
How to see hidden notes on Xiaomi: where are they stored?

How to see hidden notes on Xiaomi: where are they stored?

How to see hidden notes on Xiaomi if you have hidden some files and do not understand where they have gone? Opening a secret folder and accessing all the important data is a very practical function that you should know how to use.

What is this option?

Before opening Xiaomi hidden notes, it is worth making a brief comment: what is this option after all? We are sure that you are familiar with the basic functionality of the application: creating and saving text notes.

However, not all data is something you want to share. If you’re worried that someone might access your strictly personal data, you can hide it! Conveniently, your phone has a special secret folder that a stranger can’t see. You can put there important and necessary information that is not intended for prying eyes.

Important: The function only works on devices with version 8 or higher of the MIUI operating system.

Below we explain what this function consists of: are you ready to discover how to find hidden notes on Xiaomi?

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How to open a folder?

Surprisingly, many users are not aware of this option. The good news is that you don’t have to install a separate application or come up with complicated combinations. All the functions you need are in the standard program!

So, back to the question of how to get into hidden Xiaomi notes. Here everything is elementary:

  • Open the app;
  • Put your finger anywhere on the screen;
  • Squeeze and pull down.

You’ll see a lock icon appear at the top: there it is, the hidden folder! Of course, the padlock will only appear when you put one or more texts.

But opening hidden notes on Xiaomi (Redmi) is not that easy! The system will ask you to enter a picture key, a verification code or your fingerprint. It all depends on the level of security that has been set.

You can object: I just entered a secret folder for the first time, I did not put any protection! But that’s not true: the combination/code/fingerprint is activated automatically. The method you choose depends on how you unlock the device.

It is best to link your mi account to the app, as this will make it easier to reset your password/graphic key if you forget it. And then you will not have to think about how to find hidden notes on Xiaomi.

If you have not linked your account and you forgot your access code, the system will ask you to connect to your my profile, so you can restore your access.

Finding hidden notes on Xiaomi has been successful – smoothly moving on to the next part of the article. Let’s try hiding important texts and data in a hidden folder.

How to create a hidden document?

Yes, you already know how to see hidden notes on Xiaomi, but how do you put them? It’s even simpler than that:

  • Enter the application and activate the practical display mode;
  • Press the desired text with your finger and hold it for a couple of seconds;
  • If you want to hide multiple files at once, check the checkboxes;
  • A menu will appear in the bottom bar: you have to click on the lock icon.

You do not need to enter a security code/fingerprint/graphic key. To transfer a text to a hidden folder, you only have to press a button.

A few words about the display mode. There are two modes: tile or list. To switch from one mode to another, use the three dots icon located at the top right.

We have explained in detail how to undo an action in notes on your iPhone or Macbook.

Once you’re in the folder, you can work with all your saved documents as normal. You can edit them, delete them, add some words and data, whatever! The only option that is not available in stealth mode is screenshot. You can’t take a screenshot because it’s against privacy regulations. We have hidden your personal documents for a reason.

How do you restore a file?

Finally, we are going to talk about how to recover hidden notes on Xiaomi. First go to the secret folder, and then:

  • Highlight the desired file with your finger and hold it down;
  • If necessary, check the boxes next to the other documents;
  • Locate the lock icon in the bottom panel that says “To unlock”..

That’s it, you don’t need to confirm the action! All selected files will be automatically moved to the shared folder.

We tell you everything about how to create, hide and how to show hidden notes on Xiaomi. A really practical tool: it is very useful if you need to sort some data and hide it from prying eyes.

By Jack Bryant

dynamic individual with a diverse range of passions and expertise. From his early days as a machinist and USAF aircraft mechanic to his thrilling adventures as a race car driver, Jack has always had a knack for pushing boundaries. With a BS in Business, he combined his love for motorcycles and storytelling, becoming a motorcycle folklorist and futurist, uncovering the rich tales of the open road. Today, Jack thrives as a senior software engineer, applying his analytical mindset and problem-solving skills to create innovative solutions. With an unwavering drive for excellence, he continues to embrace new challenges and shape the technological landscape.