
Not an April Fool’s joke: you’ll soon be able to officially play Doom on your lawnmower

First published in 1993 Doom runs on every platform imaginable: whether on cameras, a microwave, in Minecraft or in Notepad. Soon you’ll even be able to play the shooter classic on one mowing machine play, and it’s actually highly official.

Apparently there are a few big Doom fans working at the Swedish company Husqvarna, which is why the oldie will be released in just a few weeks Update for your own robotic lawnmowers. This is what it should be about no early April Fool’s joke act even though the update will only be released then.

Doom meets Husqvarna in a hellish update

According to Husqvarna an update will be released in April which will… first episode of Doom on the NERA robotic lawn mowers. As soon as the patch is installed, you can play the shooter on the display. You control using the controls, for example you run forward with the start button and move using the small control wheel.

Of course, so that not all owners suddenly receive such an update for their lawnmower, you have to register specifically for the Doom patch. Then from then on 9th April The update will take place and you can still shoot a few demons while mowing the lawn – but not permanently.

As Husqvarna announces, it will be Doom only until September 9, 2024 give. The shooter is then removed from the lawn mowers. Why? This is not clear from the message on the Swedish company’s website.

What does Doom have to do with lawnmowers?

If you’re wondering what the hell (pun intended) Husqvarna has to do with Doom, you’ll find the answer here Dreamhack 2023. At the LA(W)N event, which takes place annually in Sweden, a doom tournament was already held on the lawnmowers between the players present. It was so well received that those responsible at Husqvarna apparently thought: Why not give everyone interested the opportunity?

At least the shooter, with which id Software once revolutionized the video game world, can be on one another very unfamiliar platform spread. A new Doom isn’t on the horizon yet, but that’s for sure but there could be a return of Quake in the future.