
Do you have to pay the price in The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood?

The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood is an imaginative narrative game that invites players into a world of supernatural intrigue and complex relationships. This unique gameplay experience weaves together elements of magical mystery, politics, and paranormal entities, creating a rich tapestry in which players can fully immerse themselves.

This game introduces players to an enchanting world where choices have far-reaching consequences, none of which are more haunting than the pact forged with Abramar the Behemoth. During your quest to escape exile, you find yourself entangled in a pact that promises your freedom in exchange for a future sacrifice. But as you grow closer to Abramar, you have to wonder if he’ll actually force you to keep your end of the bargain when the time comes. Read on to find out if you actually have to pay the price in The brotherhood of the cosmic wheel!

Do you have to pay the price in The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood?

As you probably already know, at the start of your journey in The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood, you must make a pact with Abramar in order to regain your freedom.

This pact is about sacrificing one of three essential aspects of your life – your immortality, your coven, or the life of the one you love most. Rather than paying right away, you must make the sacrifice at the end of the gameafter receiving everything Abramar promised you.

During your perilous journey, however, as you get closer and closer to Abramar, it becomes difficult to keep seeing him as the means to an end. In fact, at the end of the game, when Fortuna confesses that she loves Abramar, he confesses that he loves her too, despite their unusual circumstances. Despite this, he still forces Fortuna to keep his end of the bargain once the pact is made.

Unfortunately, there really seems to be no way around it. If there is indeed a way to circumvent paying the prize in The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood (besides murdering Abramar), then it has yet to be discovered.

Is it really a good thing to be forced to pay the price?

It sucks to have to unwittingly give up something so dear to the one you’ve placed so much trust in, but the fact that there’s no way around it is actually part of what makes The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood so great.

In his heart, The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood thrives on the idea that every decision you make has weight, Just as in real life. The pact made with Abramar embodies this concept, as the player’s initial choice reverberates throughout the narrative, influencing character interactions, alliances, and overall plot developments.

By ensuring that the price of the pact is ultimately paid, the game reinforces the idea that even the most seemingly insignificant choices can reverberate in unexpected and impactful ways. As the story unfolds, players bear witness to the consequences of their actions, reinforcing the idea that their choices are not isolated events, but rather part and parcel of a dynamic, interconnected narrative.

Moreover, the pact’s resolution highlights the complexity of morality, ethical ambiguity, and personal values. Players are encouraged to consider the nature of their own sacrifices and the moral dilemmas that arise from such choices. This introspection not only deepens the player’s engagement with the game, but also prompts them to understand the struggles, motivations, and fragile emotional stability of the characters.

In addition, the pact you make at the start of the game serves as a pivot for multiple endings, each reflecting the sacrifice you have chosen and the consequences it entails. Whether you give up your immortality, your beloved clan, or the life of your dearest, the choice reverberates throughout the story, revealing the game’s intricate branching paths.

It may stink of having to give up one of the three most cherished aspects of your sorcery, but allowing players to step out of their chosen fate just wouldn’t live up to the game’s narrative.

Related: What should you choose to sacrifice in The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood?

By Jack Bryant

dynamic individual with a diverse range of passions and expertise. From his early days as a machinist and USAF aircraft mechanic to his thrilling adventures as a race car driver, Jack has always had a knack for pushing boundaries. With a BS in Business, he combined his love for motorcycles and storytelling, becoming a motorcycle folklorist and futurist, uncovering the rich tales of the open road. Today, Jack thrives as a senior software engineer, applying his analytical mindset and problem-solving skills to create innovative solutions. With an unwavering drive for excellence, he continues to embrace new challenges and shape the technological landscape.