
I just found out that Baldur’s Gate 3 lets you use two salamis as weapons, and now I want to create “sausage scourge” to go through the RPG

We already know that Baldur’s Gate 3 is a game in which You can do whatever you want. Overwatch 2 voice actor Matthew Mercer demonstrated this by stacking 45 boxes to scale a castle in the game. But that freedom that the game gives us can also lead us to believe in the most absurd character of all Faerun, with two equipped salamis like two-handed weapons.

Yes, I have not been wrong. You can have a 2 meter barbarian called “the widow maker” and attack with two sausages to death. Baldur’s Gate 3 offers us these foods as items to trade or to use as provisions, but they can also be equipped by our characters.

The fault that now he wants to create a barbarian called “the scourge of salami” comes from Thorusin, a YouTube user who shared his peculiar paladin build with these sausages. The most curious thing is that both have damage statshardly of 1-7 pointsand also attacks associated with hammers or morning stars.

Thorusin, with his SalamiPaladin and both weapons, gets defeat 3 trolls without much effort, although it is true that he also does it with the support of his teammates and a character above level 3. But it is still spectacular to see him in action. If you want to copy his build to go through Baldur’s Gate with two sausages in hand, you can do it thanks to the video he shared.

This madness is not new to the game. Baldur’s Gate 3 official reddit shared 2 years ago the inclusion of “two-handed salami” in the patch 6, something that generated a stir among the community, in a positive way, yes. Some added that, obviously, the game weighed 60 GB at that time solely because of the power of the sausage.