
Elden Ring Patches Killed: Revive NPC?

Anyone who has already spent an hour or two in the world of the new Elden Ring will perhaps have already made the acquaintance of the NPC named Patches. Patches can be found in Murkyflow Cave in Limgrave. Once you have crossed the cave, there is a boss waiting at the end as usual and that is Patches. As soon as you tamper with the chest at the back of the cave, Patches appears and a fight ensues. You can kill him in the fight, but you shouldn’t, at least not if you want to complete the Patches questline later.


  • Patches accidentally killed: how to revive?
  • Hand over the sound pearl of patches to the dealer

Patches accidentally killed: how to revive?

As with other NPCs or traders, one or two players may have killed Patches in the heat of battle. Sooner or later the question arises, can this be reversed and patches revived? Unfortunately, Patches cannot be revived via absolution in the Church of the Promised. Once you’ve killed Patches, you won’t be able to complete your questline for the time being. Only as part of the New Game Plus are the killed NPCs revived like patches and you can then take care of your quest.

Hand over the sound pearl of patches to the dealer

Since Patches also serves as a trader after he has been spared, the question arises as to how you can buy the items from him once you have killed him and he has disappeared from the Murkyflow Cave. After you kill Patches you automatically get your sound pearl. You can give the sound pearl to the Maidensleeves in the Round Table and use it to buy the items offered by them from the Maidenhuses.

Is there now a way to revive the killed Patches (other than New Game Plus or creating a new save game?). If something has changed on the topic, we would be happy to receive a brief note in the comments.