
[GUIDE] : How to Draw a Paper Map and Farm in Stranded Deep

Are you looking for a way to find your way around the game? It is now possible thanks to this tutorial

Before viewing the video you will need:

  • A compass (you can find it through the various wrecks in the game).
  • A printable paper map available at the following link:
  • A protractor.
  • A ruler.
  • A pencil.

Below are the different steps to follow:

Note first of all that the center of the map designates the main island (the one where you live).

1. From the main island, look around and note any islands you can see on the horizon. To do this, point your compass towards the island and note with maximum precision the angle it forms with the North from your position. Example: You read 38 °, you take your map and draw a straight line between your main island and the one you see which is therefore at 38 °!

Now that you know their directions, you’ll miss it on your map a distance.

2. To know the distance that separates you from an island, you will have to go there at a constant speed. That is to say, you will have to get there by paddling without stopping and keeping a curve as straight as possible. Start your stopwatch and then start paddling towards the island.

3. Let’s imagine that you have taken 4 minutes and 5 seconds to arrive at the island (ie 245 seconds). Define a divider that you will always keep and that will allow you to spend time traveling to a distance on your map. Here I choose the divisor of 80. Example: You divide 245 by 80 which makes you 3.1 cm on your map.

4. Take a ruler and, along the line you have already drawn you will be able to draw your new island 3.1 cm from your main island. You call this island “Morea”.

5. From the new island you have just drawn try to find an island that you can already see in the distance from the main island. Then, note the trajectories of each island you see in front of you using your protractor. The process will be the same for placing each of the other islands on the map.

6. Return to your canoe and proceed, timing, to the island closest to your main island. Imagine that you took 4 minutes 55 seconds (or 295 seconds). You then divide 295 by 80 which makes you 3.7 cm on your map. You draw your new island 3.7 cm from Morea and you will call it “Huahine”. You therefore notice that Huahine is right on a trajectory that you have already noted in step “1” which means that, from your main island, you can see Huahine.

The written tutorial ends.

The world of Stranded Deep

Stranded Deep is located in the Pacific Ocean. The true Pacific Ocean and all of its inhabitants heavily influence the flora & fauna in the game.

The World of Stranded Deep is entirely procedurally generated. This means players can travel in any direction anytime, and the experience features an endless variety of biomes, including islands.

When a new game is created, a random series of numbers are generated from a “Seed. This “Seed” is used throughout the generation of this specific world. No world is the same, no biome is the same.

Players can share the “Seed” of a world in order to replicate the same world.

The biomes present in Stranded Deep are:

• Islands (Island)

• Shallows

• Sand Plains

• Arid lands (Barren)

• The Deep Sea

Biomes are generated in the formation of grids. Each biomes extend roughly 0.16 square miles (about 250 meters), but they can cling to similar neighboring biomes to expand its influence. As the player progresses through the world, other biomes will be seamlessly generated and integrated with the world.

Do palm trees grow back in depth?

Are palm trees growing back in Stranded Deep? The short answer is no. Palm trees do not reappear in Stranded Deep.

While some plants in the deep sea survival game grow back, most don’t. This includes young ficus and pine trees. Any tree that provides you with wooden sticks will not grow back.

However, it should be noted that the young palm tree reappears. How long does it take for young palm shoots to regrow? About two days in play. Keep in mind, however, that a young palm tree will never develop into a palm tree.

Why don’t palm trees grow back in depth?

Stranded Deep is a survival game about exploration. The goal is to eventually leave your small island of departure and explore the ocean. You’re supposed to find what’s hidden on the game’s many other islands, as well as what’s in its dark and deep depths.

Palm trees do not grow back because if they did, you might not be investigating far from your original island. This is one of the many mechanics that require you to explore.

Maybe you would never find the megalodon or the giant eel if you didn’t take to the sea, and you would never come across all of the vehicle parts to build the gyrocopter or motorized raft if you stayed in one place forever.

It’s possible that the developers will fix a palm tree reappearing at some point, but given the game’s length of time in Early Access and the lack of it, such an addition is highly unlikely.

How to transport wooden sticks between islands

Since you’ll have to do island hopping to chop down palm trees, it’s worth making sure you have the inventory space to carry the maximum number of wooden sticks at a time.

While you can devote all of your inventory slots to wooden sticks, chances are you’ll bring other tools, like the ax (duh), stone cutting tool, and maybe a spear or a rifle for defense.

All other things being equal, your inventory at nine slots will contain 36 sticks, although you cannot carry anything else. Practically, you could only carry 27 sticks. However, if you took eight crates, you could carry 96 wooden sticks and an ax in your inventory. Each crate can hold 12 wooden sticks.

It is highly doubtful that you will need to carry so many wooden sticks at once, but it is worth making the best use of your inventory space when exploring new islands.

the list of plants

Here is the list of plants that you can find on the islands of Stranded Deep. Each of them has its own particularity:

  • Le Kura

    Kura is a fruit that can be found and consumed. Eating, the fruit will make you grab a hunger bar. It can also be planted in a plot to grow a Kura plant.
    Leave too long without being eaten, it may rot.

  • The QuwawaQuwawa is a fruit that can be found and eaten. They are yellow fruits, similar to pears, useful in quenching your thirst and satisfying your hunger. It can also be planted in a plot to grow a Quwawa plant.
    Leave too long without being eaten, it may rot.
  • The aloe veraAloe Vera plant is a natural remedy used to immediately cure sunburn. When combined with a coconut, it can be made into an aloe balm to prevent sunburn for a few hours of play.
    Plants appear randomly, usually only one per island. They can be identified by a single red flower open in its center. Once picked, they do not grow back, they can also be planted in a plot.
  • The Ajuga

    Ajuga plants are found along the coast of the island growing on vines. Once harvested, the Ajuga plant can be planted and grown in a plot.
    It will be useful to you to concoct an aid to the apnea combined with a gourd in coconut.

  • The Pee

    Pee (also called Vigna Marina) is a rather rare plant that is difficult to spot in the game. This plant has only one interest, and that is to create an antidote that heals poisoning. Once picked, it does not grow back, it can also be planted in a plot.

  • This opened up

    The Wavulavula grows on the ground, it is quite easy to spot due to its pink colors. It can also be planted in a plot to grow a Wavulavula plant. His interest ? Maybe to decorate your interior …

  • PotatoPotatoes can be grown in a plot. Each plot can only contain one potato plant, but will yield up to 3 potatoes when ripe. It takes 4 stages of growth for a potato plant to reach its stage of full maturity.
    In addition to being able to eat them, potatoes are also useful for making gasoline.


Cultivate the plantations

Agriculture is a very good way to store plants like aloe, Ajuga, potatoes, but especially Pi-pi.
The Pi-pi is very useful because it allows to create an antidote in case of poisoning. This plant is quite rare and difficult to spot (seen at the bottom of the tutorial).

To do so, you will need:

  • Of a parcel (wood, planks or sheet metal)
  • Of a water still
  • From palm fronds or fibrous leaves (yucca leaves)
  • Of a gourde
  • A plants (aloe, ajuga, pee …)

Once all of these items are created, start by placing your plot on the island.
Also place your water collector nearby. Note that it is preferable to group these elements close enough to avoid long distance back and forth trips since it will be necessary to repeat the operation as soon as your plot needs it.

Stand in front of your plot with your plant and plant it.
Your plot which is basically very dry. So you need to water it.

Grab your gourd and head over to your water still. Now fill your gourd.
Return to your plot and stand in front to water it.

By William Anderson

Meet William Anderson, a versatile individual with a passion for creativity and a deep appreciation for the world of video games. Armed with a diploma from the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, he entered the professional world in 2006. As a safety manager, operation dispatcher at PST Transport Inc from 2007 to 2009, William displayed his commitment to ensuring a safe and efficient work environment. Today, he thrives as a content creator and creative director, channeling his creativity into captivating projects. While he identifies as an introvert, William is a travel guru, blazing new trails in the web landscape. With an affinity for pop culture and a love for zombies, he is an evil beer scholar and a discerning analyst, always seeking to unravel the depths of his passions.