
Activate Starfield aim assist? Turn on auto-aim on the console?

Is there actually aim assist in Starfield? Where can you find the setting for “Auto-Aim” or more precisely “Aim-Assist” in Starfield on the PC or Xbox? This is a question that one or two buyers of the new space RPG from Bethesda may have been thinking about in the last few days. The question of aim assistance primarily arises for players who want to play the space adventure with the controller. Depending on the level of difficulty chosen, the opponents can dish out a lot of damage and since many people probably also use aim assist in other single-player first-person shooters, you notice the lack of aim assist in Starfield quite quickly. Is it just a setting thing or is there no integrated aim assist in Starfield?

Where is the aim assist in Starfield? Enable auto-aim?

The short answer is, at least for the current version, no, there is currently no aim assist in Starfield and that applies to both the PC version (which you can of course also play with the controller) and the Xbox version. Unlike what we know from many other games, Bethesda has completely dispensed with aim assist in their new blockbuster. You can set numerous things such as the different sensitivities in the settings under “Control”, but you won’t be able to find a setting for aiming assistance.

If you have a problem with the level of difficulty due to the lack of aim assistance, you can change the difficulty of the opponents at any time. To do this, simply change the difficulty in the settings under “Gameplay”. The choices are “Very Easy”, “Easy”, “Normal”, “Hard” and “Very Hard”.

If there is an update in the coming weeks that integrates aim assistance into Starfield, we will add the information here.

By Fred Richardson

a computer enthusiast with an insatiable appetite for problem-solving. After graduating with a degree in Computer Science in 2010, he embarked on a lifelong journey of exploring the intricacies of technology. For the past 25 years, Fred has dedicated himself to building custom PCs, mastering the art of hardware and software integration. With a deep-rooted belief in the power of coding, he has sought to unravel the complexities of life's challenges through lines of programming. From the early days of DOS 3.3 to the present, Fred has been a steadfast support for users, utilizing his knowledge to assist and guide others in navigating the ever-changing world of technology.