
Breed Pals Like a Pro in PalWorld: The Basics

If you’re looking to get awesome Pals, like the dreaded Blaze Hall, quickly and efficiently, then you’ve come to the right place. In PalWorld you have the ability to breed Pals to obtain rare creatures without having to face high level areas. You will also learn how to influence the statistics of your Pals to make them formidable companions. Follow our Campustech guide to learn everything about breeding in PalWorld.

Prerequisites for breeding

Before you start farming the Palworld game phenomenon, you will need two essential elements: the Mix Farm and the Cooking Pot. The Mix Farm is accessible from level 19, and the Cooking Pot from level 17. You can level up quickly by capturing Pals, so don’t worry about these prerequisites.

Preparation of ingredients

To begin, you will need to prepare some cakes. The ingredients needed are flour, milk, eggs and honey. To obtain flour, grow wheat in the garden, accessible at level 15. Bees will provide honey, which you can also harvest from Cinnamotes. Eggs can be obtained from any chicken. The milk comes from Mozarins, creatures common in the starting region.

Making the cakes

Once you have all the ingredients on hand, use them to whip up cakes in the Cooking Pot. The cake recipe requires a little patience, but it is relatively simple. Transform the wheat you have grown into flour, and incorporate the flour into the recipe. The Mozarins provide the milk, and the Cinnamotes, the honey. You can make these cakes in quantity and store them in a Cooler Box for later use.

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The coupling box

For breeding, you will also need to have a mating box containing cakes. Reproduction will only occur if this condition is met.

The breeding process

When you have everything in place, choose a male and a female that you want to breed. Place them in the Mating Box, making sure to have cakes inside to trigger breeding. The process may take some time, so be patient. Once breeding is successful, you will get an egg.


The egg you get must be incubated to hatch. To do this, you will need the Egg Incubator technology. Once the egg is placed in the incubator, wait as long as necessary for the egg to hatch.

Pals with custom stats

One of the most fascinating aspects of breeding in PalWorld is the ability to customize your Pals’ stats. Depending on the parents’ stats, you can influence the characteristics of newly created Pals. You can thus obtain Pals with exceptional statistics by skillfully combining spawners.

Breeding in PalWorld provides a unique opportunity to obtain rare and powerful Pals. By following these steps and mastering the intricacies of reproduction, you will be able to create a team of fearsome Pals to face the challenges that await you in this fantasy world.

By Jack Bryant

dynamic individual with a diverse range of passions and expertise. From his early days as a machinist and USAF aircraft mechanic to his thrilling adventures as a race car driver, Jack has always had a knack for pushing boundaries. With a BS in Business, he combined his love for motorcycles and storytelling, becoming a motorcycle folklorist and futurist, uncovering the rich tales of the open road. Today, Jack thrives as a senior software engineer, applying his analytical mindset and problem-solving skills to create innovative solutions. With an unwavering drive for excellence, he continues to embrace new challenges and shape the technological landscape.