
The Division 2 broadcast from Columbia Plaza

Where can you actually find the “Shipment from Columbia Plaza” side mission in The Division 2? Where is the mission giver for the Columbia Plaza mission? The question may look something like this from one or another agent who is currently taking care of his side missions and who is still missing the side mission mentioned above. Since we are probably not alone with the question of where to find the side mission and how to start it, here is a short guide on the topic.

Broadcast from Columbia Plaza side mission

The side mission Broadcast from Columbia Plaza you can find it in Foggy bottommore precisely in the north of the area on the E St. Expressway Northwest in front of the buildings. If you walk around on the street in front of the buildings, then before the roadblock with the big ambulance sign on the left you should see a notification that a side mission has been discovered and that is the Columbia Plaza broadcast broadcast). The task in the side mission is to first examine and enter the courtyard, kill the opponents and then save a hostage. The reward for the hidden side mission is a reflex sight.

If you would like to see the location of the start of the hidden side mission as well as the individual tasks (i.e. entering and freeing the courtyard and rescuing the hostage from the cage-like prison) again in moving images, we recommend the linked video guide from the YouTuber wolftooth. At the very beginning of the video you can see the position described above from the start of the side mission.

On our subpages you will find more tips and tricks about the new The Division 2. Where do you actually get the new exotic LMG called Pestilence? How can I farm exotic components and use them to improve my exotic weapons?

By Zachary Bailey

a visionary professional with a strong background in business strategy and education. Currently serving as the Director of Business Strategy at DFS, Zachary brings his expertise to drive growth and success. Previously, he held the position of Science and IT Advisor K-8 at the United Nations International School from 2014 to 2021, where he made a lasting impact on students' learning journeys. Additionally, Zachary has excelled as a Solution Architect for NGL Services, leveraging his problem-solving skills to develop innovative solutions. Beyond his professional pursuits, he is an avid gamer, entrepreneur, and unapologetic internet junkie. With a deep knowledge of pop culture and a devotion to music, Zachary embodies a well-rounded passion for all things digital and creative.