
Odido Increases Prices By 5.7 Percent

The provider Odido will increase the prices of its subscriptions on January 1, 2024. This concerns an inflation correction of 5.7 percent for customers who took out a subscription before October 1, 2023.

The provider’s website states that the price increase applies to both fixed and mobile subscriptions. The new price will be reflected on the first invoice customers will receive in 2024. No inflation adjustment will be charged to customers who took out a subscription after October 1, 2023.

People who have taken out their subscription with Tele2 will also continue to pay the old price. An inflation adjustment will take place for these customers in July.

via (tweakers)

By Stephen Gonzales

dynamic individual with a diverse range of talents and passions. With a background in web development, he has honed his skills in creating innovative and user-friendly digital experiences. As the CEO of Hire Quality Software, Stephen leads a team dedicated to delivering top-notch software solutions. With a programming journey that dates back to 1981, he has mastered languages like Fortran, Pascal, C, Python, icon, and ladder logic. Beyond his technical expertise, Stephen embraces life as a creator, gamer, professional food advocate, web evangelist, and travel nerd. Through his diverse interests, he continually seeks to make an impact in various domains and share his love for technology, food, and exploration with the world.