
Palia: The Secret Poet Quest

Where to find the three poems in The Secret Poet quest? In the past few days, this may be the question asked by one or the other player of the new cozy MMO Palia, who is currently doing Hassian’s quests. When you reach friendship level 3, Hassian will give you the quest “The Secret Poet” in which you should find three hidden poems. The quest description only mentions the west of Bahari Bay as a possible location for the three poems, but where exactly do you have to look?

The Secret Poet Quest Solution

Of course, for the secret Poet Quest you first have to travel to Bahari Bay. Once there, walk south to Hideaway Bluffs for the first poem. The poem lies under a chapaa nest and is therefore relatively easy to find. The second poem is a few meters to the north-east on the small hill and the third poem can also be found a few meters to the north-east in front of the bridge to the large lighthouse. We have also marked the exact locations of the poems for Hassian in the following screenshot with the map section.

  • Poem 1 – Northwest of Hideaway Bluffs
  • Poem 2 – Between Hideaway Bluffs and Pulsewater Plains
  • Poem 3 – North of Pulsewater Plains before the bridge to the lighthouse

With the three poems it then goes back to Hassain and the quest is complete. You will receive 5 Renown as a reward for completing the quest.

By Stephen Gonzales

dynamic individual with a diverse range of talents and passions. With a background in web development, he has honed his skills in creating innovative and user-friendly digital experiences. As the CEO of Hire Quality Software, Stephen leads a team dedicated to delivering top-notch software solutions. With a programming journey that dates back to 1981, he has mastered languages like Fortran, Pascal, C, Python, icon, and ladder logic. Beyond his technical expertise, Stephen embraces life as a creator, gamer, professional food advocate, web evangelist, and travel nerd. Through his diverse interests, he continually seeks to make an impact in various domains and share his love for technology, food, and exploration with the world.