
Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, how to fix tearing on consoles?

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition has just been releasedit already suffers from stability issues on consoles, mainly on PS4, PS4 Pro and Xbox One, One X.

On Reddit, and all over the net in fact, players have complained about tearing and some framerate drops, as soon as the “Performance” mode is activated. Concerns that are not very hindering during the first minutes, but which become really annoying once the Citadel is reached (which represents roughly 1h30 of play).

On our side, the test is in progress, and we have also noticed several drops in framerate, not very violent that said, but above all a pronounced tearing on our PS4 Pro version, especially on the famous Citadel.

Fortunately, there is a solution to solve the problem and keep a constant framerate. Simply switch to “Quality” mode, so that the game remains stuck at 30 fps without any problem.regardless of what is happening on the screen.

We can only hope that Bioware reacts and puts a patch online quickly to correct all this. Mass Effect: Legendary Edition is available from May 14, on PS4, Xbox One, PCbut also on PS5 and Xbox Seriesvia the backward compatibility of the two consoles.

By Fred Richardson

a computer enthusiast with an insatiable appetite for problem-solving. After graduating with a degree in Computer Science in 2010, he embarked on a lifelong journey of exploring the intricacies of technology. For the past 25 years, Fred has dedicated himself to building custom PCs, mastering the art of hardware and software integration. With a deep-rooted belief in the power of coding, he has sought to unravel the complexities of life's challenges through lines of programming. From the early days of DOS 3.3 to the present, Fred has been a steadfast support for users, utilizing his knowledge to assist and guide others in navigating the ever-changing world of technology.