
EA FC 24: Extend contract in career mode

In the new EA FC 24 you can slip into the role of coach and manager of a club in career mode but also start a playing career. In your playing career you only concentrate on one player and can then gradually work your way up to becoming a world star. Anyone who spends their playing career in FC 24 may ask themselves, how can you actually extend your contract? Why can’t you extend the contract even though you have met all of the displayed goals?

Extend your contract in FC 24 career mode

In the agent menu you can find the “Contract Goals” and the “Salary Goals” under the “Current Contract” in the player career. If you want to extend the contract, you have to fulfill the contract goals. If you want to get the salary you want, you also have to meet the “salary goals”. Depending on the position, the goals include tasks such as a certain number of appearances, a certain number of goals or successful duels, a certain duel rate and so on. If you have met the contract goals, you are qualified for the contract and can then extend the contract later. But how exactly can you extend the contract?

Extend contract during player career: If you have met all the goals for the contract extension, then you have to wait until the end of the season before you can extend the contract. At the end of the season, contract negotiations start automatically and you can then decide whether you want to extend the contract or not, for example to change clubs.

Increase salary in playing career

As mentioned above, you can edit and increase or decrease the salary under the “Current Contract” on the right. The higher the salary expectations, the higher the goals you have to meet. The desired salary expectations are then included in the negotiations and accepted or rejected, depending on how well the goals have been met.

In order to increase your salary or adjust your salary expectations, you must proceed as follows:

  1. In the player career, open the “Agent” sub-item under “Headquarters”.
  2. Under the “Current Contract” tab you can now see the current salary and the desired salary on the right. You can adjust the salary using the triangle button (PS5, PS5) or Y button (Xbox Series, One).
  3. As already mentioned, when you increase the salary, the requirements for the goals also increase. Conversely, if you reduce your salary expectations, your goals will also change in the other direction.


Telefónica is already negotiating with Digi to extend the agreement: “remedies are an option, not an obligation”

After the presentation of its financial results for the year 2023, Telefónica executives They offered a press conference in which they answered questions about the merger of Orange and MásMóvil, the intentions of SEPI and the entry of STC.

They have also talked about their possible agreement with Vodafone, about the possibility of buying operators and about negotiations with Digiwhom they consider “a serious operator” and with whom they trust to achieve “an extension of the agreement satisfactory for both parties.”

“The merger opens a new scenario for everyone”

Both José María Álvarez-Pallete, executive president of Telefónica, and Ángel Vilá, CEO of the company, have once again insisted today that the merger of Orange and MásMóvil “opens a new scenario where Telefónica is no longer a leader“, so that should lead to deregulation.

The current regulation responds to reasons that, according to the directors of the Spanish telecom, have already expired: “we are neither a monopoly, nor an incumbent, nor do we have copper.” If there is finally deregulation, that will make Telefónica “gain a lot of competitiveness and open up many opportunities.” In this sense, They do not rule out future purchases of operators smaller, but they have not wanted to confirm if Avatel could be one of them.

Who they have talked about at length has been Digi, which will be the beneficiary, as we know, of the merger of Orange and MásMóvil. From Telefónica they assure that they have a good business relationship with Digiwhom they consider “a serious operator” and for whom they have “great respect.”

Ángel Vilá has recalled that the agreement with Orange gives Digi “an option, but not an obligation”. Furthermore, with the 60 MHz of mobile spectrum that they are going to buy, it will be able to create a network in some urban centers, Vilá said, but in the rest of Spain it will continue to be an MVNO.

The current regulation responds to reasons that have already expired: “we are neither a monopoly, nor an incumbent, nor do we have copper”

Therefore, Telefónica has already been in talks with Digi for some time to renegotiate the wholesale agreement which expires in 2026 and hopes “to achieve a satisfactory extension for both parties.” Among other things, due to the difficulties involved in migrating clients from one network to another.

Although they had already planned it, both Pallete and Vilá, by the way, have hinted at some disagreement with the wholesalers and have assured that “it has been a missed opportunity” due to how slow the process has been.

They maintain the offer to Vodafone

To questions about the entry of SEPI and STC In the company, Telefónica assures that they have no new news, nor is there any evidence that the Saudi company has requested a position on the Telefónica Board of Directors. However, Álvarez-Pallete has once again highlighted the satisfaction that comes with “when a foreign investor of that caliber is interested in Telefónica.”

There has also been a section dedicated to Vodafone. Ángel Vilá has explained that, as was already revealed at the time, there were conversations with Vodafone to share your fiber network if the red operator decided to turn off its cable network.

That was before the announcement of the purchase by Zegona, but “that offer remains” and they are “open to contemplating scenarios” when the British fund takes control of Vodafone Spain. These scenarios could be a trade agreement, one for access to fiber or even some structural agreement to unite assets, although the latter “would have more regulatory problems,” said Vilá.


HyperOS hides a battery improvement that you can use to extend its life. This is how you can activate it on your Xiaomi, Redmi or POCO

The battery of our mobile has always been the subject of debate. Or at least since they changed to become smartphones with complete operating systems. Just as it is not advisable to charge the smartphone up to 100%, it is not advisable to allow it to discharge completely and users have certain habits that can damage the battery.

For this reason, some manufacturers such as Xiaomi, in its new HyperOS that also reaches Redmi and POCO phones, includes a function that will protect the battery, ensuring that in the long term its maximum capacity is preserved for longer. We teach you how to activate it.

HyperOS battery protection will reduce battery wear

HyperOS has not been on our Xiaomi, Redmi and POCO smartphones for long, but it has been around long enough for us to have started to squeeze it to the maximum. Recently, we spoke