
How to punt in Madden 24

As time passes with every decision you make to get the ball as far down the field as possible, it can sometimes lead to a state of confusion where winning 10 yards is more difficult than you would have liked. For this reason, a punt is necessary to change the tempo of the game. While momentum is just as important in this game as scoring touchdowns and field goals, scoring a punt puts just as much pressure when you are underperforming. If your opposition changes the Tempo in their favor when they have the upper hand, a Punt can feel like life or death in the moment. But it can also be a game-changer to work in your favor. This is Vincent’s guide to how to do a punt in madden 24.

How to Kick in Madden 24

There are many instances where you will need to send the ball down the field in Madden 24. One of them is Punt. But if you’re new to the franchise, you might not know how to successfully kick the ball. Just like getting started in FIFA, there is no tutorial on how to successfully hit the ball from a basket/penalty perspective. To start the kicking animation, you will need to press X (PlayStation) or A (Xbox). From there, the meter will fill with a light blue where you need to aim for the white line (right before) to get perfect power. Then, as the meter empties, you want to time your accuracy in the kick just after the black line (where the X/A icon) can be staged for perfect accuracy. Accuracy is more important than power for Punts, unless you’re trying to kick the ball into the end zone.

How to Perform a Successful Punt in Madden 24

Punting is a specific type of kick used in Madden 24. It is used when the team fails to gain 10 yards down the field. Due to the limited number of attempts to achieve a touchdown or increase the distance measured by the number of yards gained beyond 10 yards, plays will end and a Punt will be required to continue the game. This acts similarly to a kickoff in that the ball is given directly to the opponent. From there, the ball is placed in the opponent’s hand in which their plays begin and your team switches to defense. When a Punt is in play on Madden 24, the task at hand is to send it as far down the field as possible. The Kick behaves similarly to the Kick Off or Field Goal attempt in that it uses the same game mechanics.

The mechanisms you need are X (PlayStation) or A (Xbox). Unlike a kick off or a shot to score a goal, players must assess the type of kick they want to use. You can opt for a normal kick (R1/RB), a sky kick (Triangle/Y) or a backspin (L1/LB). The difference between each is how much ground you want to cover with the normal kick acting as a kickoff/basket, an overhead kick that goes straight up, giving your defenders plenty of time to get through the ball over your opposition, and the backspin that seeks to send the ball close to the end zone.

Keeping these differences in mind depending on the situation you are in, the chosen punt technique should then be executed by tracking where you place the ball via the indicator and then using X/A to throw the kick.