
Fortnite – The best settings for graphics and controls (PC, PS4, Xbox One)

In order to successfully compete against the other 99 players in Fortnite’s Battle Royale mode, you not only have to playfully pull out all the stops, but also fine-tune your daddy box accordingly. Say: the correct graphics settings for Fortnite choose and the Adjust controls to suit your style of play.

Why shouldn’t you make this little effort, even if Fortnite is running quite well with the standard settings and you are getting along reasonably well? Fortnite Battle Royale is a competitive game mode in which every millisecond counts that you may pull the trigger faster than your opponent. Not to mention when it comes to gaining a little more performance from a decrepit device.

Both in Fortnite itself and in the PC drivers there is a huge range of settings for this purpose, with which you can reduce unnecessary – ergo distracting – effects and deactivate everything that is not needed in order to squeeze a few more FPS out of the graphics card. The same applies to the key assignment and the sensitivity of your input devices – whether it’s a controller, mouse and keyboard or dance mat.

As you can see, the subject is not that easy – often because you don’t know exactly what causes which function – which is why it is often left behind. But that need not be. We have experimented a bit, summarized the best settings for you below and explained what the respective options change. But don’t see our recommendations as set in stone, because the results obtained vary with each system. Instead, use them as a starting point for your own fine-tuning. As a rule, you should only have to switch up or down a few levels in order to achieve an optimal result.

Table of contents Fortnite – The best settings:

Fortnite – The best graphics settings for more FPS

First and foremost, it should be said (even if it sounds trite and you will probably do it anyway): Make sure that your graphics card drivers and your operating system are up to date. That alone can lead to significant improvements at Fortnite. If that is the case, you can venture into the settings.

Our optimizations below are aimed at anyone whose computer meets the minimum and recommended system requirements for Fortnite. The aim is to increase the FPS and early enemy detection in order to be able to fight opponents quickly and precisely even in demanding situations. Depending on the hardware available, a visible loss of image quality can, but does not necessarily have to be accepted.

The prime example of this is the difference between maximum shadow settings and a medium to high level that is hardly visible at all. Not to mention that a highly detailed shadow brings no advantages in a hectic shootout and you hardly have the time to marvel at it. If you s***w down such a setting, you quickly gain a few FPS.

Regardless of your gaming rig, everyone can benefit from such optimizations. In the following section we go through the optimization process as well as the individual graphics options of Fortnite in sequence and give you tips on the individual settings so that you can achieve a much smoother gaming experience.

Go to Fortnite game settings

To tweak the graphics options of Fortnite, you first have to navigate to the settings menu. To do this, you proceed as follows:

  • Log into the game and enter the Battle Royale mode.
  • In the upper right corner of the lobby you will see an icon with three lines. Click on it and you get to the main menu of Fortnite. Alternatively, you can also press the ESC button on the PC or the game menu button on your controller.
  • There you choose the gear symbol and you will find yourself in the “Settings” menu for graphics, sound and operation.
  • The first tab deals with the graphic settings, which we explain below.

Optimize graphics settings

You have to tweak the following options to increase your FPS:

  • Window mode – full screen (this means that processes such as the desktop are not loaded in the background, which can prevent FPS drops.)
  • Screen resolution – Normally, your native screen resolution should be set automatically here (for example? 1920×1080 16: 9? For a full HD screen). You can lower the resolution to get more FPS, but this is recommended as one of the last steps.
  • Frame rate limit – you want more FPS, why limit it? -> Unlimited.
  • Quality – With this option, Epic offers you five preset levels of graphics quality. Since you make the settings for all options yourself, you can simply ignore the preset levels.
  • 3D resolution – Set the native resolution of your monitor here (as with the screen resolution).
  • Viewing distance – This setting is important in order to be able to recognize distant opponents as early as possible. If you have a decent gaming rig at home, we recommend the epic level. With somewhat weaker computers, you should go down a notch, but only when you have exhausted all other options without improvement.
  • Shadows – Shadows put a lot of strain on the GPU and usually do not help. It is best to switch this option off if your hardware is working at the lower requirement limit of Fortnite. If you don’t want to do without shade entirely and / or have more powerful components, we recommend the medium level. So you can still spot opponents based on their shadow, but don’t burden the GPU with too many details.
  • Anti-Aliasing – The main thing here is how willing you are to compromise between FPS and building block graphics and how powerful your gaming rig is. If the image quality plays a subordinate role for you, turn off anti-aliasing. If you get eye cancer from not quite cleanly rendered edges, we recommend the maximum level of ?? medium ??. With this you still achieve a reasonably good compromise between performance and quality.
  • Textures – The texture details largely determine how ?? beautiful ?? the displayed image becomes. However, this is heavily at the expense of performance. In hectic PvP battles on good PCs, we generally recommend the “medium” level to get more FPS. If you are playing on a rather decrepit device or on a console, you should set to? Low? switch back.
  • Effects – Effects like explosions and the like are not really important in competition. A real thunderstorm of flashlights can even hinder or distract you and put underperforming hardware under such stress that FPS drops or freezes occur. Therefore select the level “medium” for good PCs or “low” for poorer hardware or consoles.
  • Post-Processing – There are two reasons for choosing the “low” option. On the one hand, you can get a relatively high number of FPS for a small loss in image quality. Much more important, however, is the fact that at long distances – as you usually have when aiming through a sniper rifle scope – enemies will get a range blur if you choose a higher option. Of course you don’t want that because it makes aiming unnecessarily difficult.
  • Vsync – We recommend deactivating this option unless you are experiencing massive problems such as tearing.
  • Motion blur – Apart from the fact that some players have their problems with motion blur (nausea, headache, etc.), this function also affects the visibility of opponents when you make quick camera pans. Better turn them off.
  • Show Grass – This option is not available in Battle Royale PvP mode, as grass can be used as a tactical tool. Unfortunately, the animated grass is also at the expense of the FPS.
  • Show frame rate – With this option you can display your FPS for test purposes if you want to track the performance. In the long run, however, you should turn the option off, as the real-time calculation of the FPS also demands performance.

Fortnite – optimize settings of NVIDIA graphics cards

If you have a graphics card from Nvidia in your gaming rig, you can also make a few optimizations in the Nvidia control panel to give Fortnite a boost. To do this, open the Nvidia control panel and select the option “Manage 3D settings” in the left menu column under the item “3D settings”.

Then switch in the right window (manage 3D settings) the tab from “Global Settings” to “Program Settings” and search through the drop-down list under item “1”. Choose a program to be customized “according to Fortnite: Battle Royale. If Fortnite is not available, you can add it to the list manually by clicking on” Add “and specifying the path to the .exe. Now adjust the following settings:

  • Preferred update rate -> Highest available
  • Power management mode -> Prefer maximum performance
  • Threaded Optimization -> On
  • Vertical synchronization -> Off
  • Maximum number of pre-rendered single images -> 1
  • Monitor technology -> On (only possible if you have a G-SYNC compatible monitor)
  • Multiple displays / mixed GPU acceleration -> single display performance mode

By Timothy Stewart

passion for creating visually stunning and responsive websites. With a remarkable career spanning over 35 years, he has established himself as a software entrepreneur, engineer, and educator. Timothy's expertise extends beyond technical realms as he also advocates for culture-based recruiting at SamaRank, recognizing the importance of diversity and inclusivity in the workforce. As a Twitter fanatic, he stays up-to-date with the latest trends and shares his insights with the online community. Recognized for his problem-solving skills, Timothy has earned awards for his innovative solutions. With a subtly charming communication style, he effortlessly connects with others, fostering collaboration and driving success.