
[HOT] : How To Fix PS4 Error CE-33984-7 | NEW and updated 2021

Many PS4 users encounter error CE-33984-7. This exact error message reads: “Unable to get an IP address within the time limit (CE-33984-7).” If you come across this error code and don’t know how to fix it, this guide should help.

What does error CE-33984-7 mean?

CE-33984-7 is a general network error that is specific to the PS4 console and as such mainly occurs when you try to set up a new wifi or LAN cable connection. There are also a few situations where some PS4 users may be stuck with error CE-33984-7 when trying to browse PlayStation Store, perform a connection speed test on their PlayStation 4, or even when they are in the middle of a game.

It looks like the error can be triggered if a PS4 suddenly loses connection to PlayStation Network servers and tries to reconnect. After some time and when the reconnection attempt fails, the console may return the error. It could also be because the console is unable to get an IP address from your router.

If you suddenly get the PS4 error CE-33984-7, it means that you may need to troubleshoot your console’s network functionality, see if there is a server problem, or if your local home network is not working. .

Causes of CE-33984-7 error on the PS4

Sony does not have a complete guide on how to fix the CE-33984-7 error on the PS4, but based on the stories and reports of people who have experienced it, there are several factors that can trigger it.

The PSN server may be down.

Error CE-33984-7 may be indicative of a persistent problem with Sony Interactive PlayStations Network servers. This can be confirmed by checking the PSN server status website or by performing a connection speed test on your PS4. If the line Sign in to PlayStation Network indicated Failure during the test you can wait several hours until the PSN is operational again.

The router is no longer responding.

Electronic devices, including routers, may become unresponsive if they operate for a long time. Make sure to restart your router at least once a week to keep it functioning normally.

Some routers may freeze or experience internal errors due to outdated firmware. Make sure to also check for firmware updates every now and then.

Random software problem.

Error CE-33984-7 may indicate that your PS4 software needs to be updated or that it has encountered an error that it cannot resolve on its own. If you continue to receive the CE-33984-7 error no matter what you do, be sure to check for the latest software updates.

If the PS4 is already running the latest software version, there may be something else that is wrong.

Local network problems.

The other reason that you have PS4 error code CE-33984-7 could be a problem with your own internet connection. Some users have reported experiencing error CE-33984-7 due to slow internet connection on their PS4, such as when their download speed drops below 1 Mbps.

The CE-33984-7 error can also be caused by a IP conflict within your home network and the PS4 cannot obtain the IP address. For example, if you are using a static IP address on your devices and another device shares the same IP address as your PS4, there is a possibility that your PS4 is booted from the network because of it.

How to fix PS4 Error CE-33984-7?

PS4 error code CE-33984-7 is usually fixed easily if you know what to do. Below are the possible solutions that you can try if you get this error on your console:

Fix # 1: Check PSN Server Status.

Before doing any troubleshooting on your PS4, be sure to check first if there is a server interruption. Many network errors on the PS4 are caused by server failure, maintenance, or unexpected issues. Sony keeps users informed by posting server issues almost immediately, so if you’ve been able to use your PS4 correctly before, the most likely cause of your problem is a temporary server issue. What you should do is wait for the problem to be resolved.

To check the status of the PSN server, visit this page:

Fix # 2: Troubleshoot the router.

Many people who get PS4 error code CE-33984-7 do so because of a fault in their router. In some cases, the root cause is a firmware issue which may cause TCP / IP inconsistency, while for some it may be the direct result of an IP conflict when using static IP addresses instead of DHCP. Most of the time, however, the cause can be minor and disappear after a simple router refresh.

When it comes to router troubleshooting, there are a few things you can try.

Restart the router.

Updating the router is a great first step in troubleshooting network issues on your PS4. Simply turn off the router, unplug it from the power source for 30 seconds, and turn it back on. In most cases, this should be enough to keep the system running normally and to fix temporary bugs in your connection.

Reset the router.

If you’ve made multiple changes to your router’s settings and you can’t tell which of them may have caused the problem, simply return the router to its original software or factory state by resetting it. Routers have a hard reset button that you can press to do this. Make sure to look for a button that says reset. Usually the reset button is in a small hole and you will need to use a toothpick or paperclip to press it down.

To completely reset the system, be sure to press and hold the reset button for at least 5 seconds or more, depending on the router you have. If possible, consult the manual or ask the router manufacturer for help for this detail.

Resetting your router means that you are removing any previous settings that you have changed before. This includes the wifi name (SSID) and wifi password you created. Other changes like DNS servers, VPNs and other details will also be erased, so you will have to redo them afterwards.

Check the router firmware update.

If neither of the two router troubleshooting steps did not resolve the PS4 error CE-33984-7, the next good thing you can do is check if the router needs to be updated. Again, you might want to check the router documentation or, if it’s from your ISP, call them and ask support how to update the firmware.

Solution No.3: Activate your PS4 as main console .

Some PS4 players have successfully resolved the CE-33984-7 error by selecting their console as the primary console for their account. If you haven’t tried it yet, here’s how:

  • Access your ps4 home screen .
  • Select Settings .
  • Go to Account management .
  • Select Activate as primary PS4 .
  • Select Activate .
  • If your account has already designated this PS4 as the primary device, simply deactivate and activate the PS4 as the primary console. Then restart your PS4 and see what happens.

    Correction n ° 4: Redo the connection configuration.

    If the error persists at this point, you can try to set the connection again. This time you want to do it manually to see if the autoconfiguration system is faulty. Here is what you need to do:

  • Access your ps4 home screen .
  • Select Settings .
  • Select Network.
  • Select Configure the Internet connection . Then select Using Wi-Fi or Use a LAN cable . Choose one of the options depending on the desired configuration.
  • Select Custom . If you have already selected Wi-Fi, you will need to select your wireless network.
  • For IP address settings , be sure to select Automatic .
  • For DHCP host name , select Do not specify .
  • For DNS settings , choose Manuel . We suggest that you use Google’s free DNS servers, as they are more reliable than regular ISP DNS servers. You can also use other third-party DNS servers if you want.
  • For MTU settings and Proxy server , select Do not use .