
Sims 4: Post Review Daily Task

Anyone who has embarked on the career of the so-called Simfluencer in The Sims 4 has to do various daily tasks. So, among other things, you have to post a review and then the question arises, how does that work? Can you just post a review somewhere on the computer or do you have to do something else beforehand for the menu item to appear under the options?

The Sims 4: Post Review

In order to be able to give and post a review, you first have to test a “lifestyle” product. In the game there are various “lifestyle” products that you can evaluate as a Simfluencer and these include, for example, a simple chessboard or a painting stand. If you can leave a rating for a product, the “Rate lifestyle” option will be displayed in the selection options. After the Sim has rated the lifestyle product on the computer, they now have to post the rating on the virtual social networks in the game. The rating or review file can be found in the personal inventory. Finally, you have to click on the review file in the inventory and then “Upload lifestyle review”. A short time later, the influencer daily task with “Post a review” should then be shown as completed.

The Simfluencer from the high school year expansion also has other daily tasks where you don’t immediately know what to do. This includes, for example, the daily task “Conduct cross-promotion at the location”. In the linked article we have already created a short guide on how to carry out such a cross-promotion at one location.