
Dungeon Tokens Pokeclicker: How to easily get Dungeon Tokens?

Among all the currencies available on Pokéclicker, a completely free game as we recall, the Dungeon Tokens are probably the most sought after, at the start of the adventure anyway. You will understand later that the Quest Points are even more useful and necessary in particular to buy eggs and Pokémon in order to complete your Pokédex. Either way, here are the best techniques for getting the most Dungeon Tokens.

Pokéclicker: How to get Dungeon Tokens easily?

When you start your adventure in Kanto, the tutorial teaches you that you can simply get Dungeon Tokens by catching Pokémon. Of course, the number of tokens obtained depends on the strength of the Pokémon and therefore on the road on which it is located: the more you advance, the more tokens you will obtain.

Tokens are required to open Dungeons. You will find them everywhere during your exploration (cellars, caves, Pokémon tower, Manor etc…) and will have to pay an entrance fee in Dungeon Tokens to be able to enter them. It is very important to do the dungeons several times (to the Boss or not) in order to capture Pokémon that can only be found there. If you want to get Legendaries for example, they are often as Dungeon Bosses.

  • Get Dungeons Tokens easily : capture Pokémon on your way (it is not enough to knock them out, the capture must succeed)
  • This is why it is important to configure your Ballstop left of the screen: Even if you already have the Pokémon in your Pokédex, make sure to always capture the Pokémon

Pokéclicker: Techniques to get even more Dungeon Tokens

Like any resource in the game, there are special items to boost the obtaining of dungeon tokens. Always keep catching Pokemon but here are some other techniques:

  • There are routes for each region where the Token Farm is much more optimized : Route 20 to Kanto / Route 26 to Johto / Route 134 to Hoenn / Route 201 to Sinnog / Route 8 to Unys / Route 2 to Kalos and Route 4 to Alola
  • Remember to equip the object (Oak Item) called magic ball (top right of the screen): it improves the capture rate and therefore obtains more Dungeon Token
  • In the box on the left, below the Balls, you will find the Battle Items. One of them, called Collector Token, allows you to get more Dungeon Token once activated (+50%). You can buy some at the store in Pewter City.



The various lists list all of the codes availableor who have been, classified according to their date of appearance on the survival mobile game, Pokeclicker. These codes allow you to recover various resources that will help you evolve in Pokeclicker.

If some of the codes offered are no longer functional, please let us know in the comments so that we can update the list.


  • 10,000 farm points and 100 Cheri berries → FARMINGBOOST
  • A Random Shiny Pokemon → OOOSHINY


  • No Pokéclicker codes have yet expired.


To activate a code in Pokéclicker, you just have to launch the game. Once done, go to the “StartMenu” section located at the top right of your screen. Then click on “Save”which will open a window where you can enter one of the codes present in the list . Once a coded entered, press ” Claim! to get your bonus. A window will appear telling you what you have recovered, thanks to this coded.

Pokéclicker: Pokémon to buy or find in eggs

Completing your Pokédex is essential in Pokéclicker to access the following regions. But some Pokémon don’t appear in the wild, and no matter how hard you farm the roads, you’ll never get them. That’s because you have to buy them with your Quests Points, or get lucky with your eggs. In short, quite a nice program.

Pokeclicker dungeon tokens, how to get them?

Where to farm dungeon tokens in Pokecliker?

If you wish to have dungeon tokens, you need to capture a Pokémon for the first time or capture a Pokémon again that you already have in your list. As a reminder, to recapture one of these creatures, you need click on the Pokéball under the text Caught ” and select the object you want to use. It should be noted that some areas are more interesting than others to earn a maximum of dungeon points and here are the interesting places for each map.

  • Kantō : Highway 20
  • Jotho : Route 26
  • Hoenn : Highway 134
  • sinnoh : Road 201 and 202
  • Unova : Route 3, Route 8 and Route 18
  • Kalos : Road 2
  • Alola : Road 4


[HOT] : How to deal with relationships in Darkest Dungeon 2?

One of the novelties of the early access of Darkest Dungeon II is the development of positive or negative relationships between your heroes. It can be love or friendship, but it is more often hatred and resentment. Here is a guide to the social aspect of the game to get you out of it.

If you’ve already started a game on Darkest Dungeon 2’s early access, you must be painfully aware of the dramatic turn it can take in relations between your various heroes in-game. This will seriously affect the group’s performance in combat, and it can even dangerously frustrate and even stress you as a player. Fortunately, while this new feature is not yet well integrated, and is unbalanced, it is not a lost cause either. If you do it right, everyone can be friends with almost everyone.

How Relationships Work

The basic principle is simple, events, some fixed, others random, can produce positive (yellow) or negative (blue) points of relation between two characters. These points cancel each other out, so a lot of the characters keep a neutral relationship, at least initially. When the bar is full of yellow dots, or blue dots, a relationship is randomly determined.

The effect of each relationship is different, for example the characters who respect each other will often assist in combat which will give rise to free attacks and bonus damage, they can also encourage each other which will heal stress . Whereas if the two characters hate each other, they will insult or even embarrass each other which will cause stress, block support capacities, or even impose damage penalties. This will slow down the pace of the fights either way, as these special events and swaps happen far too often.

Relationships only have 4 points, and they cannot be deepened. This means that if there are enough positive or negative events, the resentment can disappear or the lovers can separate. They can then develop a new relationship between two, nothing prevents former lovers from hating each other, it’s time to call the marriage counselor!

All the characters in the group can enter into different relationships with all the others, it has no influence and they are well separated. If your Brigand loves the Pillager and hates the Man-at-arms who respects the Pillager as well, it has no impact.

Special dialogues triggered by relationships do not produce a reputation point, positive or negative. And that’s a good thing, otherwise it would be almost impossible to get out of a negative relationship for example.

How do you develop good relationships and fix bad ones?

Stress is bad

There are quite a few factors to consider in relationships, but by far the most important is stress. As soon as your characters’ stress increases, they will become irritable and take everything wrong. for silly (and sadly realistic) reasons. It starts from 4-5 stress points, and it gets bigger. By keeping stress levels very low, your heroes will even tend to naturally develop good relationships. This is obviously easier said than done. The best method currently is touse (and abuse) the Improved Prevention technique of Doctor Lapeste. It reduces the stress of the whole group by one point, to 100% (it feels the nerve fast). The Man-at-Arms has a fairly similar ability, Enhanced Encouragement, which has a 50% chance of being reduced. The Jester also has a song that reduces stress by 2 points, or even 3 once improved, but for a single target. You can also use certain consumables like Laudanum and anti-stress items at the inn. Also remember to select the path for which the most members of the group voted, when it’s possible.

Reinforcement objects

Another easy way to develop good relationships, at least when stress is low, is to use supportive skills. on other group members. They will appreciate and often give a connection point. For example the military care of Doctor Lapeste, the Protection of the Man-at-Arms. For classes that don’t have one, you can also use combat items such as Anti-fire Balm, Antitoxin, care kits, etc. Once at the inn, use special items like card games, darts and more to try to bond. Take a tour of the hostel store, and the hospital store, anti-stress and relationship items are generally inexpensive.

Make the right choices

A very reliable way to improve character relationships is to choose answers they agree on at events. It’s easily recognizable by the golden aura that will surround other like-minded characters. Be careful though, it’s a double-edged sword and others will not like it. Try to balance your choices, or pick another character with whom losing a relationship point or two won’t be a problem. The response combinations are sometimes different, so be sure to go through all the characters.

The attributes that change the game

Finally, the most determining factor besides stress, but over which you have little control, is that of attributes. When you select a character for the group, you can see a positive and a negative attribute, it can have a huge impact on their relationships. A lot of negative attributes will quickly sour relationships when traveling, so remember to remove them as soon as possible in a hospital.

On the other hand, certain positives can completely change the dynamics of the group, such as the “Optimist” who heals one stress point per turn. And above all, the rare and very desirable Ray of Sunshine, which will make the character the heart of the group. He will encourage and calm others which will cure their stress and develop good relationships. If you see similar Attributes when selecting the party, seriously consider getting the hero involved, even if that is not your preferred class.