
LoL Patch 14.1: Mages at the top – Players fear repeating…

The new season of League of Legends has just started and in patch 14.1 of LoL, one type of champion seems to be stronger than the others and it is once again the mages.

LoL Patch 14.1 will receive a patch update at some point in the coming days. This was previously revealed by Matt “Riot Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison, lead gameplay designer for the League of Legends team, on Twitter.

This announcement prompted some players to let the balance team know what scared them the most in the current state of the game. One of the big question marks concerns burst and the strength of mages with the LoL 14.1 patch.

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LoL Patch 14.1: Players concerned about damage from Mage Bursts

Mages are either completely lousy or way too strong, at least that’s the community’s feeling. A large portion of players hate how weak and stagnant the class was during the Mythic era, but it seems that now that Mythics have left the building, Mages can once again take advantage of their burst power from previous seasons.

Riot Phroxzon explained that the team is aware of the burst’s current power and will be monitoring it for about a week to find out where the power is actually coming from. Basically, the team wants to see if champions are strong, if AP items are overpowered, or if other item classes are just generally weak.

We are going to do a balance and stability micropatch (bugs) tomorrow or the day after tomorrow to fix the balance outliers.

The burst might be high, we’ll do an audit to see how big the early season chaos is and where it’s coming from (maybe AP just has a high win rate,…

– Matt Leung-Harrison (@RiotPhroxzon) January 11, 2024

Some players are worried that mages will return to other lanes and take over the meta like they did in previous seasons, something Riot will likely want to avoid at all costs, hence why it’s a good thing that Riot is so open about their schedule of adjustments.

However, for the most part, players think the game is more fun than in previous years, thanks to the item changes. Now, with just a little fine-tuning, adjustments to the damage information in the tooltips, we should then experience one of the best starts to a League of Legends season yet.

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