
Hogwarts Legacy: changing seasons?

Can you manually change the seasons in Hogwarts Legacy? Is there an item or an NPC where you can switch from one season to the other at the push of a button? Anyone who has already spent an hour or two in the game world of the new Harry Potter game may have noticed that the environment changes over time. This doesn’t just mean the day-night cycle, but there are also seasons in the game. Over time, the leaves on the trees turn orange and yellow, and fall begins. Some time later, winter sets in and it snows at Hogwarts. The question arises, how can one switch from one season to the other?

Change season manually?

The short answer to the question is, no, you cannot manually change the seasons in Hogwarts Legacy. Unlike, for example, the time or time of day, there is no function in the game that allows you to switch from summer to autumn or winter at the push of a button. The seasons change automatically in the game and not within a certain period of time, but with the progress of the story. After the quest “Percival Rackham’s Trial” the season changes to autumn and after the quest “Charles Rookwood’s Trial” the season automatically changes to winter.

  1. Percival Rackham’s Trial – Season Autumn
  2. Charles Rookwood’s Trial – Season Winter
  3. The Final Repository – Season Spring

If in the future there is a way (for example via mods) with which you can manually change and change the seasons in Hogwarts Legacy, then we will of course add the information here. If you would like to take a closer look at the Hogwarts world in the individual seasons, you could simply create an additional savegame before the respective quest.

Tip: This is how you can unlock the loom and use it to improve your equipment.