
FIFA 23: Change and hire referees

How can you actually change the referee in FIFA 23? Where can you adjust the severity of the referee and prevent him from calling every small contact a foul? This is a question that one or two players of the new FIFA 23 who are not entirely satisfied with the referee’s decisions may have to deal with. In this guide we show where you can set the referee in FIFA 23.

Hire referees and change severity

As in older FIFA parts, in FIFA 23 you can also set how strict the referee should be. The strictness of the referee can be set in the game settings before a game, for example in a normal kick-off or friendly game. To do this, open the “Game Settings” before starting the game and then switch to the “Rules” tab. Under the “Rules” you will find “Referee Strictness” below and there are five options to choose from.

  • Very mild
  • Mildness
  • default
  • Strictly
  • Very strict

By the way, the default setting is the referee strictness is set to “Standard”.

Switch female referees off and on?

With the World Cup update, Electronic Arts has now also integrated female referees into the game. The female referees are activated by default and are automatically integrated into the referee team. According to reports, FIFA 23 players find the female referees to be stricter, so there are some players who are looking for an option to disable them. So far there is no option to switch off female referees.

As in older FIFA parts, there is no option in FIFA 23 to change or select the referee manually.

By Stephen Gonzales

dynamic individual with a diverse range of talents and passions. With a background in web development, he has honed his skills in creating innovative and user-friendly digital experiences. As the CEO of Hire Quality Software, Stephen leads a team dedicated to delivering top-notch software solutions. With a programming journey that dates back to 1981, he has mastered languages like Fortran, Pascal, C, Python, icon, and ladder logic. Beyond his technical expertise, Stephen embraces life as a creator, gamer, professional food advocate, web evangelist, and travel nerd. Through his diverse interests, he continually seeks to make an impact in various domains and share his love for technology, food, and exploration with the world.