
Demon’s Souls: The best weapons, the ones recommended and where to find them

Demon’s Souls best weapon? It is just a matter of taste. The choice of the weapon is a personal occurrence linked to the moveset that it carries, the type of attacks it can do, the statistics on which the damage scales and, of course, the simple aesthetic preference.

As per tradition, From Software’s soulslikes bring an incredible amount of offensive options to the table, so it’s up to each player to choose their own tool of death. The long sword, for example, is as always one of the best weapons in the entire game: it has a thrust capable of exterminating the miners of Stonefang, it is fast, it is powerful, in short, it has everything.

But each of us has preferences. On this page we recommend some of the best weapons in Demon’s Souls, each dedicated to a particular build.

In this page:


Are you serious? The Falcione among the best weapons of Demon’s Souls? Absolutely yes – it’s lightning fast, has great stagger capabilities, and can blast any enemy to dust in the blink of an eye. It has a combo that allows you to chain light and heavy attacks to get the better of any opponent even in PvP.

There are various methods to obtain the Falcione:

  • As a starting weapon of the Wanderer Class, which however is a class that has only the aforementioned Falcione good.
  • It can be purchased from the Grave Digger Bilge in the Shrine of Storms (4-1) after freeing it for 1550 souls.
  • There is a Crescent Crescent + 1, or infused with magical damage, also in Archstone 4-1: to reach it you must defeat the first skeletons and turn left in the structure; continue, and you will find a powerful red-eyed skeleton intent on guarding a treasure, which is the Falcione Crescent +1, a scary weapon to say the least.

Here is the exact location of the Enchanted Falcione + 1:

This is the strongest weapon you can simply get as a loot at the start of the game, so if you’re looking for an easy mode, go get it right away.


A strong, fast and incredibly easy to use weapon that requires 18 Strength and 13 Dexterity.

It is a katana designed for fast and light characters, scales very well on dexterity and can be obtained very quickly.

It is found in the Shrine of Storms, Archstone 4-1, and is in the room just behind the Demonic Vanguard. To reach it you can use the underground tunnels, rather than face the dangerous demon directly. In the next room you will find the Uchigatana as a simple treasure.

It is also dropped by the black skeletons of the Shrine of Storms as a rare loot. In any case, Uchigatana ranks A on dexterity, which is enough to make it, however fragile, one of the most dangerous weapons in the game, especially in PvP.


Another extremely fast curved sword that scales with an incredible Dexterity S stat and requires 14 Strength and 10 Dexterity to use.

It is located very close to the Uchigatana, exactly behind the Demonic Vanguard at Shrine of Storms 1-1.

This is also a rare skeleton drop.

Considering that it scales S with dexterity, it is one of the strongest weapons of the genre ever, but it is extremely effective against human enemies and NPCs when infused with Bleed, an effect that unleashes enormous potential for damage if attacked quickly enough.


The Claymore, one of the most loved weapons in the entire soulslike series, an extremely strong and versatile sword of mass destruction that requires just 20 Strength to wield.

Nothing to say: it is the perfect weapon. Versatile, powerful, effective in area damage, completely destroys bosses. Claymore is always reliable.

The Claymore is also very easy to obtain: it is a rare drop of the Blue Eyes Knight armed with a Greatsword which is on the ground floor of the Boletaria 1-1 Palace.

It may take a while to drop, but such a reliable weapon has to be picked up.

In case you are impatient, it is sold for 6000 souls by the Merchant Dregling who can be found in the Boletaria Palace 1-2, under the bridge that is attacked by the dragon. Simply, at the first tower, go downstairs and continue to the right to find it.

The Claymore scales extremely well with an incredible variety of builds. Basically you can use it to do everything, but it shines in Quality builds, i.e. those who choose to bet on two stats in equal measure. With its CC scaling on Strength and Dexterity, for example, it becomes devastating already with Strength and Dexterity both at 20, allowing you to easily take down any boss.

Furthermore, the Claymore also scales A on the Faith, therefore it allows you to create some of the most interesting hybrid builds, as long as you know how to organize yourself well with the scaling in the Level Up phase.


The Regalia is a sword forged from the souls of the bosses: to be exact, you will need the Soulbrandt sword, the Demonbrandt and the soul of the Demon False King dropped by King Allant. Once you have collected the items, you need to go to the blacksmith Ed in Stonefang Tunnel 1-1 to forge the weapon. The required stats are: 20 Strength, 14 Dexterity, 12 Intelligence and 12 Faith.

Without a doubt, this is the most powerful weapon in all of Demon’s Souls.

It is a strange weapon: a broadsword with a moveset similar to the Claymore. The damage it does, however, scales according to the Character’s Tendency. If you have Pure White or Pure Black Character Tendency, the Regalia will have an incredible amount of base damage of 540, which is virtually impossible for any other weapon in the game to match. However, it cannot be enchanted or upgraded, but it still remains so powerful that it does not fear any opponent. Where is the catch?

The catch is that this is an extremely difficult weapon to obtain, of course unless you know what to do first, but that’s what we’re here for, right? Know that it is possible to forge the Regalia from the normal New Game, and now we will explain how to do it.

How to get the Demonbrandt

To get it you must first complete the entire Ostrava quest of Boletaria , the knight armed with a sword and runic shield that you must save on three different occasions:

  • In Boletaria 1-1 Palace, on the ground floor of the castle, he will be surrounded by Dreglings armed with flaming swords under the Thief’s Ring.
  • In the Boletaria 1-2 Palace, downstairs from the bridge that is targeted by the wyverns, you will have to descend and return to Phalanx to save him.
  • In Boletaria’s Palace 1-3, after unlocking the last shortcut, the gate is closed in your face at the beginning of the level by a fat officer. Quickly kill the enemies that attack him to save him.

Once you have secured Ostrava, he will give you the Mausoleum Key before the fight with Allant. This key opens the sealed door located in Boletaria 1-1 Palace, behind the red-eyed knight accessible from the start of the game. Inside you will have to challenge Doran to a duel, and once he is reduced to 25 HP he will surrender and give you the Demonbrandt. If you want, you can kill him to get the old king’s armor, one of the most powerful in the entire game.

How to get the Soulbrandt

There is only one way to get the Soulbrandt: you have to defeat the final boss of the game under the Nexus. Once defeated, however, do not make the mistake of continuing to the end: use the Return spell or a Shard of Archstone to return to the Nexus with your sword and prepare to forge the Regalia.

How to get the Regalia

Two prerequisites:

  • You must have access to the Blacksmith Ed in the Stonefang Tunnels, Arcipietra 2-1, at the bottom of the elevators that are activated with the first shortcut of the level.
  • You must deliver the Glowing Soul to the Blacksmith Ed, which is dropped by the Flamelurker, the fire boss of the Stonefang Tunnels. In this way, he will be able to forge weapons with the souls of the bosses.

At this point, you just need to forge the Regalia and enjoy the best weapon in the game.

Greatsword of the Moon

Here we are at one of the most iconic weapons of the From titles, or the Greatsword of the Moon, an ancient magical blade that has made its way through all the titles of the house, because it even dates back to King’s Field. To wield it, you need 24 points of faith.

Given its nature as a Faith weapon, it scales S on that stat, and is one of the most powerful swords, if not the most powerful of all in this respect. Upgraded to a maximum of +5, she gains 100 base damage and 255 magic damage, plus an S bonus on the Faith stat, so she can reach staggering numbers.

Plus, it’s one of the only weapons in the game (the other being Selen Vinland’s Blind) that completely ignores shield defenses, so it’s deadly to say the least in PvP situations.

To get it, you need to complete a small miniquest:

  • Go to Archstone 5-2, just before the Poison Swamp. Continue through the swamp, and beyond the first Mist Wall you will encounter two armored enemies armed with Club and a poisonous enemy green fluorescent. Once you have defeated the opponents, take the wooden walkway on the right and use it to reach the top; at the end of the path, you will find a large bag of snails hanging from the ceiling.
  • Attack the snail bag until it breaks and they all fall to the ground, downstairs in the middle of the swamp. You just have to go back and reach the crash site, and then prepare to eliminate all the snails that have invaded the area.
  • Once the area is cleared, you will see the Moon Greatsword stuck in the ground: approach and interact to extract it from the swamp and add it to your inventory.

Among magical weapons, the Greatsword of the Moon knows no rivals.

Big Cleaver

Despite appearing as a Greatsword, the Great Cleaver qualifies as a Heavy Hammer, so it is a Force weapon. The stats required to wield it are 26 Strength and 16 Faith.

The Big Cleaver is one of the most devastating single weapons in Demon’s Souls and is the only weapon in the game to receive an S-scaling from two different stats, namely Strength and Dexterity. In addition, it also scales A on Faith, so it can reach one of the strongest attack levels among all the weapons in Demon’s Souls.

If we then consider that its unique effect regenerates HP, it is a devastating combination with objects such as the Regenerating Ring present in the Swamp 5-2, in the middle of the mud, and the Referee’s Shield that can be recovered behind the ‘Demonic Vanguard present at the Shrine of Storms 4-1. Essentially, these three items all give the HP Regeneration effect, making the bearer very difficult to kill.

To get the Big Cleaver you need to upgrade any club + 0 or large club + 0 with the soul of the Arbiter Demon dropped by the Arbiter in the Shrine of Storms 4-1. Just go to the Blacksmith Ed in Stonefang 2-1 Tunnel to deliver the necessary weapon along with the demon soul to forge one of the most powerful weapons in the entire Souls series.

Greatsword of the Dragon

The Greatsword of the Dragon is the most powerful Force weapon in the game, with a base damage of 200 and a B Force scaling. To be wielded, in fact, it requires 30 Strength, and becomes one of the weapons with the highest requirement in the entire Demon’s Souls landscape.

Needless to say, this is also one of the most difficult weapons to obtain. Why? Because to get it you need to have Pure White World Tendency when entering the Dragon God lair at the end of the Stonefang Tunnels 2-3, the final boss of the area.

This is a very difficult task, because without having beaten all the bosses it is difficult to bring the World Trend to Pure White. To elevate it, consider helping other players defeat bosses, especially the Flamelurker. Be careful , above all, never to die in human form while exploring Stonefang . Rather, commit suicide in the Nexus before using this Archstone.

If you enter the Dragon God arena with Pure White World Tendency, the rubble separating you from the sword will be gone, and you can simply go and collect it without any additional effort.

The guide is still being updated, right now!

All pages in the Demon’s Souls Complete Guide:

  • Demon’s Souls: The Complete Solution
  • The best class to start is the easy mode (so to speak)
  • The Trend: How the Trend works and all the mechanics explained
  • World Trend: All the differences in areas, unique items, quests and bosses related to the Trend
  • Where to go? Progress guide, best order to make Archstones, NPCs to save and useful items. All without spoilers!
  • Farming Souls and Herbs: The best farm points at the beginning and end of the Game
  • La Pietradura: Where to find Schegge, Pezzi and Pietradura Pura
  • Boss Weapons: How to forge Weapons with Boss Souls and all the recipes to create them
  • The best armor in the game and where to find them
  • The best weapons in the game and where to find them


The legendary weapons in Lies of P are brutal, but getting them is not easy and we must pay a high price for each one

Every player of Soulslikes, whether from FromSoftware or another company, you must be clear that the only truly faithful ally you have is your weapon. Allies and other items may fail, but the one you choose as your battle companion will accompany you throughout the adventure… especially if her power increases with levels and skill scaling.

The weapon system in Lies of P is essentially the same as any other Souls: each weapon has a series of statistics and its damage scales with certain abilities. For example, a greatsword with A in Motor Skill will do much more damage in the hands of a player whose level is much higher in this specific statistic. In addition, there are objects that allow us to increase the scaling, changing from B to A to increase its efficiency.

Certainly the case of Lies of P It is special, since it has a system of blades and handles that can be combined to our liking to create a quite peculiar variety of weapons. The only restriction is legendary weapons, which only allow scaling and leveling up through certain special items.

P’s adventure has in store for us 11 special or legendary weapons that we can achieve throughout the adventure… although we must do things well. The process is fairly intuitive for Souls fans, but comes too late for less versed players.

Lies of P Legendary Weapons: treasures worth adding to our collection

Legendary weapons have three conditions: they cannot be disassembled, they can be upgraded, and they have special Fable (blue) attacks. The “legendary” in their name is not for decoration and means that their scaling is usually much higher, making them (generally) the best weapons in the video game… depending on your play style.

And how do we access them? The merchant who sells them to us takes a while to arrive and it is possible to miss it. His name is Alidoro and is found in Act 4, specifically in the Stargazer called the Library of the Cathedral of San Frangelico. Look for the elevator, guarded by a creep, and go up to the balcony. It will be there for sure, since it will be your first interaction with the NPC. The most comfortable thing is to invite him to the Hotel, but you can also refuse and look for him at different points as you go. It has its own quest thread.

All legendary weapons can be obtained during the first game, but it will not be an easy task and will require you to make a great sacrifice. From the list, 10 weapons are obtained by defeating final bosses (with the Ergos that bear their names, which are the souls of Dark Souls) and the remaining one performing a specific action throughout the entire game. If you fail once, you’ll be damned.

Now that you know the basics about legendary weapons, I’ll tell you how to get them, their scaling characteristics, and what you have to give up to get them. Note that the items you leave aside for weapons can be obtained without problems during NG+. As you can see, the mechanics are similar to Dark Souls.

Seven Spiral Spring Sword

  • Request– Defeat the Parade Master boss (Act 1) to get the Parade Leader Ergo.
  • Scaling: B in Motor Skills and C in Technique.
  • Object to give up: Dancer Amulet. “It makes it possible to dodge even with little stamina.”

It is considered one of the best legendary weapons in the video game for Motor Skills (Strength) builds. Its scaling in B makes it easy to raise it to A so that it hits some very fat hosts. His set of movements is fast and forceful. Personally, it is my main weapon and I have carried it since the beginning. The good? It is achieved very quickly.


  • Request– Defeat the Discarded Watcher boss (Act 2) to get the Ergo of the Broken Hero.
  • Scaling: D in Motor Skills and A in Technique.
  • Object to give up: Extreme Modification Amulet. “Increases the ATK of weapons in proportion to the number of fable slots.”

Tag is to Lies of P what the Staff is to Bloodborne. Both the weapon itself and its movement set are quite curious. She’s not especially beloved, but she’s not the worst in the game either. Even if you are not going to use it, I recommend trying it in the training area to see with your eyes how peculiar it is.

Holy Sword of the Ark

  • Request– Defeat the Fuoco boss, King’s Flame (Act 3) to get the King’s Flame Ergo.
  • Scaling: B in Motor Skills and C in Technique.
  • Object to give up: Conquering amulet. “Upon a successful Perfect Guard, temporarily increases the damage dealt by a weapon attack.”

We are facing the best and most versatile weapon of all the legendary ones. It is perfect for Motor builds and has a peculiarity: it can temporarily become a spear thanks to its Fable ability. So far, most Tops and lists put it as the best in its category.

Covenant Trident

  • Request– Defeat the boss Andreus, Fallen Archbishop (Act 4) to get the Ergo of the Twisted Angel.
  • Scaling: C in Motor Skills and B in Technique.
  • Object to give up: Amulet of the nameless. “Probability that pulse cells will not be consumed when using them.”

Its name marks the importance of this weapon among the Technical category. Although it does not raise as many passions as others, its trident shape and its abilities make it the favorite of many players. Its strong point focuses on blocking, which allows us to make a special movement to quickly return the blow.

Puppet Breaker

  • Request– Defeat the Puppet King boss (Act 5) to get the White Fire King Ergo.
  • Scaling: C in Motor Skills and B in Technique.
  • Object to give up: Triumvirate Amulet. “Skill level of all legion arms +1.”

Getting this steampunk scythe is not an easy thing. The Marionette King is no joke and has upset many players. Once we defeat him, we get another of the best weapons for Technique builds. His strong point is that he has a fairly varied set of movements and a brutal range due to an attack that extends a cable like a whip. His Fable attacks are a spectacle.

Frozen Feast

  • Request– Defeat the Champion Victor boss (Act 7) to get the Ergo of the Champion Reborn.
  • Scaling: B in Motor Skills and C in Technique.
  • Object to give up: Amulet of the Arm of God. “Temporarily increases physical damage after a successful attack.”

This greatsword is absolutely crazy both aesthetically and playable. It has a special animation that shows how it breaks (and sharpens) as we hit. It is another perfect weapon for Motor builds, although it is extremely slow. Of course, if you manage to land his “Single Cut” Fable attack, the enemy will remember you for the rest of the fight… if he survives.

Two Dragon Sword

  • Request– Defeat the Green Swamp Monster boss (Act 8) to get the Puppet-Eating Green Hunter’s Ergo.
  • Scaling: D in Motor Skills and A in Technique.
  • Object to give up: Ghost Walk Amulet. “Rage attacks can be dodged.”

Bluntly: the best weapon for Technique buils in all of Lies of P. It’s a katana and its scaling comes directly from A. I don’t have to tell you why it has become the undisputed favorite of many players. And is not for less! Her moveset is very fast and her Fable attacks are on another level. This weapon is one of the few that you must choose yes or yes before the amulet.

Eye of Ouroboros

  • Request– Defeat the boss Laxasia the Whole (Act 11) to get the Ergo of the Sad Fanatic.
  • Scaling: C in Motor Skills and B in Technique.
  • Object to give up: Amulet of Impenetrable Fortress. “Weapon durability is not affected after a block.”

If we talk about rare legendary weapons, then the Eye of Uroboros wins by a long shot. This shortened version of the well-known Bloodborne Spinning Saw is achieved in the final stages of the game. It is designed for Technique builds, although it is not among the players’ favorites at the moment. And I tell you this because her Fable abilities allow you to throw her from quite a distance to do damage over time and activate her saw to do additional damage.

Noblesse Oblige

  • Request– Defeat the boss Simon Manus (Act 11) to get the Ergo of the Fallen.
  • Scaling: A in Motor Skills and D in Technique.
  • Object to give up: Amulet of the Awakened God. “Increases the damage dealt by Fable Arts to a stunned enemy.”

Dark Souls veterans surely remember the infamous Club from Dark Souls. This beast is obtained by defeating what can be considered the final boss of Lies of P… and the suffering it inflicts is proportional to the suffering of the battle. His move set is slow, but I assure you that the enemy feels every blow. Their Fable abilities follow the same line: they will feel the blow even to their ancestors.

Humanity Test

  • Request– Defeat the Nameless Puppet boss (Act 11) to get the Nameless Puppet Ergo.
  • Scaling: B in Motor Skills and B in Technique.
  • Object to give up: Piercing Hate Amulet. “Immunity to all specific damage penalties.”

I admit that choosing the Proof of Humanity sword hurts because the Piercing Hatred amulet is a piece of candy. However, the reward is substantial. It is a light sword that scales B in both Motricity and Technique, that is to say: it is all-terrain. Her move set is quite fast and her fable arts allow us to split her in two to have dual swords.

Golden Lie

  • Request: Always lie in all interactions that involve choosing between telling the truth or lying. After defeating Simon Manus, you can take her from the painting that Geppetto has hanging in her Hotel study. If you can’t, it’s because you’ve told something true or you have vinyl left to listen to.
  • Scaling: C in Motor Skills and C in Technique.

The normal thing is not to draw the Golden Lie during the first game… unless we are compulsive liars (in the game) naturally. It is a spear with a fairly fast set of movements. His Fable skills are a visual light show.


GTA Vice City – Codes, Unlimited Money, Weapons, Easter Eggs

A GTA game is much better with cheat codes, right? We have all the GTA Vice City codes listed here, from weapons to tanks, among many others.

GTA Vice City may have been out a long time ago, but it’s worth playing in these days. The 80s personality and soundtrack, along with an incredible Miami Vice-inspired storyline, form one of the best GTA stories of all time. As with all GTA games, GTA Vice City just got better with the addition of tricks / codes.

Being able to generate weapons, vehicles and money under command is nevertheless fun, although you need to know the Vice City codes to activate them. In this GTA Vice City Cheat Guide, we will list all the codes available for Vice City. We will list all the GTA Vice City cheats available on PS4, PS3, PS2, Xbox, PC and also on iOS and Android versions. We’ll also take a look at some Easter Eggs from GTA Vice City.

If we forget a code or want to report the malfunction of one, you can always use our comment box.

If you want to know the cheat codes of other games in the GTA saga, be sure to check out our pages below:

GTA 5 – Codes, Cheats and Tricks

GTA 4 – Codes, Cheats and Tricks

GTA Vice City – Codes, Cheats and Tricks

GTA San Andreas – Codes, Cheats and Tricks

GTA Vice City – Cheat Codes

You can play GTA Vice City on almost any device these days, thanks to backward compatibility and an excellent mobile port. To help you find the GTA Vice City cheats you want to know, we divide them by platform. Here are all the codes for GTA Vice City for Xbox, PS4, PS3, PC, iOS and Android.

GTA Vice City – Códigos Cheat – PS4, PS3, PS2

:: Pokémon Sword and Shield – How to evolve Eevee into Flareon, Jolteon, Vaporeon, Leafeon, Glaceon, Espeon, Umbreon and Sylveon

The Cheat codes for GTA Vice City are the same, regardless of the PlayStation console you are playing on. With that in mind, here are all the Vice City Cheats for PS4, PS3 and PS2:

CheatCódigo Cheat

All green traffic lights Right, R1, Up, L2, L2, Left, R1 ,L1, R1, R1
All invisible vehicles Triangle, L1, Triangle, R2, Square, L1, L1
All Weapons Set 2 R1, R2, L1, R2, L, D, R, U, L, D, R, U
All Weapons Set 3 R1, R2, L1, R2, L, D, R, U, L, D, D, L
All Weapons Set 3 R1, R2, L1, R2, L, D, R, U, L, D, D, D
Armor code R1, R2, L1, X, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up
Black cars O, L2, U, R1, L, X, R1, L1, L, O
Explor Cars R2, L2, R1, L1, L2, R2, S, T, O, T, L2, L1
Change Clothes Right, Right, Left, Up, L1, L2, Left, Up, Down, Right
Girls magnet Circle,X,L1,L1,R2,X,X,Circle,Triangle
Chicks with Guns Right,L1,Circle,L2,Left,X,R1,L1,L1,X
Cloudy weather R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, T
Commit suicide R, L2, D, R1, L, L, R1, L1, L2, L1
Fast movement Triangle, Up, Right, Down, L2, L1, Square
Flying cars Right, R2, O, R1, L2, Down, L1, R1
Fog R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, X
Full health R1, R2, L1, O, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up
Women drop guns R, L1, O, L2, L, X, R1, L1, L1, X
Flying boats R2, Circle, Up, L1, Right, R1, Right, Up, Square, Triangle
Glider cars Right, R2, Circle, R1, L2, Square, R1, R2
Download wanted level R1, R1, O, R2, U, D, U, D, U, D
Crazy cars R2,Circle,R1,L2,Left,R1,L1,R2,L2
Media Level Meter R2, O, U, L1, R, R1, R, U, S, T
Pedestrian attack D, U, U, U, X, R2, R1, L2, L2
Manifestation of lost D, L, U, L, X, R2, R1, L2, L1
Pedestrians with guns R2, R1, X, T, X, T, U, D
Perfect handling T, R1, R1, L, R1, L1, R2, L1
Pink cars Circle,L1,Down,L2,Left,X,R1,L1,Right,Circle
Play as Candy Su___ O, R2, D, R1, L, R, R1, L1, X, L2
Play as Hilary King R1, O, R2, L1, R, R1, L1, X, R2
Play as Ken Rosenberg R, L1, U, L2, L1, R, R1, L1, X, R1
Play as Lance Vance O, L2, L, X, R1, L1, X, L1
Play as Love Fist Guy # 1 D, L1, D, L2, L, X, R1, L1, X, X
Play as Love Fist Guy # 2 R1, L2, R2, L1, R, R2, L, X, S, L1
Play as Mercedes R2, L1, U, L1, R, R1, R, U, O, T
Play as Phil Cassady R, R1, U, R2, L1, R, R1, L1 ,R, O
Play as Ricardo Diaz L1, L2, R1, R2, D, L1, R2, L2
Play as Sonny Forelli O, L1, O, L2, L, X, R1, L1, X, X
Increase wanted level R1, R1, O, R2, L, R, L, R, L, R
Slow motion Triangle, Up, Right, Down, Square, R2, R1
Create a Bloodring Banger U, R, R, L1, R, U, S, L2
Create a Bloodring Racer D, R1, O, L2, L2, X, R1, L1, L, L
Create a Caddy O, L1, U, R1, L2, X, R1, L1, O, X
Create a Hot Ring Racer R2, L1, circle, right, L1, R1, right, up, circle, R2
Create a Hotring Racer # 1 R1, O, R2, R, L1, L2, X, X, S, R1
Create a Hotring Racer # 2 R2, L1, O, R, L1, R1, R, U, O, R2
Create a Love Fist Limo R2,Up,L2,Left,Left,R1,L1,Circle,Right
Create a Rhino O, O, L1, O, O, O, L1, L2, R1, T, O, T
Create a Romero’s Hearse D, R2, D, R1, L2, L, R1, L1, L, R
Create a Saber Saber R, L2, D, L2, L2, X, R1, L1, O, L
Create a Trashmaster O, R1, O, R1, L, L, R1, L1, O, R
Speed ​​up time O, O, L1, S, L1, S, S, S, L1, T, O, T
Storm R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, O
Sunny weather R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Triangle
Cloudy weather R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, S
Strange wheels R1, X, Triangle, Right, R2, Square, Up, Down, Square
Increase wanted level R1, R1, Circle, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right
Decrease wanted level R1, R1, Circle, R2, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down
Suicide Right, L2, Down, R1, Left, Left, R1, L1, L2, L1

GTA Vice City – Códigos Cheat – Xbox

CheatCódigos Cheat

Aggressive traffic Black, B, R, White, Left, R, L, Black, White.
Change wheels R, A, Y, Right, Black, X, Up, Down, X.
Commit suicide Right, White, Down, R, Left, Left, R, L, White, L.
Crazy pedestrians Down, Left, Up, Left, A, Black, R, White, L.
Blow up all cars Black, White, R, L, White, Black, X, Y, B, Y, White, L.
Faster cars R, Black, L, L, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up.
Faster gameplay B, B, L, X, L, X, X, X, L, Y, B, Y.
Floating cars Right, Black, B, R, White, X, R, Black.
Fog Black, A, L, L, White, White, White, A.
Chased by women B, A, L, L, Black, A, A, B, Y.
Get armor R, Black, L, A, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up.
Get health R, Black, L, B, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up.
Improve car handling Y, R, R, Left, R, L, Black, L.
Invisible cars Y, L, Y, Black, X, L, L.
Look like Candy Su___ B, Black, Down, R, Left, Right, R, L, A, White
Look like Hilary King R, B, Black, L, Right, R, L, A, Black
Looking like Ken Rosenberg Right, L, Up, White, L, Right, R, L, A, R
Look like Lance Vance B, White, Left, A, R, L, A, L
Look like Love Fist 1 Down, L, Down, White, Left, A, R, L, A, A
Look Like Love Fist 2 R, White, Black, L, Right, Black, Left, A, X, L
Look like Mercedes Black, L, Up, L, Right, R, Right, Up, B, Y
Looking like Phil Cassady Right, R, Up, Black, L, Right, R, L, Right, B
Looking like Ricardo Diaz L, White, R, Black, Down, L, Black, White
Look like Sonny Forelli B, L, B, White, Left, A, R, L, A, A
Low severity Right, Black, B, R, White, Down, L, R.
Lower wanted level R, R, B, Black, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down.
Media Level Meter Black, B, Up, L, Right, R, Right, Up, X, Y.
Normal weather Black, A, L, L, White, White, White, Down.
Meteorology Black, A, L, L, White, White, White, X.
Pedestrians hate you Down, Up, Up, Up, A, Black, R, White, White.
Pedestrians have guns Black, R, A, Y, A, Y, Up, Down.
Rainy weather Black, A, L, L, White, White, White, B.
Increase wanted level R, R, B, Black, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right.
Red clothes Right, Right, Left, Up, L, White, Left, Up, Down, Right
Robocops B, L, Down, White, Left, A, R, L, Right, A.
Slower gameplay Y, Up, Right, Down, X, Black, R.
Create a Bloodring Banger Up, Right, Right, L, Right, Up, X, White.
Create a Bloodring Banger Race Car Down, R, B, White, White, A, R, L, Left, Left.
Create a Golf Cart B, L, Up, R, White, A, R, L, B, A.
Create a Hotring Racer 1 R, B, Black, Right, L, White, A, A, X, R.
Create a Hotring Racer 2 Black, L, B, Right, L, R, Right, Up, B, Black.
Create a Love Fist Limo Black, Up, White, Left, Left, R, L, B, Right.
Create a Rhino B, B, L, B, B, B, L, White, R, Y, B, Y.
Create a Romero’s Hearse Down, Black, Down, R, White, Left, R, L, Left, Right.
Create a Saber Saber Right, White, Down, White, White, A, R, L, B, Left.
Create a Trashmaster B, R, B, R, Left, Left, R, L, B, Right.
Sunny weather Black, A, L, L, White, White, White, Y.
Make cars black B, White, Up, R, Left, A, R, L, Left, B.
Make cars pink B, L, Down, White, Left, A, R, L, Right, B.
Women drop guns Right, L, B, White, Left, A, R, L, L, A.
Weapon Set 1 Right trigger, Black, Left trigger, Black, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up
Weapon Set 2 Right trigger, Black, Left trigger, Black, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Down, Left
Weapon Set 3 Right trigger, Black, Left trigger, Black, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Down, Down
Full health Right trigger, Black, Left trigger, B, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up

GTA Vice City – Códigos Cheat – PC

Cheat codes work the same way on the PC when compared to other platforms, although you have to press keys instead of buttons. Check out the PC cheats below:

CheatCódigos Cheat

Full health ASPIRIN
Increase wanted level YOUWONTTAKEMEALIVE
Decrease wanted level LEAVEMEALONE
Fast mode ONSPEED
Massive motorcycle spawn FREEWAYFORANGELJOY
Airplane spawn FLYINGWAYS
Tank spawn PANZER
Spawn Bloodring Banger TRAVELINSTYLE
Fazer spawned the Alt Bloodring Banger GETTHEREQUICKLY
Spawn Sabre Turbo GETTHEREFAST
Hearse spawn THELASTRIDE
Trashmaster spawn RUBBISHCAR
Lean appearance PROGRAMMER
Flying ships AIRSHIP
Proximity explosions BIGBANG
Fury on the road MIAMITRAFFIC
Flying vehicles COMEFLYWITHME
Improved handling GRIPISEVERYTHING
Green light GREENLIGHT
Amphibious cars SEAWAYS
Clear weather ALOVELYDAY
Cloudy weather APLEASANTDAY
Cloudy weather ABITDRIEG
Slow down time BOOOOOORING
Hostile pedestrians NOBODYLIKESME
Armed female pedestrians CHICKSWITHGUNS

How to make money in GTA Vice City

One of the most useful cheats you can use in GTA Vice City is unlimited money. We list the details below:

On Umberto Robina’s first mission, get on the boat. When you’re inside, press the triangle to release the wheel. Kill the henchmen and start kicking him. You will receive $ 50 each time you do so, up to a point. At this point, wait just 10 seconds and start again. Very easy money.

GTA Vice City Mobile Cheats – Can you use GTA Vice City cheat codes on iOS and Android?

It is possible to use GTA Vice City Cheats in the iOS and Android versions of the game, but it is far from being a straightforward process. The problem is that there is no keyboard input to trigger the cheats. This means that you will have to use third party software to enable in-game cheats. One of these programs is called Game Keyboard and, as you may have guessed, it adds a keyboard to the game. You can then use the PC codes listed above to activate Vice City cheats on mobile.

Can you play GTA Vice City on Xbox One and Xbox 360?

Since you can play Vice City on PS4 and PS3, you might think the same would be true for Xbox One and Xbox 360. Unfortunately, at the time of writing, you cannot play GTA Vice City on Xbox One or 360.

You can get money from the parking meters in GTA Vice City

If you need a little extra money in GTA Vice City, there is an easy trick for that. Just get in a car and then go over all the parking meters you find. The money will start to fall and you just have to catch it!

Bulletproof cars in GTA Vice City

There is a bulletproof car in GTA Vice City, useful for escaping the law. It is called Admiral and it is the white car driven by Diaz. To obtain it, start the Guardian Angels mission and kill the gang members you are directed to. Now, you just have to kill Diaz. This will fail the mission, unlocking the Admiral’s doors, which means you can simply take it back to your garage.

What is the cheat to get Caddy in GTA Vice City?

Um dos veículos mais engraçados que podes obter em GTA Vice City é o caddie de golfe. Listamos os códigos para o Caddie de GTA Vice City abaixo:

  • Xbox: B, L, Cima, R, Branco, A, R, L, B, A
  • PlayStation: O, L1, U, R1, L2, X, R1, L1, O, X

Caso queiras saber tudo sobre o GTA 5 temos um guia com a solução completa, conselhos, história, multijogador, troféus, achievements, Xbox 360 e PS3. Para além disso, também podes aprender como ganhar dinheiro fácil, subir de reputação e dicas, assim como os códigos, cheats, truques e bolsa de valores com os nossos guias. Por último, também podes descobrir tudo sobre o GTA 5 Online Gunrunning – Novas armas, veículos, operações e bases, assim como os Truques e Dicas para ganhares as Corridas de Rua, e Truques, Dicas e Estratégias para o Motor Wars.

Do not forget to also consult our page where we cover the cheat codes of GTA 4 and also the cheat codes of Vice City.


All Last Faith Weapons Explained

The Last Faith is a brutal combination of Castlevania and Bloodborne. It combines the unforgiving gameplay of the Soulsborne games with an exploration of the Castlevania games. This game sends you against hordes of enemies, and you can only rely on yourself and your trusty weapons to defend yourself.

Related: Best Weapons in Blasphemous 2, Ranked

The Last Faith: full list of weapons

There are 13 weapons in the game, and each of them has its ups and downs. You can upgrade them, but I would recommend unlocking all the weapons and then, during replays, choosing the best one for each situation. The weapons in Last Faith are as follows, in unlock order:

  • Blade of Nightfall
  • Skull Cutter
  • Nighttide’s rout
  • Gaff Blade
  • Great Ethereal Blade
  • Macewhip storm chaser
  • Spinal Chain Blade
  • Indemnity Reaper
  • Illygrarth’s Boreal Blade
  • Firestrike Blade
  • Holy Winged Ax
  • The Devourer of the Betrayed
  • The blood rift

Blade of Nightfall

The Twilight Blade is your first weapon, and you will get it at the start of the campaign. It’s a simple short blade with no stats that excels. Nevertheless, it is very practical in close combat situations.

Skull Cutter

Now for the big hitters. SkullCleaver is a slow but powerful weapon. This weapon is found in the Broken pass area. If you like slow weapons that deal a lot of damage in one powerful hit, this weapon is good for you.

Nighttide’s rout

Remember how much the Belmonts loved using whips in Castlevania? This weapon is an obvious homage to that. This whip-like weapon is found in the City of Mythringal. Although it doesn’t have a great damage value, Nighttide Rout’s range is excellent and it comes in very handy against flying type enemies.

Gaff Blade

The Blunderblade and Nightfall Blade are two very similar short weapons. After saving the blacksmith in the City of Mythringal, you can buy the weapon from him. Blunderblade isn’t very distinctive, except for the ability to knock back during a combo.

Great Ethereal Blade

This name sounds mean, and for good reason. This blade is one of the best weapons the game has to offer. Relative to its size, it is long, fast, and deals high damage. The article is available in the Drowned Crypt area of ​​the map. Upgrade the Great Ethereal Blade at the highest level until the very end is something I highly recommend.

Macewhip storm chaser

As the name suggests, this weapon is a combination of a mace and a whip. We already have a whip-like weapon, Nighttide’s Rout. However, unlike Rout, Stormchaser is a hard-hitting weapon with excellent damage stats. This will be useful in the middle of the game. To find this weapon you need to explore the Esk Manor.

Spinal Chain Blade

Another amazing weapon that can be found in the middle of the game is the Spinal Chain Blade. It has range, a respectable attack bonus, and a special move that deals damage similar to a dark spell. You can grab the weapon in the Liturgical Pass.

Indemnity Reaper

This is another weapon of the highest class in the game. It resembles a scythe and has great combo ability, high speed, and great range. The latter is also very useful against certain flying enemies in the middle of the game. You will find the Reaper in the Damned Ruins of Osseus Fortress.

Illygrarth’s Boreal Blade

The Illygrath Boreal Blade is another solid steel blade that you should have in your collection. It functions like any other blade in the game, but what makes it unique is its Frozen enchantment, which allows you to stun your opponents and move them in combat. After defeating the boss Starlight Beast in Moonshade Lakeyou can get the weapon back.

Firestrike Blade

The name of this weapon is quite evocative. The Firestriker Blade has two attack modes, both involving elements of fire. With the first you can use the blade as a flamethrower, and with the second you can shoot a wave of fire forward. Both are extremely powerful and equally deadly against stronger opponents. Later in the game, the blacksmith will sell you the weapon for Nycrux.

Holy Winged Ax

In the late game, the Holy Winged Ax is a decent weapon. Moves like the simultaneous forward and backward dash and Frost enchantment attacks are among the highlights. However, given its lack of range and damage output compared to other endgame weapons, it is inferior to other endgame weapons. You can discover the Sacred Winged Ax by exploring the Gardens of the reigning palace.

The Devourer of the Betrayed

That’s a really cool name for a weapon. However, the weapon itself doesn’t live up to its name. The Devourer of the Betrayed is a dark enchantment sword that resembles a katana. He’s pretty fast and handles dark style attacks, but other than that he’s nothing special. You can find this katana in the Mythringal Crypt Skull Areas.

The blood rift

Without a doubt, the best weapon in the game is the Blood Rift. It is the highest damage weapon, capable of dealing up to 900 damage in a single hit if upgraded to maximum level. Additionally, it is a very vicious weapon due to the blood type enchantment and AOE style attacks. After filling out the four chalices of blood in the cursed ruins of Osseus Fortressyou can get this weapon.


I already know how to travel to the dinosaur island in Baldur’s Gate 3 and my prize has been one of the best weapons in the game

We finally know how we can get to the dinosaur kingdom of Baldur’s Gate 3. That’s right, that curious statement that the game director left us has finally come true. At least that’s how it has been for me, because I’m sure that not a few of you had already discovered it by your own hand.

Be that as it may, I did not want to miss the opportunity to tell you that, in fact, there are an island in the style of Jurassic Park in the magnum opus of Larian Studios and that we can reach it in act 3. The process in general is relatively simple, but you have to follow a series of very specific steps.

An island full of dangerous dinosaurs is one of the most secret areas of Baldur’s Gate 3

First of all, we will have to talk to the Djinn of the circus which has taken up residence on the outskirts of Baldur’s Gate. Once there, we will have to try to steal an object called Genie Ring so that he cannot manipulate the wheel of luck that is at his side. Once we have completed this step, we will have to talk to him.

In general, the ideal is to try to be as cordial as possible until we can turn the wheel. When this happens, it will be our time to go ahead and rub our victory all over his face. In response, the Djinn will teleport us to a jungle full of dinosaurs.

The best of all is that in this area we can get one of the best spears in the entire game, both for damage and functionality. Her name is Nyrulna and to obtain her we will have to open a chest with a Dexterity check of difficulty 20.


Remnant 2: Sell and disassemble weapons?

In the new Soulslike shooter Remnant 2 you will find some weapons in the course of the story. The weapons can then be improved again at the weapon smith in Station 13 and additionally strengthened with various weapon mods. Anyone who has already spent an hour or two in the world of Remnant 2 and accordingly found some weapons will perhaps ask themselves the question, how can you sell a weapon? Can you disassemble a weapon into its individual parts and use them to get materials such as scrap metal, iron and the like?

Sell, recycle and disassemble the weapon?

The short answer to the question is, at least for the current version, no, you can neither sell a weapon at the dealer nor disassemble a weapon and get crafting materials from it. Similar to the predecessor in the form of the first Remnant part, there is no dealer or NPC where you can sell or sell a weapon. However, since Remnant 2 doesn’t have an inventory limit on how many weapons and gear you can carry and carry in your inventory, that’s not a huge problem either. Even if it is admittedly a bit confusing in the course of the story in the weapon selection. In addition to weapons, you can’t sell weapon mods either.

Sell ​​items to the merchant

You can of course sell other items in Remnant 2 at one of the merchants in Station 13. These include, for example, consumables, material and production materials such as iron, relic dust, but also the rare blood moon essences. For some materials you get good money in the form of scrap metal by selling them, but we would recommend not selling the materials, especially at first, because you still need them for crafting. Instead of selling materials, there are much better ways to quickly farm scrap metal.

Tip: This is how you can change the difficulty level in Remnant 2 afterwards.


I just found out that Baldur’s Gate 3 lets you use two salamis as weapons, and now I want to create “sausage scourge” to go through the RPG

We already know that Baldur’s Gate 3 is a game in which You can do whatever you want. Overwatch 2 voice actor Matthew Mercer demonstrated this by stacking 45 boxes to scale a castle in the game. But that freedom that the game gives us can also lead us to believe in the most absurd character of all Faerun, with two equipped salamis like two-handed weapons.

Yes, I have not been wrong. You can have a 2 meter barbarian called “the widow maker” and attack with two sausages to death. Baldur’s Gate 3 offers us these foods as items to trade or to use as provisions, but they can also be equipped by our characters.

The fault that now he wants to create a barbarian called “the scourge of salami” comes from Thorusin, a YouTube user who shared his peculiar paladin build with these sausages. The most curious thing is that both have damage statshardly of 1-7 pointsand also attacks associated with hammers or morning stars.

Thorusin, with his SalamiPaladin and both weapons, gets defeat 3 trolls without much effort, although it is true that he also does it with the support of his teammates and a character above level 3. But it is still spectacular to see him in action. If you want to copy his build to go through Baldur’s Gate with two sausages in hand, you can do it thanks to the video he shared.

This madness is not new to the game. Baldur’s Gate 3 official reddit shared 2 years ago the inclusion of “two-handed salami” in the patch 6, something that generated a stir among the community, in a positive way, yes. Some added that, obviously, the game weighed 60 GB at that time solely because of the power of the sausage.