
Limiting and throttling PS5 downloads: Is that possible?

How to limit downloads on PlayStation 5? Can you also set a download limit on the PS5 and if so, where can you find the setting? Regardless of whether you buy a game physically on a disc or digitally from the PlayStation Store, downloads are necessary in both cases. Even if many players can’t download PS5 fast enough, some users with a slow internet connection may be looking for a setting that allows them to limit the downloads so that they don’t take up the entire internet bandwidth. The only question is, where can you set this on the PS5?

Limit downloads on PlayStation 5?

Similar to its predecessor in the form of the PlayStation 4, you cannot limit downloads with the new PlayStation 5. Unfortunately, there is no setting option in the settings that allows you to set a download limit. But there is an alternative and in most cases it can be set up quite easily. All you need is a router where you can set a download limit and these days

Set download limit for PlayStation 5 in the router

In many reasonably modern routers with current firmware, you can now set a download limit for individual devices and thus also throttle the download speed. Since the PlayStation 5 is a normal network device via LAN or WLAN, you can also use it to limit the downloads of the PS5.

Tip: This is how you can open the download list on the PlayStation 5 and view the active and completed downloads.

By Owen Cox

Meet Owen Cox, a passionate gamer with a rich history in the world of gaming. From owning nearly every console since the Atari 2600 to indulging in gaming for over two decades, Owen's love for gaming knows no bounds. With experience in gaming retail, he has had the opportunity to immerse himself in the vibrant gaming community and share his expertise with fellow enthusiasts. Additionally, Owen has worked at Deloitte USI, honing his professional skills in a dynamic environment. Currently, as an Inventory Specialist at Best Buy, he continues to contribute to the ever-evolving landscape of technology and gaming.