
Palia: Find Fireroot

Where do you get the fire root in the new Palia? In which areas should one look for the fire root? In the new Palia you have to look for a number of items in the game world for quests, achievements and also recipes, and these include not only wood, stones or things like copper or pallium, but also spices. One of the spices in the game is the so-called fire root and compared to other items it is not that easy to find. In this short guide we show where you can get the fire root and which dealer you can buy the plant from.

Where do you find the fire root?

Fireroot is a rare spice that can only be found in Bahari Bay. Contrary to what was initially thought, the fire root is not found on the ground, but on the cliffs and walls. A good farm spot is in the north of Bahari Bay between the Outskirts and Thorny Thickets, but also south of the Statue Garden. But you can also find the fire root further south on the walls in front of the Pavel Mines.

Buy fireroot from the dealer

If you don’t want to spend a long time searching for the fire root, which can sometimes take a while since it is a rare plant, you can also buy the fire root in the Ashura Foraging Guild Store. For 6 Foraging Medals (receiving the medals requires Foraging Level 10) you can buy a plant. Since you usually only need one of the roots for a dish or quest, this method is definitely the quickest way to get it.

By Lawrence Smith

driven by a passion for technology and creative pursuits. As a tech analyst, he applies his expertise to analyze and optimize complex systems, ensuring organizations stay at the forefront of technological advancements. Beyond his analytical skills, Lawrence is an inventor and innovator, constantly pushing the boundaries of what's possible. As a tutor and mentor, he shares his knowledge and inspires the next generation of aspiring minds. With a keen eye for creativity, Lawrence is also a content creator and creative director, crafting captivating experiences that resonate with audiences. Alongside his technological pursuits, he holds an advanced degree in Child and Youth Care, embodying his dedication to making a positive impact on young lives.