
World of Warships Review

The third installation of is here, World of Warships. World of Warships does not focus on tanks or planes, but on warships at sea. We were allowed to work with World of Warships, but is this World of game worth playing again?


In world of Warhsips there are a lot of ships, but what Wargaming does is very good. Wargaming has ensured that there is a good balance during the matches. For example, certain ships can only participate once in a game and there is also a good distribution between the classes and tiers. The four classes in World of Warships are: Cruiser, Destroyer, Battleship, and Aircraft Carrier. In addition, there are ten tiers, in which you start with a Cruiser. After this cruiser you can unlock another Cruiser and a Destroyer.

Each ship controls differently, so that the gameplay remains interesting, in addition, the gameplay does not get boring, every sea battle remains interesting and Wargaming has done that well. For example, the goal of some modes is to take over bases. With this you earn points and with this you can eventually win the game. The idea sounds simple, but the great balance on the field and the wide range of ships keep the game interesting and fun.

The different types of ships also provide the necessary variety. For example, the Aircraft Carrier is an interesting class. With this class you have a view over the entire playing field. For example, you are not busy with cannons, but more with steering ships. The Destroyers and Cruisers are very manoeuvrable, so you are more in action. Please note, with these two classes you are more vulnerable. There are also differences between these two classes, such as ammunition and speed. The Battleships are also useful to use in the playing field, these ships are slower than the Destroyers and Cruisers, but are much more powerful and can take more shots from the opponent.

Finally, the level system is very interesting, in the beginning of my play session, I found it all very fast, I was fast in tier IV, while it only goes up to Tier X (Tier 10). In the end, this is a lot slower, so that the depth remains fun, but Wargaming could have brought a little more balance to the leveling. In addition, it is of course still possible to quickly go to Tier X, by simply buying points. Because even though the game is fun, it remains one

Free-to-Play game

Wargaming is a wonderful game in terms of gameplay, where you have to spend little or no money at all. It is therefore a well-developed Free to Play game. The only things you can spend money on are Premium ships and I have to say, the premium ships do play great! More than worth your money, but you have to dig into your pocket for it.

When the bullets fly into the air, I’m glued to the screen

Graphics and Sound

Unfortunately we could not run the game at full power, our hardware was not strong enough for this. We did check some videos in which the setting was set to 1080p. We already thought the game looked nice, and at 1080p the game really takes off. Then when you attack with your group of friends and zoom in, man when those bullets fly into the air I’m glued to the screen. For me this would be a reason to upgrade my PC. The graphics also provide a good setting and atmosphere, but you will be completely captivated by the sound. The sound of your diesel engine, the rudder that you turn a few degrees, everything has been thought of. You just sit on your boat, put on your headset and go.

Communication is tricky and not every new ship is great

This part is the downside of the game. The game revolves around communication, because if you play well together, the game will be easier, but above all much more fun. Unfortunately, communication is not strong in this game. Many games go like an uncontrolled game of Call of Duty, everyone goes their own way and no one keeps the team in mind. It therefore remains difficult to play with strangers, which is a shame, because the game plays well, but it is incredibly frustrating to lose because your team simply does not play together.

In addition, there is a small disadvantage, or well, a sometimes somewhat demotivating disadvantage. I’ve had a few times that I was very excited for a new ship that would be released in Tier VI, for example. Sometimes it is a bit disappointing that this ship is a bit less than my current boat in the cannon department. Fortunately, you can sell the boats and gain experience points from them to save for the Boat that you can buy in Tier VII, which is better in the cannon department than your boat from Tier VI.


World of Warhsips is a great game that gives a lot of content for the Free to Play mechanism. Still, the Free to Play idea remains attractive to invest money in, because you want that premium ship and blame yourself, they just play incredibly well. The graphics in the game are not overwhelming, but it’s fine, the game runs well and doesn’t demand too much from your PC, it keeps the framerate running smoothly. This ensures that the game is accessible to many people and also to children, who will probably love the game.

The variation between the four classes is fun and varied. The Destroyer and the Cruisers remain my favourite, but Aircraft Carrier is ideal for the somewhat quiet player, so World of Warhips offers something for everyone. Leveling is sometimes fast in the beginning, but later this becomes less, so that depth and challenge remain in the game.
The only drawbacks are that the game is a bit slow, because it takes a while before you finally get into the action. This occasionally takes away from the action and also the tension in the fight. In addition, it remains annoying that communication is something that few people use, so that it sometimes takes away some fun from the game.

World of Warships is a wonderful game to play if you have some spare time, the game offers action and fun, but sometimes that is taken away by the small drawbacks. Nevertheless, World of Warships is a game that you play, you keep playing if you’re good at it and also keep you busy for a long time, if the communication works well.

By Fred Richardson

a computer enthusiast with an insatiable appetite for problem-solving. After graduating with a degree in Computer Science in 2010, he embarked on a lifelong journey of exploring the intricacies of technology. For the past 25 years, Fred has dedicated himself to building custom PCs, mastering the art of hardware and software integration. With a deep-rooted belief in the power of coding, he has sought to unravel the complexities of life's challenges through lines of programming. From the early days of DOS 3.3 to the present, Fred has been a steadfast support for users, utilizing his knowledge to assist and guide others in navigating the ever-changing world of technology.