
How to Install Sam the Samsung Virtual Assistant

Remember when the Internet got completely frisky when Lady Dimitrescu from Resident Evil Village was revealed? Well, it looks like the gigantic vampire may have moved to second place on the podium of the fictional characters that drive the world wild.

But who will have surpassed the imposing Lady Dimitrescu? Nothing more, nothing less than Sam, Samsung’s new virtual assistant.

In this guide, we’ll tell you everything we know about Sam, the Samsung virtual assistant, including how you can install it, when it arrives and show you its look (which, by now, you should already know). Still, we advise you not to raise your expectations too high.

Sam, Samsung’s new Assistant

It’s worth noting that Samsung already has a virtual assistant (just like Amazon has Alexa and Apple has Siri), called Bixby. However, Samsung users quickly forgot about Bixby as images of the new virtual assistant began circulating the net.

A mix of a Pixar character and Alita, “Sam” has captured the hearts of thousands of people around the world who are eagerly awaiting his arrival on Samsung devices.

Here’s my contribution @Samsung__Sam #samsungassistant

— Liliana Rovira (@rovira_liliana) June 2, 2021 Manage cookie settings

Here’s the bad news: Polygon’s latest report reveals that Sam is not really an official Samsung AI and is part of a rejected and excluded project. Although the images were created for Samsung, the final product was never incorporated into any type of campaign. However, Bixby comes with a lot of cool features and is one of the best known AI on the market, competing with Siri, Alexa, Cortana, Google Assistant and more. Anyway, below, we explain how to install Bixby on a Samsung device.

How to install Samsung Virtual Assistant?

  • Swipe up on the home screen to access your apps.
  • Open Settings.
  • Touch Advanced Features.
  • Touch the Bixby key.
  • If you haven’t set up Bixby yet, tap Start.
  • Choose whether you want to activate Bixby with a single or double tap of the Bixby key.

Would you like Samsung to go ahead with Sam, the virtual assistant? Given its mega success, it is likely that, at the very least, the South Korean company will discuss this possibility. And if any new information is announced, we will then update this guide.

By Timothy Stewart

passion for creating visually stunning and responsive websites. With a remarkable career spanning over 35 years, he has established himself as a software entrepreneur, engineer, and educator. Timothy's expertise extends beyond technical realms as he also advocates for culture-based recruiting at SamaRank, recognizing the importance of diversity and inclusivity in the workforce. As a Twitter fanatic, he stays up-to-date with the latest trends and shares his insights with the online community. Recognized for his problem-solving skills, Timothy has earned awards for his innovative solutions. With a subtly charming communication style, he effortlessly connects with others, fostering collaboration and driving success.