
How to use iCloud on Linux

Apple doesn’t take Linux users seriously, even though a good chunk of people on the platform use iPhones. Due to their negligence, there is no good way to use iCloud on Linux and users cannot access their data, photos, notes, etc.

To make up for Apple’s unwillingness to build an iCloud app on Linux, users can work around this by installing the iCloud Snap app or building their app with the Nativefier tool.

Note: To use iCloud on Linux through the iCloud Snap app or with a self-made Nativefier app, you must already have an Apple ID. For more information on this, click .

Method 1: iCloud Notes Snap App

The iCloud Notes Snap app is a simple browser wrapper wrapped in an easy-to-install Snap package. The goal of the app is to provide quick and easy access to iCloud notes, but other features can also be accessed within Apple services, such as mail, photos, contacts, and more.

To get access to the iCloud Snap app on your Linux PC, you’ll need to run the Snap package runtime. Without the runtime, Snaps won’t install, so it’s critical that you get it working (if you don’t already have it).

Getting the Snap runtime to work on most Linux distributions is very easy these days, as almost all major Linux distributions support the runtime. For more information on how to set up Snaps, click here. Or, if you’re not currently using a Linux operating system with Snap support, consider switching to .

Install iCloud NotesSnap

With the Snap runtime set up on your Linux PC, the next step in the process is to download the iCloud app from the Snapcraft store and install it on your Linux PC. To do this, open a terminal window by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T or Ctrl + Shift + T on the keyboard. Then enter the instant install command below.

sudo snap install icloud-notes-linux-client

With the app installed, open the app menu and search for “icloud-notes-linux-client” or something similar. Immediately after opening, you will be prompted to sign in to Apple’s iCloud system with your Apple ID. do it.

Assuming the login is successful, you’ll be transported to your iCloud Notes. From there you can see the recently saved notes. If you want to access other iCloud services, go to the top left of the window where it says “iCloud Notes” and click the down arrow. Doing this will reveal other iCloud apps that you can quickly switch to.

Method 2: Make an iCloud App for Linux with Nativefier

Using iCloud Notes Instant Pack is fine for most users who don’t want to worry. That said, it’s far from the best experience you can get with iCloud on Linux, because it’s in a Snap and can’t be changed. For a better experience, consider creating your own with Nativefier.

It is not very difficult to build your iCloud app with Nativefier, mainly because the program does all the heavy lifting. All you need to know is the correct commands to enter in the terminal.

The first part of the process to create your iCloud app is to install Nativefier. To do this, check out our in-depth tutorial. Go over how to get it to work in all the major Linux apps out there. Once you have installed Nativefier, open a terminal, move the session to the tmp directory and create a new build folder.

cd /tmp mkdir -p icloud-linux-build-dir cd icloud-linux-build-dir

Next, use the wget downloader to grab the iCloud icon from the internet.

wget -O icon.png

Now that you have the iCloud icon file, it’s time to use Nativefier to package a Linux binary.

nativefier -p linux -a x64 -i icon.png –disable-context-menu –disable-dev-tools –single-instance

With the package finished, use the mv command and rename the output folder from “sign-in-to-i-cloud-apple-linux-x64” to “icloud”.

mv sign-in-to-i-cloud-apple-linux-x64 icloud

Put the new “icloud” folder in /opt.

mv /tmp/icloud-linux-build-dir/icloud /opt

Rename the icloud binary file from “sign-in-to-i-cloud-apple” to “icloud”.

mv /opt/icloud/sign-in-to-i-cloud-apple /opt/icloud/icloud

After renaming the iCloud binary, you need to update its permissions using the chmod command. Without the correct permissions, the app will not run properly.

sudo chmod 755 -R /opt/icloud/

Create a desktop shortcut

The iCloud nativefier app is set up on your Linux PC, but you cannot use it yet as there is no desktop shortcut. Fortunately, this is easy to fix. To get started, open up a terminal and use the touch command to create a new shortcut file.

his –


sudo -s touch /usr/share/applications/icloud.desktop

Next, open the iCloud shortcut file in the Nano text editor.

nano -w /usr/share/applications/icloud.desktop

Paste the following code into Nano.

Comment= Sign in to Apple iCloud on Linux.
Comment =
Generic name= Apple iCloud desktop app.
GenericName = iCloud
MimeType =
Name = iCloud
NoDisplay = false
Path =
Categories = Network
StartupNotify = true
terminal = false
TerminalOptions =
Type = Application

Save the edit to the iCloud shortcut file by pressing Ctrl + X and exit with Ctrl + O. Then finish updating the shortcut’s permissions.

chmod +x /usr/share/applications/icloud.desktop

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By Peter Hughes

industrial designer with a passion for creativity and innovation. Since 2015, he has dedicated his expertise to shaping the world through his designs. Prior to his current role, Peter served as a teaching assistant at the NY Institute of Information Technology, sharing his knowledge and guiding aspiring minds. Additionally, he holds the esteemed position of Editor-in-Chief at PlayStation Game Station LLC, fueling his love for gaming and the digital world. Beyond his professional pursuits, Peter embraces life as an explorer, immersing himself in new experiences, a social media fanatic, a travel geek, an alcohol enthusiast, and a specialist in music. Through his multifaceted interests, Peter continually seeks to broaden his horizons and make a positive impact on the world around him.