
5 times when Hideo Kojima was an idiot

Hideo Kojima has delivered Death Stranding, his first game as an independent game maker and he was also awarded with a nice 90 by us! But put enough feathers up his , because Kojima has acted like an idiot often enough too. PeterKoelewijn mentions 5 embarrassing moments!

The spiritual father of Metal Gear Solid and the new Death Stranding is a phenomenal game developer, who can develop interesting game concepts like no other. In recent years, we’ve seen Hideo Kojima’s star soar to unprecedented heights for a game director. But I’m here to tell you that this Japanese also just poo. And my job as a game journalist is to catch that and rummage through it to analyze the half-digested peanuts of failhazerij, with possibly even a seed of wisdom in between. Yes you keep that analogy Wouter, he is ES-SEN-TIEEL for this Feature!

5. “Americans understand Death Stranding less because they like shooters more”

Hideo Kojima’s freshest idiotic quote comes in response to mixed Death Stranding reviews. The game scores an average of satisfactory, but there are a surprising number of negative reviews for a PlayStation exclusive Triple A game. Kojima indicated in an interview with the Italian Tgcom24 that it is mainly the fault of the Americans. It may be a bad translation but apparently this is what he said:

“Perhaps it is a difficult game to understand for a certain type of critic and audience. Americans are great fans of first-person shooters and Death Stranding isn’t one, it flies higher. “

Wow, this is so condescending to Americans, I’m amazed Trump hasn’t responded to it yet. Anyway this is of course just 100% bullshit and not even the fun kind that Kojima likes to put into his games and marketing. It’s just bullshit bullshit!

4. Shame on Quiet, not Kojima

When Quiet first came along in a Metal Gear Solid V trailer, the criticism quickly swelled at Kojima. The crazy developer loves beautiful women in his games and for Quiet he completely revealed his love for the female body. Or Stefanie Joosten if you want to take it literally. The Dutch was the model for Quiet, a sniper who sneaked across the battlefield in bikini and fishnet tights.

Some fans were not amused that the character became so sexualized. Kojima responded to the criticism at the time with the following text:

“But once you recognize the secret reason for her exposure, you will feel ashamed of your words & deeds.”

The secret reason in this case is that Quiet received a parasite treatment due to life-threatening burns. It healed her completely with a side effect: she can only breathe and drink through her skin and too much clothing can make her suffocate. Oooooooooooooooh that… that… that’s DOM! You just wanted a babe in a bikini in MGSV Kojima, you fool!

3. Stefanie Joosten was not given a role in Death Stranding

Despite Kojima’s stupid statements, there’s no denying that the role of Quiet has made Stefanie Joosten world famous. The collaboration with the MGS developer was also excellent, according to the actress. In fact, it was so good that Kojima offered her the role of Fragile in the early stages of Death Stranding.

Stefanie Joosten was certainly interested, but as we now know, Léa Seydoux got the part and now stars in the game alongside Norman Reedus. What seems? After that first promise, Hideo Kojima has not contacted Joosten anymore! Oh! Oh? OH! A little happy OUR Stefanie Joosten with a dead sparrow, Hideo? I hope you choke on your next can of Monster Energy!

2. David Hayter was replaced by Kiefer Sutherland as Snake

Speaking of unceremonial replacements, Solid Snake’s iconic voice is of course provided by David Hayter. Still, Kojima’s idea was to hire a famous Hollywood star to pitch the master prowler for The Phantom Pain. There was already grumbling about it, but after a reaction from David Hayter it became known what kind of idiot Kojima really is.

As it turned out, Hayter hadn’t been approached at all for MGSV and along with us learned that Sutherland was the new Snake. Later on in a Game Informer podcast, David Hayter explained that his collaboration with Kojima was always purely business.

“I think he handled it pretty badly. I’ve got no particular love for Kojima. I respect him and I think he’s a brilliant game maker. I don’t know him as a person and as a businessman I was not impressed. So no, I don’t feel any need to go back and work for him again. ”

Kojima had often criticized Hayter’s work and considered other voice actors in the past. For Metal Gear Solid 3 and 4, Hayter even had to audition all over again. Well, practices like that are classic Hollywood and we all know by now that Hideo would like to become a film director. But offending OUR David Hayter? Shame on you Kojima!

1. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

Really? Yes, really. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty is still the most crazy game in Kojima’s case. Say whatever you want about the insanity of Metal Gear Rising, at least it was consistently insane. But MGS2 is all over the place! One moment you play Solid Snake as promised on the box and the next you play the rest of the game as the dumb Raiden. Even M. Night Shyamalan thought that twist was lame!

And yes, the graphics and gameplay were next level and I am familiar with the cut scene where Kojima practically describes today’s social media culture as if he were a time traveler. What I have a problem with is all the OTHER cutscenes! My problem is the boss fight against a fat guy on roller skates, my problem is Gary Oldman from Francis Ford Coppola’s Dracula is in the game, my problem is Otacon confesses he had with his stepmother while his stepsister was drowning, my problem is Revolver Ocelot is possessed by Liquid Snake’s transplanted arm! Maybe a foot, or a kidney. But an arm? It’s stupid! DOM DOM DOM! Metal Gear Solid 2 is so stupid that only an idiot could have made it!

Luckily Hideo Kojima got revenge after that debacle with Metal Gear Solid 3, the best part of the series as everyone agrees with me.

But for the rest Hideo Kojima is a very good game developer you know. What is your favorite Hideo Kojima game and why is it Metal Gear Solid 3? Put it in the comments!