
AC Valhalla Seals Location: Farm Seal Fin

Where to find the seals in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla? How to farm seal fin quickly? These questions may concern one or other player of the new AC Valhalla who needs the seals or their seal fins for a quest or simply wants to sell them to earn silver. Similar to other items, the seal fin can also be sold to a dealer for a profit and you get three silver coins per fin. Since seals are not that easy to find, unlike other animals, in this guide we show where you can find and farm seal fins.

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: Find and farm seals

There are various locations where seals can be hunted. Around the Farm seal fins quickly you should head to the north of East England. The seals are found in large numbers in the north of East England, more precisely on the small islands north of the harbor. When you arrive at the harbor fast travel point, you can see two small islands in the west where there are numerous seals that can be killed in both close combat and long-range combat with a bow and arrow. Since the seals are quite shy and can jump into the water or disappear, you should hurry when hunting if you want to get as big a haul as possible.

By the way, the seal fins don’t have a 100% drop probability, so you usually get around five to six seal fins out of ten killed seals. By fast traveling to another fast travel point and back you can spawn the seals again and use them to farm the fins.

Tip: This is how you can unlock the explosive arrow and the poison arrow in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.