
How to Get the Spider Marker in Roblox Find the Markers

Roblox has a catalog of user-created content so extensive it’s nothing short of astounding. One of the most popular games within it is a treasure hunt called Find the Markers, where players are tasked with traversing a vast world as they search high and low for various markers. They can be found in plain sight or be a little more difficult, with some hidden behind secret walls or placed in some sort of challenging obstacle course. One of the newest and most sought after markers is the Spider Marker. Today we will explain where the Spider Marker is in Roblox Find the Markers and how you can also get it.

How to Get the Spider Marker in Roblox Find the Markers

The new Spider Marker has a Hard difficulty level although it is difficult to obtain. It’s not the hardest to collect at all, there’s just a lot to do to get it. Luckily for you, we have its location and all the steps you’ll need to take to successfully retrieve it. So let’s get started!

The very first thing you will need to do is start Roblox and select Find the Markers by Markers Epic Memers. Then just run the game. Once spawned, you should see a fairly large cave behind the spawn area. You’ll want to head there because that’s where the spider marker will be. Go through the cave entrance and you will be transported inside the cave with many glowing crystals along the paths.

Head to your immediate left and you’ll pass into another larger room. Next, head to the corner of this room between the yellow and blue crystals. This is a very shady area not to be missed. Upon entering it, you will then fall into the web lair of the Spider Marker.

Now that you have found the marker, now is the time to collect it. There are many cobwebs that you will need to use as tightropes, so be patient as it will take many tries to get right. The only advice I can give is that you have to come into direct contact with him to get him picked up. You can’t just walk past or pass by. You must physically contact him for the collection to take place.

But that’s all there is to it! Now you know where to find the spider marker in Roblox Find the markers and how to get it! Good luck!

Related: How to Find the Tree Sap Marker in Find the Markers

By Lawrence Smith

driven by a passion for technology and creative pursuits. As a tech analyst, he applies his expertise to analyze and optimize complex systems, ensuring organizations stay at the forefront of technological advancements. Beyond his analytical skills, Lawrence is an inventor and innovator, constantly pushing the boundaries of what's possible. As a tutor and mentor, he shares his knowledge and inspires the next generation of aspiring minds. With a keen eye for creativity, Lawrence is also a content creator and creative director, crafting captivating experiences that resonate with audiences. Alongside his technological pursuits, he holds an advanced degree in Child and Youth Care, embodying his dedication to making a positive impact on young lives.