
Deal : Microsoft Defender can be tricked with a comma

Microsoft Defender has a vulnerability in which it is enough to insert an additional comma to bypass virus detection.

Microsoft Defender is included in Windows and now protects the PC quite well against malware. However, a trick now makes it possible to bypass this protection.

Microsoft Defender can be tricked

Security Researcher John Page has discovered a bug in Windows Defender where an additional comma is enough to bypass virus detection. It’s about the Windows file “rundll32.exe”, which attackers can use to execute malicious code. Microsoft Defender checks this and correctly detects malicious code using normal code instructions. However, if you insert an additional comma into the malicious code, Defender will let it through.
As Page reports, the security researcher found a similar bug in 2022, where the characters “..\.” had the same effect. But Microsoft has now fixed this. Until Microsoft patches the new security hole, another antivirus program is recommended. Especially since cybercriminals notice the problem and can specifically exploit it.

By Jack Bryant

dynamic individual with a diverse range of passions and expertise. From his early days as a machinist and USAF aircraft mechanic to his thrilling adventures as a race car driver, Jack has always had a knack for pushing boundaries. With a BS in Business, he combined his love for motorcycles and storytelling, becoming a motorcycle folklorist and futurist, uncovering the rich tales of the open road. Today, Jack thrives as a senior software engineer, applying his analytical mindset and problem-solving skills to create innovative solutions. With an unwavering drive for excellence, he continues to embrace new challenges and shape the technological landscape.