
TikTok latest videos first: sort search by date

How can you join? Make TikTok show the latest videos first? Where can you find the filter function in the TikTok app that allows you to sort the search or the hashtags by date? If you search for a video or hashtags using the TikTok search, you don’t always see the new videos at the top, at least at the moment, but are sorted according to “relevance”. Some TikTok users may be wondering, how can you sort the TikTok search by date and always have the latest videos displayed at the top?

Sort TikTok search: show new videos first?

In the TikTok app you can currently only sort by “relevance” and “most likes”. But even if there is no proper sorting by date yet, you can display the latest videos using the “Publication date” filter.

  1. Launch the TikTok app and go to search and search for something.
  2. In the search result, click on the “Settings” or “Filter” symbol at the top right.
  3. Under “Publication Date” you can now select different options such as “Total”, “Yesterday”, “This Week”, “This Month”, “Last 3 Months” and “Last 6 Months”.

It will probably only be a matter of time before you can select the date under “Sort by” on TikTok and have the search or videos sorted chronologically. Until then, you have to use the “Publication Date” filter if you want to see the latest TikTok videos.

If something has changed on the topic in the meantime and you can now sort by date on TikTok, then we would be happy to receive a brief note in the comments section under this post. Tip: You can view your own likes on TikTok and see a list of the liked videos.

By Jack Bryant

dynamic individual with a diverse range of passions and expertise. From his early days as a machinist and USAF aircraft mechanic to his thrilling adventures as a race car driver, Jack has always had a knack for pushing boundaries. With a BS in Business, he combined his love for motorcycles and storytelling, becoming a motorcycle folklorist and futurist, uncovering the rich tales of the open road. Today, Jack thrives as a senior software engineer, applying his analytical mindset and problem-solving skills to create innovative solutions. With an unwavering drive for excellence, he continues to embrace new challenges and shape the technological landscape.