
Cheats Brawlhalla PS4

Brawlhalla PS4 Cheats

If you have a PS4 account and a copy of Brawlhalla, good luck! In this tutorial, we will tell you how to get the most out of the gaming experience through these tricks that we will show you. Take note!

How to use the cheats

To use these cheats, you must first enable them. In ps4, use the share button on the screen of the title screen to open the cheat interface. There you will see the list of cheats. Activate the cheats you want to enable with the circular buttons. The icon at the bottom of the screen will show the status of the cheats (enabled or disabled).

cheats available

Here is a list of the cheats that you can use in Brawlhalla for PS4:

  • Increase the size of all characters
  • Decrease the size of all characters
  • Restart the game after each fight
  • Increase the maximum number of lives
  • Endless life
  • Invulnerability
  • Invincibility for the Blue team
  • unlimited skills

Each cheat brings a significant advantage to the game and it’s fun to try all of them! Try combining them to experiment and discover interesting results.

Cheat Usage Example

A popular Brawlhalla cheat is infinite life. Enable this if you want to experiment with new strategies, as there is no risk of losing. Experiment with different combos, tactics and tricks to get the best result. Here are some examples to help you get started:

  • Use the ZX key combination to unleash your strongest ability.
  • Use the up directional button to jump from great heights and avoid the attacks.
  • Use the circle button to use the teleport ability to get out of sticky situations.
  • Use the space bar to land or increase the spin of your jumps.
  • And don’t forget to enable the infinite life option so you can practice as much as you want without worrying about losing!

    Tips and Precautions

    Like all cheats, disable cheats when you’re done playing. This is because Brawlhalla cheats can influence other people’s gameplay if you don’t disable them. If you forget to disable cheats when connected to the network, this can cause problems with other players.

    Thanks to these Brawlhalla PS4 cheats, the hours of fun you can have are practically endless. Just use these cheats responsibly to ensure no one is offended by their use.


    Brawlhalla Cheats for PS4

    Brawlhalla is a fun and challenging fighting game for console. If you want to be the best, read on to discover some Brawlhalla cheats for PS4.

    general tricks

    • unlock all characters: Use the AllUnlocks cheat command. This will unlock all of the characters, abilities, levels, and saved secrets.
    • god mode: Use the GodMode command to activate invincible mode. This will allow you the blows of all the characters.
    • Start game with 0% damage: Use the StartDamage 0 command to start the player with 0%. This gives the player a definite advantage.

    extra tricks

    • Change character size: Use the BecomeGiant command to make your character bigger than normal. This will increase the character’s attack power and stamina.
    • destroy all buildings: Use the DestroyBuildings command to destroy all buildings on the stage. This will take away from the opponent a strategic advantage.
    • Accelerated game speed: Use the FastForward command to speed up the game. This will increase the speed of the characters while fighting.

    We hope these cheats help you be the best in Brawlhalla for PS4. If you apply it correctly, you should be able to beat your opponents without much effort. Enjoy the game!

    Brawlhalla Cheats for PS4

    Brawlhalla is a two-dimensional fighting game for PlayStation 4 and other platforms. This fun adventure allows you to join other players online to battle with up to eight players at once. Below are some Brawlhalla cheats for PS4.

    cheat codes

    Cheat codes are entered during gameplay on the cheat screen. If not entered correctly, the codes will not activate:

    • LDBXH: Unlock all weapons.
    • BFYBM: Unlock all characters.
    • ZRYWC: Add 1000 gems to your account.
    • VHDZP: Add all items to your inventory.
    • JHVLT: Unlock all skins.

    game cheats

    There are some tricks that you can use during the game to help you win. These tricks require skill, but if used correctly, the results can be very satisfying.

    • Corridor Guards: When you are running with one of your weapons, you can perform guards with the directional stick to avoid your opponent’s attacks.
    • Trampoline Trick: This trick allows you to jump higher and faster, which can help you evade your opponent’s attacks. To use this cheat, you press the jump button 2 times and then the attack button while in the air. This will make you travel much higher and faster.
    • Reload trick: With this trick you can reload your weapons faster. To do so, press the reload button before throwing the weapon. This will make your weapon reload much faster.

    With these Brawlhalla cheats on PS4, you will be ready to improve your skills and have fun fighting against other players online. Keep practicing and have fun!

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    By Ivan Rivera

    multifaceted individual driven by a thirst for knowledge and creative expression. Armed with an A.A. in Computer Science & Movie Production from Pasadena City College, Ivan is an aspiring author, pouring his imagination onto the pages of captivating stories. With a background as a retired scientist and chartered engineer, his passion for exploration and innovation knows no bounds. In a previous chapter of his life, Ivan served as a marine engineer on superyachts, navigating the seas and embracing the adventure that comes with it. Today, he continues to embark on a new journey, weaving tales that captivate the hearts and minds of readers worldwide.