and achieve alternative endings. The developers probably see the masterpiece of the series in the game collection, which, by the way, is mostly being created by the Polish studio Anshar this time. Bloober himself is probably too busy with Konami’s commissioned project Silent Hill 2.

Even in the new complete version of Layers of Fear, it becomes apparent early on that the numerous messages scattered on the pieces of paper in the Victorian estate that appears abandoned do not bode well. After a creative block and conflicts with my wife and servants, I wander through my house as a nameless painter. Surreal transformations of the corridors provide surprises every second. New sections of the horror estate keep building up before my eyes. Their sinister design aptly reflects my descent into inner conflicts.

The last chance

I would rather not reveal what it is about in detail. In any case, my alter ego is driven by the thought of completing his last great work. Could it all turn out for the better? It quickly becomes apparent that themes such as alienation, artistic standards, alcoholism and claustrophobic moments of shock between blazing flames play an important role. Similar to Konami’s legendary horror film PT, the environment constantly plays with my expectations. After turning around in front of a locked door, new doors open in the corridor that was just empty.

Will the broken painter succeed in writing one last opus magnum?

Beyond are a plethora of grisly paintings of pained figures. Or supernatural installations such as mountains of chairs piled up to the ceiling. As soon as I look in the other direction, they have transformed again and I can look for keys and clues to the dark story in newly discovered cupboards. Much like Gone Home, the story is at the heart of the experience, which could be disrespectfully called a walking simulator.

Still disappointing in gameplay

This drawing, at least, did not go down too well with a children’s book publisher.

Some decisions again lead to alternative story endings. Puzzles, on the other hand, only play a secondary role: sometimes I let my eyes wander through supernatural picture frames to spy secrets, elsewhere I quickly get to obviously hidden safe codes. The right turn in supernatural loops of always the same spaces is one of the puzzles that remain far too easy overall. It’s a shame, because more puzzles could have loosened up the monotonous exploration rhythm in the long run. By the way, some solutions have been slightly revised.

Escape sequences with the new lantern also appear largely artificially challenging as a game.

Fancy a barbecue party? With the effective new lantern, ghostly attacks usually have no chance.

From time to time I briefly stun a spooky pursuer with her at the push of a button to gain time and, for example, open the exit of a small labyrinth. But it rarely gets really close or exciting. The beam of light also reveals secret messages. The controls in the new edition are much better attuned to the PS5 controller, so I felt much more confident when walking through the corridors. Only rarely do I stumble, for example when I move some chairs awkwardly with the right analog stick, which is also responsible for the view.

By William Anderson

Meet William Anderson, a versatile individual with a passion for creativity and a deep appreciation for the world of video games. Armed with a diploma from the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, he entered the professional world in 2006. As a safety manager, operation dispatcher at PST Transport Inc from 2007 to 2009, William displayed his commitment to ensuring a safe and efficient work environment. Today, he thrives as a content creator and creative director, channeling his creativity into captivating projects. While he identifies as an introvert, William is a travel guru, blazing new trails in the web landscape. With an affinity for pop culture and a love for zombies, he is an evil beer scholar and a discerning analyst, always seeking to unravel the depths of his passions.