
Wait or space? Climate policy is stuck

Good evening,

something might work at Saturn. Researchers have found that there is phosphorus in the ocean of Saturn’s moon Enceladus. The element is a key building block for the origin of life and was first discovered in an ocean beyond Earth. The authors of the study published in the journal “Nature” are correspondingly enthusiastic about the data collected by NASA’s Cassini probe.

We need to return to Enceladus to see if the habitable ocean is actually inhabited.

Well, you have to be fair. The researchers are not looking for a new planet for humanity. Their discovery is indeed a sensation – especially if there really are traces of life in the distant ocean.

Source: DLR/NASA/dpa

The main point of the debate was to insult the other. Union parliamentary group leader Jens Spahn spoke of a farce, left-wing MP Ralph Lenkert even called Habeck’s plans “puke”. Only the SPD building minister reminded that there was a problem with the climate:

It is actually far too late to replace the heating fleet.

Klara Geywitz, Federal Minister for Building

But of course there is also progress. After all, Germany has installed the most wind power in Europe. Around 28,400 wind turbines on land and another 1,500 at sea, which last year generated a total of 123 terawatt hours and thus 24.1 percent of the total gross electricity. Only coal delivers more.

Despite this, the expansion is progressing slowly. Above all, the differences in the federal states are huge, the south is lagging behind. For example, of the 551 new wind turbines last year, only 14 were built in Bavaria.

The southern Germans have climate change particularly impressive in mind. The glaciers of the Alps are melting, drought and bark beetles have destroyed entire forests, not only in neighboring Austria. What remains is rubble, brown areas, deforested slopes. And they don’t look much cozier than Saturn and its moons.