
How to follow the flow of trial timers and items in World of Warcraft Dragonflight?

Trial of Flood and Trial of Elements are two rare in WoW Dragonflight that can offer some really nice rewards. These events will guarantee you a very high gear level, but like some other gear sources, it will drop gear based on your item level.

Trial of Flood and Trial of elements are weekly events and can even net you higher items than M0 (Mythic 0) dungeons.

flood test

Travel south of the Plains of Ohn’ahran to 56, 78. During the event, you will fight many aquatic enemies until the boss, Raging Torrent, comes out. Once you defeat him, click on the chest that appears and you will get your gear. The max level the loot can reach is 379. If another party looted the chest before you, it appears the chest has a 2 hour respawn timer and you can fish nearby to pass the time.

Related: How to Download Handynotes Plugin for World of Warcraft Dragonflight

Trial of the Elements

To access Trial of Elements, you must visit Thaldraszus and opt for Temporal Conflux. Once there, head to the golden portal which will take you to the Primalist Tomorrow area. Follow our map above or just opt ​​for 29, 26 coordinates. You will have to defeat Therrocite and you will get your precious loot. Equipment here can also be level 379 max.

Getting new information about Dragonflight has never been easier – just check out our article on what is Elemental Overflow and others like it to keep you informed. To keep up to date with the game, follow our Facebook page And Twitter.


Palia Repair the Flow Gate

A few days ago Palia received an extensive update and one of the new features was the Wind Temple. The Temple of the Winds is located in the southeast of Bahari Bay near the Windy Ruins. After entering the temple as part of the “Silverwing Style” quest, you will meet Zeki and Elousia and Caleri. From all three villagers you get an “It Takes a Village” quest in which you have to complete different tasks. After the conversations with Elouisa and Caleri, you will meet Zeki again at the end of the corridor and after the conversation you will receive the task “Repair the flow gate”. One or two players will probably ask themselves the same question that we asked ourselves here. How to repair the flow gate?

Activate and repair the Flow Gate

The solution to the “puzzle” in the Silver Wings style quest is actually quite simple, because you simply have to stand on the round rise to the left of Zeki and you can activate the flow gate there. The flow gate is a portal that you simply have to stand in front of and then activate. Unfortunately for us the “Activate” button was only displayed very late, more precisely after we were standing directly in front of the flow gate. If you feel the same way here, you should stand on the rise directly to the left of Zeki and move back and forth a bit. Sooner or later the message “Activate the flow gate” should be displayed with an interaction.

Update: The According to reports on Reddit, the quest also seems to be bugged for some players. No matter how close you go to the portal, you cannot repair or activate the flow gate.

The flow gate now takes you to a room with an egg puzzle. The task here is to place the eggs correctly on the nests in the room. We have already created detailed instructions in our guide to the “Silver Wing Style” quest in which order and which eggs you have to use for the puzzle.

Tip: This is how you can play Palia with friends and visit their properties.